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User / glloydholmes / Sets
Lloyd Holmes / 41 items

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Wild Flowers
5 photos
During my working career in agriculture I never appreciated the beauty of wild flowers because of the efforts put forth to eradicate our croplands of these fertility robbing pests. Now that I have...

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Unlike mammals that are warm blooded, give live births, have 4 chambered hearts and produce milk - reptiles lay eggs to reproduce, have 3 chambered hearts, are cold blooded, continue growing...

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The fish ladder in the Ganaraska River installed at the Corbet Dam is very convenient for the inhabitants of south-central Ontario to view Rainbow Trout migrating to their spawning grounds in the...

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Moths, Butterflies, Dragonflies & Insects
24 photos

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Wherever we see numerous nectar-filled tubular flowers on our landscapes we can also find hummingbirds lapping up the nectar and pollinating the flowers as they go about their feeding routines.

The Corvids Family
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Jays, Crows, Ravens and Magpies are all members of the "Corvids Family". Some of the characteristics the members of this family share are being extremely social to the point they have been...

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Game Birds
9 photos
Each species in this album is basically a ground dweller and ground feeder that is hunted for sport and/or food. Some of the characteristics of these ground dwellers is feathered nostrils, short,...

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MACKfest is a home for the Marmora Area Canoe and Kayak festival held in Marmora annually on a weekend in April pending water levels are sufficient to support the event. In 2022 it was held on April...

Sandhill Cranes
5 photos

Rails & Gallinules & Coots
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These 2 families each have rounded short wings, short tails and long toes. They tend to be very secretive and solitary and possess tough forehead feathers that withstand the punishing wear and tear...

Cardinals & Allies
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This family includes woodpeckers, sapsuckers and flickers. Nearly all the species dwell in forests and woodland habitats. The bulk of the activity we see from them involves foraging for insects or...

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All 3 of the species of swans we have in North America are pure white. We pretty much rely on the colours of their bills or bill markings to differentiate the Trumpeter, Tundra and Mute Swans. They...

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All Mergansers are a species of "Diving Duck" with the most noticeable difference from ducks being their elongated bodies, their long, thin, serrated bills and their pointed wings. We have...

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We have 6 species of geese that inhabit Canada and it is possible to see up to 3 more during their migration flight. All species tend to travel and forage in flocks and feed heavily on grasses and...

Gulls & Terns
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The two things we tend to associate with gulls is their incessant squawking calls and the visions we have of them flooding areas with their presence, whether it be following a tractor working up a...

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Swallows are our most graceful songbirds. We have a great appreciation for them because they so readily accept people therefore are easy to find and watch them executing their superb aerial skills in...

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Nuthatches are cute, energetic tree dwellers that feed around the trunks and branches and will nest in small holes left by woodpeckers or small crevices created by nature. They scamper up, down and...

14 photos
There are many species of Sparrows in North America that are commonly seen but several can be difficult to identify due to they look so similar in appearance and also because of their tendency to be...

35 photos
All birds of prey fall under the generic term "raptor". This includes hawks, eagles, owls, kites and falcons. A Raptor is any bird that hunts and feeds on vertebrates. All species of this...

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This album will show a number of species that are members of the class of "Dabbling Ducks" which are surface feeders also called "Puddle Ducks" and several species belonging to...

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Finches are one of our most colourful species of songbirds and we can admire them all year long since they are only moderate migrators. They possess a very definitive stout and conical shaped bill...

Belted Kingfisher
5 photos
It is surprising with nearly 100 species of kingfishers worldwide that the Belted Kingfisher is the only species inhabiting Canada. Once one has heard the dry rattling call of a boisterous...

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Of the five species of loons in North America the one we are familiar with is the Common Loon. Loons are aquatic birds that also inhabit northern Eurasia as well as North America and in the United...

Whitetail Deer
20 photos
The whitetail Deer is the most common and widely distributed deer in both the United States and Canada. Their colouring ranges from a brownish-gray in fall and winter to a reddish-brown in spring and...

Warblers and Vireos
41 photos
The spring migration of the singing warblers and vireos is one of our first indicators that the warm weather we look forward to after a long cold winter season is on its way. Normally the peak of the...

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Kinglets are the smallest members of the passerine family and in North America we have only 2 different species. Both species show an abundance of energy and both have colourful head markings with...

Red Fox
13 photos
The Red Fox feels at home in many diverse habitats including clearings in forested areas and bushlands, suburban communities, brushy fields and even wetlands. A wide range of habitats will provide...

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These Raptors spend much of their time perched on tree branches, rocky ledges, cables, fence posts and bare ledges for species that are notorious for their speed and agility while in flight. Each of...

21 photos
Herons are a family of wading birds having long necks, long legs and long bills for hunting in shallow waters for their food. The breeding season is the opportune time to see them displaying their...

50 photos
This category is made up of numerous species that feed on insects, mollusks, crustaceans, worms and occasionally small fish and tadpoles. A number of them employ a run-and-stop foraging technique...