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User / David Swindler (ActionPhotoTours.com) / Leading Fins
David Swindler / 4,246 items
I have been exploring the Desert Southwest for more than two decade now. And yet, there is still so much to be discovered around every turn! A small group of us just finished up The Wave and Beyond yesterday. I was super excited to show the group the must-see classic locations, some of my favorite off-the-beaten path spots, and even a couple of brand new finds!
Experience. Explore. Expand. is not only our motto at APT but it's the very core of who we are!
  • Views: 4652
  • Comments: 12
  • Favorites: 310
  • Taken: Jan 1, 2024
  • Uploaded: Mar 24, 2024
  • Updated: Apr 2, 2024