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User / Russ Allison Loar / Sets / Portraits
Russ Allison Loar / 254 items

N 0 B 238 C 0 E Dec 25, 2015 F Dec 29, 2015
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One of a series

Tags:   skateboard skateboarding skateboard tricks skateboard dumpster daredevil dangerous stunt skaters air grind grinding filming skateboard skateboard movie

N 4 B 2.2K C 0 E Jul 2, 2016 F Jul 2, 2016
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Read the sign in the background. There are signs like this all over areas of downtown Los Angeles where entire streets are lined with the tents of the homeless.

Tags:   Downtown Los Angeles skid row homeless on the street street people street camping street tent affordable housing shelter Southern California inner city abandoned people African American race discrimination L A Skid Row

N 2 B 1.0K C 1 E Mar 17, 2018 F Mar 17, 2018
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Tags:   bicycle carbon footprint senior citizen superman costume portrait cyclist bicyclist environment transportation crosswalk driving commuting humorous portrait sunglasses exercise biking senior health traffic congestion fossil fuel bicycle safety infrastructure cycle shop Southern California save the planet earth day

N 6 B 1.4K C 0 E Aug 13, 2020 F Aug 14, 2020
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Tags:   police civil rights African American discrimination racism black lives matter multiracial NYPD on the beat beat cop parking ticket New York City policeman cop officer blue lives matter

N 16 B 3.5K C 2 E May 2, 2020 F May 3, 2020
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A Huntington Beach protest of Gov. Gavin Newsom's order closing all Orange County, California beaches.

See all my virus-related photos at:

Tags:   coronavirus sickness epidemic pandemic death plague health covid-19 parks closed California parks closed social distancing Southern California Gavin Newsom public parks closed stay at home trail closed no walking liberating states opening states Orange County Beaches Closed OC Beaches Closed freeway sign beach closed protests Orange County Protests Southern California Beaches CNN news media
