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User / annkelliott / The lace curtains
Anne Elliott / 24,713 items
Yesterday's drive, 15 August 2022, took me way SE of Calgary. I had one main destination in mind (an old ghost town that I had visited before) and one special hope along the way (a Common Nighthawk??). Will have to add descriptions, etc. another time, as our heat wave continues and I have no choice but to again spend a few hours in my car's air-conditioning tomorrow. Need to get a few things ready tonight.

It was a long day of driving - 462 km in total. Hot, up to 32C, but I was able to get a nice breeze by opening both front side windows. Most of my driving was on main roads, because I had to get back home before the light started fading, One of my absolute favourite gravel roads was involved, though, but there was little bird activity. I only found one Western Meadowlark in the whole day, so I knew that the month spent mainly at home with a really bad tooth infection/root canal meant that I was now too late for most things. Spotting two Common Nighthawks really helped, though. Also, a few hawks and lots of Horned Larks.

The old ghost town was so enjoyable. Despite its very small size, it is an interesting place with a sprinkling of old structures and a beautiful old church. It is all well-cared for. Unfortunately, I was just too late to see the garden flowers at their best. The local people who take care of things do a really good job.

One thing that there was no shortage of was grasshoppers! I had read about how many there were at the moment. They were bouncing off my windshield along a couple of the back roads. My poor white car is now filthy brown with road dust at the back end, and the front end is one mass of insect splats!
  • Views: 455
  • Comments: 1
  • Favorites: 3
  • Taken: Aug 15, 2022
  • Uploaded: Aug 16, 2022
  • Updated: Aug 19, 2022