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Ben The Man / 157 items

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Four Baka pygmies on 9 feets? Please count the feets.....

Photo taken July 1986 in south of Cameroun in the Réserve du Dja. The women is holding an albino child. The Baka Pygmee still live deep in the jungle of Cameroun, Sierra Leone and Congo, The rainforest is their living room.
The Baka, also known as Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya, or Babinga, are anethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon, northern Congo (Brazzaville), northern Gabon, and southwestern Central African Republic. Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other area peoples who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies (the term is no longer considered respectful). The Baka's exact numbers are difficult to determine, but estimates range from 5,000 to 28,000 individuals. Unlike most other Central African pygmy groups, the Baka maintain a unique language, also called Baka.

De Pygmeeën zijn een volk dat verspreid over het westen en midden van Afrika, van Sierra Leone en Kameroen tot in de Congo leeft. Van de Baka's leven er waarschijnlijk nog tussen de 5,000 en 28,000. Het woord "pygmee" is afgeleid van het Griekse "pygmaios", "zo groot als een vuist". De oudste vermeldingen van Pygmeeën komen voor bij de Egyptenaren rond 2500 v.Chr. Ze waren er bekend om hun dansen.

Photo taken in Cameroun - July 1986 - Minolta X-700 SLR camera

Tags:   Baka's Cameroun Kameroen Pygmees Pygmeeën South Cameroun Lomié Bakka's in Serré Baka Pygmee Rain Forest Central Africa Pygmee groups Réserve du Dja Greenpeace Forest ImpressedBeauty BlueRibbonWinner Holidays-Vacanze-Urlaub Nature National Geographic iBeauty coolest top-f25 cameroon The Perfect Photographer 25+faves FlickrsBest +35Faves ONE PHOTO-Weekly Contest 50+faves top-f50 littlestories picswithsoul 100+Faves top-f100 Tell me a story... TMS

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I remember after this photo they jump and dance around cause they were so happy their photo was taken by some strange white boy with strange hair (me). These children live in a little village Lomié in the south of Cameroun next to Réserve du Dja.

Photo taken in Cameroun - July 1986 - Minolta X-700 SLR camera

Tags:   Cameroun Kameroen Lomié Children Africa ABigFave SuperShot BlueRibbonWinner AnAwesomeShot 10+faves top20people 100+Faves top-f100 children.best.photos

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Buddhism in Thailand is largely of the Theravada school. Nearly 95% of Thailand's population is Buddhist of the Theravada school, though Buddhism in this country has become integrated with folk beliefs such as ancestor worship. Thai Buddhism was based on the religious movement founded in the sixth century B.C. by Siddhartha , later known as the Buddha, who urged the world to relinquish the extremes of sensuality and self-mortification and follow the enlightened Middle Way...... The focus of this religion is on man, not gods; the assumption is that life is pain or suffering, which is a consequence of craving, and that suffering can end only if desire ceases. The end of suffering is the achievement of nirvana often defined as the absence of craving and therefore of suffering, sometimes as enlightenment.
Like in most other Theravada nations, Buddhism in Thailand is represented primarily by the presence of Buddhist monks, who serve as officiants on ceremonial occasions, as well as being responsible for preserving and conveying the teachings of the Buddha.

Actually not a portrait but just a fast zoom captured from taxi of a Buddhist Monk sitting at the bus stop of Trat. A little PS processing did the other job ;-).

Het overgrote deel van de Thaise bevolking, zo’n 90% à 95% is boeddhist. Men hangt het zogenaamde Teravada-boeddhisme. In het Theravada wordt meditatie benadrukt als een essentieel onderdeel van het pad naar verlichting, samen met moreel gedrag en wijsheid. Het brengen van een einde aan het lijden is het hoofddoel van het Theravada boeddhisme. De Boeddha legde verder een zeer gedetailleerde gedragscode voor de Monniken neer: de Vinaya. Over het algemeen worden monniken door de Boeddha aangemoedigd om wereldse aangelegenheden en passies achter zich te laten, zodat zij gemakkelijker in staat zijn een staat van vrede en wijsheid te bereiken, en sterke ongezonde emoties zoals haat, verlangen en lust te overwinnen. Een Monnik zoals hierboven in z'n oranje gewaad, kaalgeschoren en met sandalen aan de voeten is niet meer weg te denken uit het straatbeeld van Thailand.
Er wordt van iedere jongeman verwacht, dat zij een poosje (van een week tot enkele maanden) als monnik leven. Zo tussen hun schooltijd en hun werkende leven in. Het wordt beschouwd als een overgangsrite en zij verwerven op die wijze aanzien voor zichzelf en hun familie.

Tags:   Trat Buddhist Monk Amazing Thailand Buddhism in Thailand Theravada school Religious movement Siddhartha Nirvana Life is suffering The search for Enlightenment Ending suffering teachings of the Buddha Suffering can end religion is on man not God Life is pain Waiting at a bus stop 95% of Thailand's population is Buddhist Deep thoughts relinquish the extremes of sensuality serve as officiants Religion Buddha Buddhism Monk Powerful expression AnAwesomeShot platinumphoto TheUnforgettablePictures SuperShot FlickrElite +35Faves APlusPhoto +75Faves 50+Faves top-f50 Artistic Expression infinestyle mywinners

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Steve Bloom is the number one animal photographer of the world. Till the end of July there is an exhibition 'Spirit of the Wild' at the Westermarkt in Amsterdam. Hundred huge photographs of animals photographed in the wild, by the zuid-Afrikaan Steve Bloom. Please visit his amazing slideshow at his website: www.stevebloom.com/pages/projects.html

Steve Bloom is de dierenfotograaf nummer één in de wereld. Van vrijdag 11 mei tot eind juli is op de Amsterdamse Westermarkt de openluchttentoonstelling Spirit of the Wild te zien. Honderd levensgrote foto's van dieren in het wild, gefotografeerd door de Zuid-Afrikaan Steve Bloom. Please visit his amazing slideshow at his website: www.stevebloom.com/pages/projects.html

Westermarkt @ Amsterdam.

Tags:   Steve Bloom Westermarkt Amsterdam Photographer Animal Exhibition Spirit of the Wild Monkey StreetPhoto SuperShot WowieKazowie SuperbMasterpiece Jordaan coolest top-f25 25+faves 50+Faves top-f50

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Steve Bloom is the number one animal photographer of the world. Till the end of July there is an exhibition 'Spirit of the Wild' at the Westermarkt in Amsterdam. Hundred huge photographs of animals photographed in the wild, by the zuid-Afrikaan Steve Bloom. Please visit his amazing slideshow at his website: www.stevebloom.com/pages/projects.html

Steve Bloom is de dierenfotograaf nummer één in de wereld. Van vrijdag 11 mei tot eind juli is op de Amsterdamse Westermarkt de openluchttentoonstelling Spirit of the Wild te zien. Honderd levensgrote foto's van dieren in het wild, gefotografeerd door de Zuid-Afrikaan Steve Bloom. Please visit his amazing slideshow at his website: www.stevebloom.com/pages/projects.html

Westermarkt @ Amsterdam.

Tags:   Steve Bloom Dierenfotograaf Westerkerk Amsterdam Animals wild exhibition photographer Jordaan Spirit of the Wild AnAwesomeShot WowieKazowie
