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visithra manikam / 95 items

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Tags:   malaysia travel kuala lumpur

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Tags:   malaysia travel kuala lumpur visithra 2009

N 1 B 151 C 5 E Dec 9, 2007 F Dec 27, 2007
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Tags:   Malaysia Penang travel leith street cathay hotel morning sun amazing place visithra

N 9 B 16.5K C 5 E Dec 22, 2007 F Dec 25, 2007
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They say weddings are made in heaven.

Unfortunately the preparations aren’t.

Everytime a wedding takes place, either the bride or the groom would be at the end of their nerves making sure everything is perfect and frowning at every little detail that isn’t right. Somehow to me they’re forgetting the most important thing in a marriage – the union of 2 souls which often takes a back seat to this obsession with minute details. Well I just got back from a wedding where even the rain couldn’t put a frown on their faces.

6 months ago I had promised to attend a friends wedding. And so despite waking up with a horrible headache and flu, I got ready to attend a garden wedding at a private property in Kuala Kubu Baru. Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB) is the border town of Selangor that is the nearest town to Frasier Hills which is in Pahang. 1500m above sea levels, Frasier Hills used to be the summer retreat for the British during their heydays. Today the colonial houses are tourist attractions in its own quaint way.

We left KL at about 2.30pm. I made a mental note to purchase the best palkova (Indian milk sweets) in Rawang as we passed the old town. Minutes later we got caught in a traffic jam in Serendah which turned out to be another weird police block. Most of the guests arriving for the wedding turned up late coz of the block. Sigh

Oooh do you know where busses go to die? Well there’s a place between Serendah and Batang Kali. We were so tempted to stop and take photos but decided to move on as the block had caused us to lose time. I still had to get ready for the wedding!

My friends fiancé had designed the landscape of the property and the lovely owners had allowed him to hold his wedding there. Off the main road, we had to drive into a jungled area to reach it. We were definitely surprised to see a house in the middle of nowhere. Even more gobsmacking was the house faced this beautiful lake with mountains as backdrop surrounded by lotus flowers and a river on one side. Words cannot describe how beautiful the place was.

As we had arrived early we went around the place photographing the area. Suddenly it started raining and the guests crowded into the house with our fingers crossed that it will stop before the ceremony. The whole wedding and details was organized by the couple and their friends. Only the music equipment, tents were rented while the food was catered. The bride even applied her own makeup!

5 of us had turned up to shoot the wedding with one of our friends being the main photographer while the rest of us tried to capture every other moment from different angles. You will never guess how the bride made her entrance. When I saw the idea I was absolutely stunned.

The rain stopped in time for the ceremony adding a glint of freshness to the green surroundings. Someone please kill me for wearing a long skirt and carrying a bag I couldn’t string across my shoulders while trying to shoot the wedding.

The guests took their place and everyone stood stunned as the bride made her grand entrance – in a boat from the other side of the lake. She looked just amazingly beautiful as her beaming fiancé stood entranced watching the boat glide down the lake. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the crowd.

I’m sure everyone said a silent prayer as it began to drizzle lightly again. Thankfully it stopped after a while.

The ceremony began with songs that were sung with such devotion it was hard not to be moved. As the pastor began the vows, the groom stood transfixed looking at his bride forgetting he had to repeat his lines.

I take this woman…..

Pastor : you’re supposed to repeat after me
groom : oh …. Ok

lol yes the wedding was filled with laughter, love and joy.

The crowd cheered when they finally said their I do’s and exchanged their rings.

The couple planted a hibiscus sapling to mark their wedding by the lake. 10 minutes later as we were downloading the images, the skies burst into tears and drenched the wedding grounds. While the guests were safely under the tents, unfortunately the music equipment were drenched in the rain.

By the time we got out of the house the rain had fully drenched the place and it was all muddy everywhere. I should have taken the que from the bride and donned my designer duds! Here’s the thing throughout the wedding, the bride never wore shoes! Oh yes she was walking through the ceremony barefooted in her wedding gown!

The couple even danced to their own music which the groom was whispering to the bride as they had no system to play music on. Everyone who came definetly had a good time!

The wedding cake was amazingly delicious by the way. As the guests started clearing, we heared the sounds of engines struggling in the mud. Unfortunately the rain had done some damage as the temporary parking lot was made of soil rather than gravel and most of the cars were having a tough time getting out. And so began the cheering and the pushing as each guest tried to get their car out.

This was a wedding no one was ever gonna forget! We managed to get our car out and made our way to KKB to spend the night before heading up to Frasier hills the next morning.

As the groom later tells us, there’s nothing he’d change about the wedding – even the rain. Congrats to both of them.

See my photos on black www.fluidr.com/photos/visithra

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Tags:   Malaysia kuala kubu baru kkb flickrmeet wedding eddie and jen botha garden wedding beautiful stunning wonderful joyous love congratulations visithra kalyanam weddings marriage hindu indian photography photographer malaysian dinner ceremony v-eyez imagery

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- this is a natural lighting shot n the shadows are all real - contrast has been increased thats all - no burning or anything.

Most of my shots r basically adjustments of contrast colours - nothing is added,

Tags:   malaysian travel kuala lumpur light extra ordinary lighting sun was super tin truck 2009
