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User / Jeluba
Jean-Luc Baron / 7,380 items

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Guango Lodge, Ecuador, December 2011

Tags:   oiseau bird aves nature wildlife birdwatching square carré Ecuador neotropical Chestnut-breasted Coronet Boissonneaua matthewsii Colibri de Matthews Rotbauchkolibri Flickrs Finest Images_1 Flickrs Finest Images_2 Flickrs Finest Images_3 NGC TheGALAXY OnlyTheBestOfNature NPC Sunrays+5 ALittleBeauty Fantastic Nature SimplySuperb Top20Greenish Henny's Animals bewiahn natureza ornithology Jeluba Jean-Luc Baron Equateur Sunday Lights

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Guango Lodge, Ecuador, December 2011

Tags:   Colibri porte-épée Schwertschnabelkolibri oiseau bird aves nature wildlife birdwatching square carré Ecuador neotropical Sword-billed Hummingbird Ensifera ensifera ornithology Jeluba Jean-Luc Baron Equateur

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Tandayapa Lodge, Ecuador, December 2011

Tags:   Ariane à ventre gris Braunschwanzamazilie oiseau bird aves nature wildlife birdwatching Canon bokeh Ecuador neotropical Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amizilia tzacatl Amazilia tzacatl ornithology in flight Jeluba Jean-Luc Baron Equateur

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Sachatmia Lodge, Ecuador, November 2011

Tags:   Langschwanzsylphe oiseau bird aves nature wildlife birdwatching vertical Canon bokeh Ecuador neotropical Violet-tailed Sylph Aglaiocercus coelestis Sylphe à queue violette ornithology Jeluba Jean-Luc Baron Equateur

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Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador, November 2011

Tags:   Maskenhakenschnabel oiseau bird aves nature wildlife birdwatching neotropical Canon Masked Flowerpiercer Percefleur masqué Diglossa cyanea Diglossopis cyanea All of Natures Wildlife Level_1 All of Natures Wildlife Level_2 All of Natures Wildlife Level_3 All of Natures Wildlife Level_4 All of Natures Wildlife Level_5 All of Natures Wildlife Level_6 All of Natures Wildlife Level_7 All of Natures Wildlife Level_8 Ecuador All of Natures Wildlife Level_9 All of Natures Wildlife Level_10 ornithology Jeluba Jean-Luc Baron Equateur
