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Henk Meijer Photography / 377 items

N 678 B 18.6K C 121 E Aug 11, 2023 F Aug 11, 2023
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Under a juniper-tree the bones sang, scattered and shining

We are glad to be scattered, we did little good to each other,

Under a tree in the cool of day, with the blessing of sand,

Forgetting themselves and each other, united

In the quiet of the desert.

T.S. Eliot


Tags:   Yorkshire Dales Conistone Wharfedale Upper Wharfedale UK limestone limestone pavement

N 1.5K B 115.5K C 261 E Mar 2, 2022 F Mar 26, 2023
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Landgericht Halle - welch prächtiges Gebäude.
Landgericht Halle - what a magnificent building.

My "explored" album is here:

My architecture album is here:

My 2019-2023 tours album is here:

My Canon EOS R / R5 / R6 album is here:

My miscellaneous album is here:

5 Aufnahmen (inkl. 1 "Bodenbild")
EOS R5 + TTArtisan 7,5mm FishEye @ f/4
PTGUI Pro 12.2 as panoramic image stitching software

Landgericht Halle


Das Gebäude des Landgerichtes wurde 1903 bis 1905 errichtet. Es handelt sich um eines der repräsentativsten Bauwerke der Stadt im typischen, historistischen Stil wilhelminischer Justizbauten. Architekten des vierflügeligen Gebäudes waren die preußischen Baubeamten Paul Thoemer im preußischen Ministerium der öffentlichen Arbeiten in Berlin und Karl Illert (1856–1907) in Halle.

Tags:   Architektur Deutschland Halle (Saale) Landgericht Halle Panorama Sachsen-Anhalt TTArtisan 7,5mm f2 Fisheye (Canon RF) Canon EOS R5 Jens Steyer Pano architecture Germany Saxony-Anhalt district Court Halle prächtig Gebäude building Justizpalast Palace of Justice PTGUI Slant magnificent wonderful outstanding explored in explore explore

N 1.6K B 31.7K C 190 E Dec 10, 2022 F Jan 7, 2023
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Hello Flickr friends & followers. This is a quick edit as i am in the middle of moving house & all the joy it entails; but wanted to give my best wishes for the New Year along a nature image from the rare snow we encountered in the South West the other week. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2023 and thanks to all who have wished me one. Normal interaction will resume as soon as the new internet is connected.. :)

Tags:   Emmie J Gee UK Landscape passion Exmoor Lone tree Winter Snow Snowy Wild Sony A7RM4 Sony FE 70-200 F4 GOSS Nature Sunset Dusk YBS23Nature

N 56 B 2.4K C 3 E Oct 3, 2022 F Oct 5, 2022
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On Monday afternoon I finally ticked another item off my bucket list... to drive along the Weltevrede road (from Prince Albert) and capture my own panorama of this scene.

I guess I got lucky. :)

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Chasing storm and light in the New Mexican badlands can be a dangerous entertainment, but with some interesting rewards if you do not get hit by a lightning bolt or return to the car soaked.

Image is under Copyright by Peter Boehringer.
Present image can be PURCHASED HERE.

Tags:   Badlands Bisti ah-shi-sle-pah de-na-zin wilderness Farmington New Mexico Four Corners fourcorners.photography Southwest Photo Adventures storm sand storm monsoon Hoodoos Peter Boehringer Photography YBSNature22
