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User / David Swindler (ActionPhotoTours.com)
David Swindler / 4,225 items

N 120 B 1.9K C 12 E Jan 1, 2023 F Jul 19, 2024
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Video footage from our Greenland workshop last year. Join us in July 2025!


Tags:   Action Photo Tours wildlife whale whales Greenland

N 112 B 2.1K C 12 E Jan 1, 2023 F Jul 18, 2024
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Video footage from our Greenland workshop last year. Join us in July 2025!


Tags:   Action Photo Tours Greenland video

N 221 B 2.6K C 12 E Jul 13, 2024 F Jul 13, 2024
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Alaska's beauty is so mesmerizing that the bears pause from their feasting to take in the breathtaking scenery.

Tags:   Brown bear Grizzly Alaska

N 270 B 2.7K C 18 E Jan 1, 2024 F Jul 12, 2024
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Hello from Alaska—the last frontier!
There are few wildlife experiences more intimate than seeing the coastal brown bears in Alaska. One of the biggest differentiator between Alaska bears and other wildlife safaris is the observer is on foot at the eye level rather than in a vehicle. I'm super excited to see my bear friends again this week.

Tags:   Alaska wildlife Action Photo Tours bear Brown Bear Brown Bears mountains snow sleeping lazy

N 278 B 3.0K C 16 E Jul 9, 2024 F Jul 9, 2024
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At the core of who we are at APT is our love for exploration. It drives us to continue to bring new experiences to all of you to showcase the beauty of the wild. We have a ton of exciting new adventures planned for 2025. This may just be one of them!

Tags:   River bed channels veins tree life aerial drone erosiion
