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User / mibreit / Sets / South Wales
Michael / 9 items

N 16 B 3.6K C 17 E Oct 2, 2011 F Oct 2, 2011
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I've been to South Wales the past week and had a nice time on the Gower Peninsula. What can I say, I've been to the UK some times now but the weather never was so nice. Sunshine the whole day, nearly now rain - only the first days. Besides enjoying many walks on the various beaches of the Gower Peninsula, I went to Waterfall Country in the Brecon Beakons and also to the heritage coast. For coastal photography the conditions weren't ideal, mostly just clear skies without any clouds, and the flood was in every sunrise and sunset... Should have checked when I planned the trip 9 months ago.

But anyway there was still so much to shoot. I'll start with an after sunset shot of Worms head at the end of the Gower Peninsula. Even with a clear sky if you wait long enough you'll eventually get a nice afterglow and the polarizer will reveal some slight structures in the sky near the horizon as is the case here. I went for a panorama since the format nicely harmonizes with the long streached Worms Head in the sea. I now got an Induro 5 Way head which makes shooting horizontal Panorams very easy, no nead to switch to my nodal Ninja every time now. I use a 120mm plate to get a rotation around the nodal point.

When I took this photo Worms Head was an island but during low tide you can even walk there. Tides in South wales make around 10meters difference and it's awesome to go explore the coast on low tide and look up the cliffs to see the high water mark meters above you. But it's also very important to check the tides in advance, else it can get a bit dangerous ;-) news.bbc.co.uk/weather/coast_and_sea/tide_tables/
is a great resource to look up the tides if you plan a coastal walk.

So have a nice remaining weekend! cheers

Tags:   Wales Gower Worms Head coast sunset Rhossili

N 53 B 4.8K C 29 E Sep 27, 2011 F Nov 13, 2011
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Another photo from Wales. Here you see the last clouds of our vacation. Good some might think, fine weather, sun and so on.. But this also lead to much less photo opportunities in the days to follow. Clear skies aren't my favourites but I still tried to make the best of it.

I shot this down at the coast near Rhossili facing worms head. The incomming tide created some nice wave action and I tried to capture some of that motion. I used a lee 0.9 Hard grad to keep the sky dark enough. With the polarizer I managed to bring out the contrasts in the sky so you can see the sun rays above the clouds.

Comments are welcome, and many thanks for all the feedback on my last uploads!

Have a nice evening!

Tags:   Wales Landschaft Reisen Travel UK autumn coast fall gower landscape natur nature september south wales

N 112 B 7.6K C 53 E Sep 26, 2011 F Nov 10, 2011
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Back to Wales again with this photo from Bracelet Bay. It's already been six weeks since I returned and I still have only shown you 4 photos from there... ok now it's 5 ;-)

This was the third morning in a row I got up very early and went to this place, waiting for the right light. A good way to start your "vacation" , sleep deprivation from the beginning.. So it was good to finally have some magic light to shoot, so the next day I could sleep in without having a bad concience.. after all I didn't think it could possibly get any better than this.

I used a lee 0.6 hard and soft grad here for the sky and then waited for the right flow of water and some incoming wave. I didn't manage to get both in one photo so this is a blend of two photos.. I just think that building wave is very important to create some tension and another diagonal in the image.

Even if this was blended in post, I already knew during shoot how I wanted it to look and what I would do with those two shots. I think this is very important, knowing what is possible in postproc and what you need from the shoot to achieve your vision.

hope you like it!


Tags:   Wales Landschaft Reisen Travel UK autumn coast fall gower landscape natur nature september south wales bracelet Bay mumbles lighthouse swansea

N 89 B 6.4K C 36 E Sep 26, 2011 F Oct 3, 2011
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Another photo I took in Wales last week. We were staying in Mumbles and the good thing about this place is, it has plenty of interesting coastline to photograph. Especially the Bracelet Bay with Mumbles Head offers many opportunities for compostition. I went there 4 times in the morning, having one really good sunrise. This is the first photo I took on the third morning there, half an hour before sunrise. There were still many clouds in the sky but color was already showing through. Combined with the movment of the clouds during the long exposure the sky got quite a nice look.

I used a lee 0.6 hard GND here to balance the exposure.

Hope you like it, there was some postprocessing for contrast and color as usual to give the image the look that I perceived that morning ;-)


Tags:   Wales Landschaft Reisen Travel UK autumn coast fall gower landscape natur nature september south wales Bracelet Bay mumbles mumbles head lighthouse twilight

N 28 B 4.8K C 23 E Sep 26, 2011 F Nov 18, 2011
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Unfortunately we had high tide on our visit to nash point in south wales. But still an awesome area to explore. The crashing waves and the backflow of water over the rocks created a nice sound. I need some audio recorder for the coming photo trips. I think sounds from the various areas I visit would really add to the images ;-)

I used a lee 0.6 soft grad for the sky, just one exposure needed since the sun was behind me to the right.

have a nice evening or day whereever you are ;-)

Tags:   nash point heritage coast Wales Landschaft Reisen Travel UK autumn coast fall gower landscape natur nature september south wales
