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User / The Molotov Line photographer / *Molotov Line, 48 Alytus Fortified Region, strongpoint Kapciamiestis, Lithuania*
Piotr Tymiński / 250 items
One of the pillboxes located near beautiful Veisiejis Lake.
The lake, with its thirteen islands, is narrow and winds its way river-like through a heavily forested area. It's location – parallel to the former German-Soviet border – made it a perfect natural barrier. With bunkers dotting its eastern shore it might've became a nightmare for the assaulting enemy.

But this 3-embrasure heavy machine gun pillbox, much like all the others in the area, has never fired a single shot. Unmanned and with no armament installed became just another monument of the ill-fated Molotov Line.

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  • Views: 2071
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 9
  • Taken: Apr 15, 2010
  • Uploaded: Jun 2, 2014
  • Updated: Nov 7, 2017