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Tags:   norththailand bouddhisme blackwhite asia Asia black and white photographs STREET THAILAND

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Over 100 years ago, the Hilltribe peoples migrated south from China into what are now Burma, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The six major tribes are the Karen (Kariang, Yang), the Hmong (Meo), the Yao (Mien), the Akha (Ekaw), the Lisu (Lisaw), and the Lahu (Mussur). The main profession of all these tribes is farming, and all of them tend to migrate whenever they feel that the soil at their present location is becoming depleted.

Each tribe is district, with its own culture, religion, language, art, and dress. With Thailand undergoing rapid modern development, it is difficult yet to say whether these tribes will continue in there traditional ways of life, or whether they will eventually be absorbed into the surrounding, and ever more-encroaching, Thai society.

Since "Lahu", the name of their tribe, means "hunter", the Lahu (Mussur) obviously pride themselves on their skills in hunting and trapping. They are also famous for their knowledge of herbal medicine.

The Lahu are an independent people, physically larger than the members of the other tribes, but rather than their greater stature leading to aggressiveness, they love entertainment and the easily life.

Lahu women wear several kinds of distinctive dress, although the men clothe themselves pretty much uniformly. The women wear colorful turbans and like to sport beautiful earrings, usually of silver.

This is another mountain-top tribe with their houses on stilts, and a "basement-corral" for their many domestic animals: chickens, pigs, ducks, and buffaloes.

Tags:   bouddhisme thailand asia

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I saw this in Asia black and white photographs

Tags:   streetthailand siamcopyright maesai thailand norththailand bouddhisme blackwhite asia asiablackandwhitephotographs

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Tags:   thailand photography norththailand bouddhisme asia

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EXPLORED :: AUG 26, 2010
les Baci est une cérémonie pour célébrer un événement spécial, ici pour la fête des mères en Aout en Thaïlande; également qu'il s'agisse d'un mariage, d’un accueil dans une famille, une naissance ou de l'un des festivals annuels. La cérémonie peut avoir lieu n'importe quel jour de la semaine et toute l'année, de préférence avant midi ou avant le coucher du soleil. Le terme plus communément utilisé est su kwan, qui signifie "l'appel de l'âme".

Baci is a ceremony to celebrate a special event, here for Mother's Day in Thailand in August, also it is a wedding, a home in a family, a birth or a annual festivals. The ceremony may take place any day of the week and all year, preferably before noon or before sunset. The term most commonly used is known kwan, which means "the call of the soul".

Tags:   thailand photography norththailand bouddhisme asia baci asiablackandwhitephotographs
