A little more than a bent fender. An accident in the small Southern California city of Claremont. 9-19-24
Tags: accident fender bender auto accident automobile accident Southern California auto insurance auto injury auto accident injury traffic accident police car wreck auto body repair smashed car police cars Claremont Claremont PD Claremont police
In-N-Out Burgers in La Verne, Southern California, is open until 1 a.m. Sudden midnight cravings for one of the best burgers on Planet Earth can be accommodated!
Tags: In-N-Out Burgers hamburger fast food youth employment fries milkshake weight loss Ozempic nutrition night owl nighthawks midnight shift minimum wage student jobs
A view from Claremont, Southern California, of smoke from the Bridge Fire (9-10-24), which sparked Sunday (9-8-24) in Angeles National Forest, exhibiting “extreme fire behavior,” jumping in size from 4,000 acres early Tuesday (9-10-24) to 46,000 acres by evening, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire). The blaze expanded from Los Angeles County into San Bernardino County.
As of Wednesday morning (9-11-24) it spans nearly 48,000 acres and is 0% contained. (NBC report)
Tags: Southern California fires climate change global warming forest fire California fires smoke mountain fire heat wave hot burning wildfire burning brush firefighting flames red flag warning extreme heat drought heat emergency Bridge Fire San Bernardino Los Angeles National Forest clouds fire clouds
This exterminator must have found some pretty fierce pests!
Tags: Exterminator Gopher Rat Gophers Rats Pests Signage Humor Funny Hard Core Hunter Pest Control Gopher Patrol Claremont Southern California Los Angeles County Inland Empire tenting fumigate fumigating
Montclair Place shopping mall. Yes, people still go to the mall, especially when it's hotter than a corn dog in hell.
Tags: heat beat the heat shopping mall California shopping mall consumer spending inflation economy Southern California shopping mall Montclair Plaza nutrition diet fast food eating food court mall food