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User / WalrusTexas / Dragons All the Way Down
Ron Masters / 3,802 items
Jade Clubtail Dragonfly*, Arigomphus submedianus, on Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, both reflected in the clear, still water of the moat around the rookery at Long Point Ranch.

Not the biggest gator we saw that day I think, but the other was pretty far off. Saw 3 smaller ones in a caravan here, a couple of years ago. This might be one of those.

*I think. It was a good day for unfamiliar dragonflies.
  • Views: 725
  • Comments: 5
  • Favorites: 40
  • Taken: May 18, 2024
  • Uploaded: May 23, 2024
  • Updated: Jun 11, 2024