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User / neilalderney123 / Sets / woking
Neil Howard / 3 items

N 8 B 1.8K C 2 E Oct 27, 2015 F Oct 27, 2015
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Get Outta Woking!
This is Jubilee Square in Woking. The main Town Square. Did you know it is prohibited to take photos here? LOL Here is part of the story that I have relayed to the Management of the shopping precinct that surrounds this Town Square.

"In Jubilee Square, I went to the War Memorial, so that the church as behind it and started to take a few pictures (remember it was already dark).
Much to my dismay, I was approached by a security guard who asked me if I was taking photos.. which was a silly question. He then proceeded to tell me that it is prohibited to take photos there!

Now I was under the impression that it was public land he initially confirmed with me that it was "Council" property, ( after all, it is a war memorial), and I asked him to tell my why I was not allowed to take photo, and under what Ordinance this was.
Of course he could not tell me, as I doubt that there is such an Ordinance.
I also told him that I have seen lots of photos of this very spot on-line, so how did they take their photos.
He eventually changed his story and told me it was "private land owned by the shopping centre", and not to blame him, but he had been told to come & tell me it was not allowed...

It is my best guess that whoever is monitoring the cameras for the "shopwatch" just told him to tell me that what I was doing was not allowed, and I am pretty certain that they over stepped their authority here. I was NOT being a danger to anyone, there was no crowds, and I was over on one side, and not "in the way". I am always extremely vigilant about what I do. As I said I have done the same thing in hundreds of cities & thousands of places around the World, often at night, and this is the FIRST time (other than an issue with the Military in Israel, but that is a different story) I have had a run in like this, so well done Woking for public freedoms.."

Tags:   Â©2015 Neil Howard woking olympus jubilee square night memorial photographyisnotacrime stupid security ©2015 Neil Howard

N 14 B 988 C 0 E Oct 27, 2015 F Oct 28, 2015
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The chances of anything coming from Mars, are a Million to one
A Martian Fighting Machine strides over Woking, from H.G. Wells' seminal "War of the Worlds" which was written & set here in 1897.
At least I wasn't chased away by security guards from this spot in Woking :) They must be scared of the Martians!
Just in case the song isn't going through your head, here it is www.youtube.com/watch?v=As0v-tzU-PY


Tags:   Â©2015 Neil Howard woking hg wells night martian olympus ©2015 Neil Howard

N 15 B 1.0K C 2 E Oct 27, 2015 F Nov 30, 2015
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Martian on Earth
The amazing Martian fighting machine that is in Woking, UK, where H.G. Wells wrote his book "War of the Worlds" and where the story is set.

Tags:   woking martian hg wells book uk
