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User / images@twiston
images@twiston / 960 items

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The Duirinish Stone - Looking towards MacLeod's Tables, the Duirinish Stone stands overlooking Loch Dunvegan.

Isle of Skye, Scottish Inner Hebrides

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Tags:   Duirinish stone standing St Mary's Kirk loch Dunvegan Kilmuir moody nature MacLeod MacLeod's tables Hebridean islands clouds Skye Isle of Skye Inner Hebrides Scotland Highlands Scottish mountain sunlight United Kingdom Great Britain landscape images@twiston countryside NiSi nisifilters GND neutral density grad

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The Duke in gold - Dawn on Ullswater with the Duke of Portland boathouse richly painted in gold, ignited and radiant under the sun's first rays shining across the still lake.

Lake District, Cumbria

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Tags:   golden duke gold dawn light Ullswater Duke of Portland boathouse jetty shore Pooley Bridge lake Cumbria Lake District Lakeland National Park first still water reflection reflections morning sunrise calm serene golden hour United Kingdom Great Britain landscape images@twiston countryside UNESCO World Heritage Site NiSi nisifilters GND neutral density grad

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Skyefall - Looking across the Trotternish Ridge and into the Quiraing with the early morning shifting light catching the slopes of this epic landslip.

Isle of Skye, Scottish Inner Hebrides

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Tags:   dawn moody atmospheric sunrise light sunlight clouds Quiraing Skye Cuith-Raing Isle of Skye Inner Hebrides Scotland Cnoc a'Mheirlich Meall na Suiramach The Prison Trotternish Ridge Staffin Uig landslip shifting light the land that time forgot Highlands Scottish mountain United Kingdom Great Britain landscape images@twiston countryside NiSi nisifilters GND neutral density grad

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Fire in the fells - A wonderfully calm and serene dawn sees the Langdale Pikes lit up as though they are on fire, perfectly reflected in Blea Tarn.

The intense sunrise light catches the Langdale Pikes beautifully and makes for a magnificent scene across the wonderfully still water of the tarn.

Lake District, Cumbria

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Tags:   Blea Tarn Langdales dawn light reflected reflections rocks red tarn lake Cumbria District National Park National Trust fell Cumbrian mountains mountain still water morning sunrise calm serene Great Langdale Little quiet reflection tranquillity nature United Kingdom Great Britain landscape images@twiston countryside UNESCO World Heritage Site NiSi nisifilters GND neutral density grad

N 155 B 2.5K C 32 E Jun 19, 2024 F Jul 1, 2024
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Narnia - A dreamlike view into another world with a meandering track wandering off in the distance.

720nm infrared

Forest of Bowland AONB, Lancashire

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Tags:   lane meandering twiston Ribble Valley trees Lancashire countryside United Kingdom Great Britain landscape images@twiston Forest of Bowland AONB bw mono black and white monochrome ir infra red infrared 720 720nm surreal nature
