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User / CR Shaw
Chris Shaw / 2,066 items

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He didn't have a lot of friends that day, just sat there alone waiting for the storm to show up.

Tags:   #spacebetween Banana River Dragon Fly Nikon #thespacebetween Cape Canaveral Manatee Park Wildlife d-500 Florida

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I think the Magnolia's start to die the moment they bloom, I don't think they are open for more than a day or two. But they sure make the trees look good.

Tags:   grass d-500 Banana River Nikon #thespacebetween Magnolia Cape Canaveral Manatee Park Bloom #spacebetween Florida

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Sometimes as a society we shun those who are a little different, we call them odd and isolate them.

However, I ask you as I watched this lady worship and sing on the edge of the river, who is more true to themself? She danced so much that she slept the rest of the day out in the park.

Tags:   worship d-500 Banana River Nikon Black and White girls #thespacebetween Dance Cape Canaveral Manatee Park praise #spacebetween headphone Florida

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A storm had just passed overhead and we had a bunch of rain. From the look of the sky we were about to get another round of it. We made the decision to take the dog for a quick walk before he was stuck inside all night. I am glad I brought my camera.

Not very often that I don't crop a shot, it took everything I had to get all this in the image.

Just occurred to me. Last night the wife and I saw a Manatee in this exact spot, I wasn't fast enough to get an image.

Tags:   d-500 Banana River Nikon sunset sky #thespacebetween water Cape Canaveral Manatee Park #spacebetween silhouette Florida

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So much of our youth learn about history from watching Hollywood. Most of the time its wrong, Visit places like this where you can see where real pilots for WW2 trained. My understanding is that even Chuck Yeager himself trained here. (Not sure if that is true)

Tags:   abondon WW2 Black and White Air Force Base D500 History time Air Tower Blythe Nikon WWII Florida
