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User / My Four Hens Photography
Sarah Cornish / 1,088 items

N 40 B 3.4K C 60 E Mar 1, 2010 F Feb 28, 2010
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But I just LOVE this! I had just finished vaccuming cause my son dumped half a bag of cereal and she was seriously raking the carpet for food LOL
Processed with my own actions and a florabella texture!

Tags:   super hero baby cape rainbow color fun

N 47 B 2.9K C 69 E Feb 2, 2010 F Feb 1, 2010
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All rolled into one! My 1st Bench monday to be exact! I ordered a couple of ebay tutus and honestly wasnt loving them. They were okay, just not really full like the photos but you live and learn right! On a positive note I am feeling like myself again and ready to leave some flickr love first thing in the morning!
My own actions and Florabella textures

Tags:   toes baby tutu bench monday bench pink girly frilly sweet

N 16 B 4.7K C 13 E Jan 7, 2014 F Jan 8, 2014
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Today was your very last day of school at your current school. Tomorrow you will head to a new closer school since they offer bus transportation and we will need that when daddy eventually gets back to work. I am sad. I actually really like your school. The newer school is beautiful. I have heard amazing things about it. I have no doubt you two are going to make a ton of friends and just shine as you always do. You both have such a light you just can't help but shine. I however am a worrier by nature (I pray you don't inherit this trait from me) and I wish I could be there over your shoulder watching and making sure you are all happy. Fortunately I am in your heart so if it does get to be tough you know I am there. I also know you two are acting pretty nonchalant about it, and maybe you are but when you came home with your little folders and all your artwork I kind of wanted to cry. I did a bit on the inside. Your brave faces are probably for me. I am proud of the little men you are becoming, but know it is okay to show emotion, alright?

N 29 B 6.3K C 10 E Feb 14, 2014 F Feb 14, 2014
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Today we took an impromptu trip to the mountains. We couldn't stay long because it was a bit windier than normal and the sun didn't stick around but we got one good shot before we left to remember that we were in a place we love this day... all together. I realized that you were concieved about this time last year. We weren't aware, but there was a new life forming and taking shape and we were in for another big blessing. As I was editing this image I saw hints of green grass just buried beneath the surface. A reminder of new promises and fresh life. It seemed completely appropriate.

N 34 B 3.3K C 34 E May 1, 2010 F Apr 30, 2010
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With my little Sophie! Just recently turned one and is just so full of wonder its amazing! Her new thing is to point at everything and I mean everything. It is usually accompanied by her sweet little baby babble! She also does it when her brothers tick her off and shes trying to tell on them lol!! I also love her little painted toe nails. My mom did it to match LIlys and she is so proud of them! I Swear she is so smart for her age! (dont all mommys think their little ones are lol!!)
