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User / sumitnandy.70
Sumit Nandy / 2 items

N 64 B 2.4K C 15 E Sep 5, 2019 F Sep 5, 2019
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Watching a pair of burrowing owl this summer was a pure bliss and was fortunate to witness them growing a family with 6 owlets. Here is a capture of the mom with a stunning rainbow which appeared on the horizon in one of the evenings during my visit.

Tags:   wildlife burrowing_owls

N 870 B 40.2K C 88 E Sep 4, 2019 F Sep 4, 2019
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With the Elk Rut approaching soon in the Rocky Mountains, a young Bull Elk is practicing the stunts of the fight.

Tags:   Bull_elk Elk_rut wildlife elk antlers
