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User / g.efthymiadis
Georgios Efthymiadis / 1,181 items

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With 6 Genera and 20 species, it is found in all continents except Antarctica.
Characteristic of these birds are the long neck, the long legs and the large, often elongated beak.
All storks are carnivores, but their diet varies depending on the species.
The most famous stork in Europe is the white Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

Mit sechs Gattungen und 20 Arten in allen Kontinenten außer Antarktika verbreitet.
Charakteristisch für diese Vögel sind der lange Hals, die langen Beine und der große, oft langgestreckte Schnabel.
Alle Störche sind Fleischfresser, die Ernährung variiert aber je nach Art.
Der in Europa bekannteste Storch ist der Weißstorch (Ciconia ciconia)

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Tags:   Vögel Bird Look Blick Natur Nature Weißstorch Stork Grün Green Grass Poaceae

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Field Mouse on tour…
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Tags:   Grün Green Kraut Herb Tiere Animals Klein Small Adorable Niedlich Natur Nature Grass Poaceae Maus Mouse

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Möhne Dam / Möhnesee
The central structure of the Möhnesee is the dam wall, which was built between 1908 and 1913.
The dam has a capacity of around 134.5 million m³ of water and is used to raise the low water level.
On the night of 16/17 May 1943, British Bomber Command carried out "Operation Chastise" against five dams in the Sauerland and Waldecker Land.
The 40 m high and 650 m long dam Wall of the Möhne dam, built between 1908 and 1913, was destroyed.
The tidal wave, which poured over the Möhne far into the Ruhr valley, killed almost 1600 people.
The reconstruction was completed on 3 October 1943.

Möhnetalsperre / Möhnesee
Zentrales Bauwerk des Möhnesees ist die von 1908 bis 1913 errichtete Staumauer.
Die Talsperre besitzt ein Fassungsvermögen von rund 134,5 Millionen m³ Wasser und dient zur Aufhöhung des Niedrigwassers.
In der Nacht des 16./17.05.1943 führte das britische Bomber Command die "Operation Chastise" gegen fünf Talsperren im Sauerland und im Waldecker Land durch. Dabei wurde die von 1908 bis 1913 erbaute, 40 m hohe und 650 m lange Staumauer der Möhne-Talsperre zerstört.
Durch die Flutwelle, die sich über die Möhne bis weit ins Ruhrtal ergoss, kamen fast 1600 Menschen ums Leben.
Der Wiederaufbau konnte schon am 3. Oktober 1943 abgeschlossen werden.

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Tags:   Möhnetalsperre Dam NRW Wolken Clouds Drama Dramatik Sonnenaufgang Sunrise Blau Blue Focus Farben Colors Stimmung Mood Natur Nature Wasser Water

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The Rosy-billed pochard (Netta peposaca) alternatively named rosybill or rosybill pochard, is a member of family Anatidae.
Though classified as a diving duck, this pochard feeds more like a dabbling duck feeding on seeds roots, sedges, aquatic plants and other grasses.
Netta is Ancient Greek for "Duck" and peposaca is a transcription of the Guaraní name of this species which means "showy wings", referring to the broad white stripe that is only visible with stretched out wings.
Male characteristic features include a bright red bill with a rounded knob at the base.
The rosy-billed pochard is endemic to South America. It is found in Argentina, central Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil.
The population in southern Argentina migrates northward during the austral winter, reaching Brazil and southern Bolivia. It is a vagrant to the Falkland Islands.

*Artistic Photo execution edited in Black and White, also the beak is Pink-red.

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Tags:   Ente Duck Porträts Portraits Adorable Niedlich Look Blick Schwarzweiß B&W Rot Red Grau Grey Wasser Water Selektiv-Farbe Selective-Color

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Woodpecker (Dendrocopos Major)
(Dendrocopos major, Syn.. Picoides major)
Order: Woodpecker Birds (Piciformes)
Family: Woodpeckers (Picidae)
Subfamily: Real Woodpeckers (Picinae)
Genus: Great Spotted Woodpeckers (Dendrocopos)

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Tags:   Klein Small Adorable Niedlich Look Blick Farben Colors Natur Nature Art Essence Vögel Bird Woodpecker
