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User / Zeb Andrews / 8 minutes closer to forever
Zeb Andrews / 4,690 items
Here I was standing in the middle of something pretty extraordinary. Yes, the sunset was beautiful, coming as it did after a hurried drive down the coast and patient pause getting drenched in a passing downpour. The light was so lovely as it pierced the stormy sky, skimmed across the Pacific's surface and flirted with the face of Neahkahnie. But then I started to think about it all. That light took a mere 8 minutes to reach me once it left the sun but it covered such a distance to do so... a mind boggling distance perhaps, or maybe just at mind boggling speeds. But there was more on my mind.

Ever hold a mirror up and catch the sun's reflection and watch it dance across the living room wall? Perhaps. But what about where the light goes after that for surely it is reflecting again, bouncing off and away, diminishing as it goes but some of it still persisting. Standing there at this mountainside watching this sunset was to be standing on that mirror's surface for this world is a big place but it is also just a small mirror perhaps. And this light hitting Neahkahnie is reflecting off it and continuing on, it's journey doesn't stop at the mountain, if it did we wouldn't be able to see it after all. And maybe that sunset light strikes the mountain, bounces away... some of it into my eyes but maybe some of it out and away from the planet to travel at lightspeed into the unfathomable depths of the universe. What it will later strike, when or where are unknown to me or any of us. If you think like that then you must also realize there is light striking you and bouncing away, changed by the characteristics of the person it reflected off. That light too is shooting away into the infinite just maybe. I don't know, but I like to think so.

Reality So Subtle 6x6 / Kodak Ektar 100
  • Views: 7380
  • Comments: 6
  • Favorites: 93
  • Taken: Jun 18, 2016
  • Uploaded: Aug 4, 2016
  • Updated: Sep 24, 2016