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User / snowyturner / Backlog
Andrew Turner / 893 items
Well, it’s been the wettest June on record and it looks as though July is heading the same way. Not good for photography, but ideal for processing a huge backlog of photos taken earlier in the year. This image was captured from the summit of Menez Hom in Finistere back in April. I was happy with the crop but the bright mist in the distance where the sun was rising was a bit distracting. I’ve tinkered with the contrast and it now looks good on my monitor. Hope it does on yours! Thanks for looking.
  • Views: 13946
  • Comments: 47
  • Favorites: 38
  • Taken: Apr 13, 2012
  • Uploaded: Jul 7, 2012
  • Updated: Feb 3, 2014