After a massive star exploded, it left behind this supernova remnant observed by Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. The Chandra data (red, green and blue) show multimillion-degree gas and the blast wave from the supernova. The light brown region in the upper right of the remnant is a dense cloud of gas and dust that reflects optical light detected by Hubble.
This image is part of a collection of archiveed images made by “astronomy artist” Judy Schmidt, to help recognize #ArchivesMonth. All of the objects in this new archive collection are located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, or LMC, which is a small satellite galaxy to Milky Way.
This year, NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory celebrates its 20th year in space exploring the extreme universe.
Image credit: Enhanced Image by Judy Schmidt (CC BY-NC-SA) based on images provided courtesy of NASA/CXC/SAO & NASA/STScI.
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Tags: NASA NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Marshall Marshall MSFC Chandra X-Ray Observatory CXO Solar System & Beyond astronomy astrophysics X-ray Hubble Space Telescope HST Archives Month
The Great Lakes in sunglint are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 31 crew member on the International Space Station. From the vantage point of the space station, crew members observe many spectacular phenomena including aurora, noctilucent clouds, airglow, and sunglint on Earth's water bodies. Sunglint is light reflected off of a water surface towards the observer such that it creates the appearance of a mirror-like surface. If the viewing and lighting conditions are ideal, that mirror-like surface can extend over very large areas, such as the entire surface of Lake Ontario (approximately 18,960 square kilometers). This photograph was taken while the space station was located over a point to the southeast of Nova Scotia (approximately 1,200 kilometers ground distance from the center point of the image). Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, the Finger Lakes of upstate New York, and numerous other bodies of water appear brilliantly lit by sunglint. To the west, Lake Erie is also highlighted by sunglint, but less light is being reflected back towards the observer resulting in a duller appearance. Much of central Canada is obscured by extensive cloud cover in the image, whereas a smaller grouping of clouds obscures the Appalachian range and Pennsylvania (lower left). The blue envelope of Earth's atmosphere is visible above the curved limb, or horizon line that extends across the upper third of the image. Such panoramic views of the planet are readily taken through space station viewing ports with handheld digital cameras which allow the crew to take advantage of the full range of viewing angles.
Image credit: NASA/JSC
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Tags: Great Lakes Lake Ontario Nova Scotia Lake Huron Finger Lakes New York Lake Erie Canada Appalachian range Pennsylvania Earth limb sunglint aurora noctilucent clouds airglow station science station research nasa Crew Earth Observation international space station Niagara Falls Ohio Ontario Michigan Illinois
Much of the Middle East is seen in this night time image photographed by one of the Expedition 31 crew members aboard the International Space Station as it flew some 240 miles above the Mediterranean Sea on June 4, 2012. The Nile River Delta is easily recognizable in center frame, and city lights make it easy to see both Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt near the Delta. Two Russian spacecraft -- a Soyuz (left) and a Progress -- appear in the frame while they are docked to the station.
Image credit: NASA/JSC
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Tags: Middle East Mediterranean Sea Nile River Delta Cairo Alexandria Egypt Soyuz Progress station science station research nasa Crew Earth Observation international space station Earth at night
This high oblique panorama shows Morocco and Spain as photographed by the Expedition 30 crew members aboard the International Space Station. The Atlantic Ocean, Straits of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea (the westernmost portion of the Mediterranean Sea) separate Spain on the right from Morocco on the left. Algeciras Harbor is the prominent notch cut out of the eastern end of the north shore of the Strait. A Russian spacecraft, docked to the orbital outpost, is in the upper left corner.
Image credit: NASA
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These official NASA photographs are being made available for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photographs. The photographs may not be used in materials, advertisements, products, or promotions that in any way suggest approval or endorsement by NASA. All Images used must be credited. For information on usage rights please visit:
Tags: Morocco Spain Atlantic Ocean Straits of Gibraltar Alboran Sea Mediterranean Sea Algeciras Harbor station science station research nasa Crew Earth Observation international space station
Editor's note: "Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin' town / They have the time, the time of their life / I saw a man, he danced with his wife / In Chicago, Chicago..." :) Posted to the NASA Views Earth at Night photoset:
This nighttime image, photographed by one of the members of the Expedition 30 crew from the International Space Station, features the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area strung along the southwest shore of Lake Michigan. The region is partially covered by clouds, probably low-hanging, or even fog. Meteorologists say there is a fine line between low thin clouds and fog. Fog is not common in the Great Lakes area this time of the year (usually too windy), but this has been an exceptionally mild winter. The faint gold line of airglow -- caused by ultraviolet radiation exciting the gas molecules in the upper atmosphere -- parallels the horizon or Earth limb. Minor auroral activity (Borealis) is visible in upper right.
Image credit: NASA
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Tags: Chicago Illinois Lake Michigan fog Great Lakes airglow atmosphere Earth limb Aurora Borealis Earth at Night station science station research nasa Crew Earth Observation international space station Madison Gary Holland Grand Rapids Dubuque Minneapolis / St Paul Minneapolis St Paul Wisconsin Iowa Indiana Michigan aurora