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User / testpatern / Sets
April / 23 items

113 photos
Melbourne and beyond

25 photos

Europe - England
127 photos
The Happiest Place on Earth

Europe - France
62 photos
Images of Paris and beyond

Europe - Hungary
23 photos

Europe - Switzerland
29 photos

NZ - Banks Peninsula + Lyttelton
52 photos
Canterbury, South Island

NZ - Christchurch
701 photos
Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa. I live here, so this is a very large set -- !!

NZ - North Island
352 photos
Te Ika-a-Māui, Aotearoa

NZ - South Island
946 photos
Te Wai Pounamu, Aotearoa [excludes Christchurch and Banks Peninsula]

USA - California
29 photos
Los Angeles + San Francisco

USA - Hawai'i
102 photos
The Big Island and O'ahu December 2005

USA - Maine
5 photos

USA - Massachusetts
154 photos
Boston and environs

USA - New York City
130 photos
Images will be added to this folder regularly.

USA - North Dakota
109 photos

USA - South Dakota
62 photos

USA - Washington State
21 photos

71 photos
June 2012

The Kittens
217 photos, 18 videos
Coco and Peanut b 17 November 2008.

Misc Travel Photos
28 photos
Cardiff, Wales; Vienna, Austria; Nova Scotia, Canada; North Carolina, USA; Liechtenstein

51 photos
My cat. RIP 1990-2008

Vintage Friendship Books/Decos [c 1990]
151 photos
I posted these on facebook and the response was amazing! I thought it would be nice to share them with flickr friendship book/deco groups, as well.