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User / mibreit / Sets / Portugal
Michael / 20 items

N 31 B 4.2K C 19 E Jan 27, 2011 F Feb 25, 2011
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This is the last shot I took at Cabo Raso on a magnificent evening for photography, meaning plenty of clouds with the light shining through and an abundance of color right after the sun had set. I tried to arrange the shot so that the gap in the clouds harmonizes with the swirling water in front of me, unfortunately in the upper right there was no light getting through and nearly no texture in the clouds but I still like it.

I used a lee 0.9 hard grad and a hoya hd polarizer and the postprocessing was mostly contrast adjustments.

have a nice weekend, hopefully I'll find the time to go out shoot again, even if it's only here in germany ;-)

Tags:   Landschaft Portugal Sintra atlantic cabo raso coast felsen küste landscape licht light meer natur nature ocean praia rocks sea sonnenuntergang sunset wasser water

N 35 B 6.8K C 33 E Jan 25, 2011 F Feb 6, 2011
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The Magoito beach in Portugal is a beautiful place. It's at the feet of some steep cliffs and you can walk quite a time there exploring. Jutting out of the sand are various rock formations and during sunset on our fourth day I was running around between 'em searching for good comps.

This nice rock wall was one of my last finds there. I liked the two distinct colors of it, the redish on the left and the blueish on the right side so I snapped a shot. I waited for the incoming tide to create some movement through the gap.

About the shot: Hoya HD Pol + Lee 0.6 hard gnd
Postprocessing was some d&b and selective color increases but just so to arrive at the scene I saw there. Out of cam it was lacking a bit as usual ;-)

hope you like it!

Tags:   Landschaft Portugal Sintra Weather atlantic coast felsen küste landscape licht light meer natur nature ocean praia rocks sea wasser water wetter Magoito lee filters

N 166 B 10.0K C 40 E Jan 28, 2011 F Feb 15, 2011
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Again a photo from Praia da Adraga. It was quite hard to get this shot right because of the huge dynamic range and the wind from the see which let me constantly whipe my filters. I used a Lee 0.9 hard edge + a lee 0.6 ND here together with my polarizer. Standing on another rock I waited for the tide to wash away some footsteps and to create some nice waves. I also waited till the direct light from the sun got shaded by a little cloud so I wouldn't get lense flares.

This is still half an hour before sunset and the dramatic light is yet to come but I had some other shots I wanted to get on this beach later so I thought I'd get this view with the sun a bit higher in the sky which also created some nice light on the rocks to the left. Hope you like it.


Tags:   Adraga Landschaft Portugal Sintra Weather atlantic clouds coast felsen küste landscape licht light meer natur nature ocean praia rocks sea sonne sonnenuntergang sun sunset wasser water wetter wolken praia da adraga

N 36 B 3.3K C 25 E Jan 26, 2011 F Apr 1, 2011
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I already showed you some photos from this location. Here's yet another one taken during a beautiful morning shoot. Not always is the best color in the direction where the sun will rise. This was shot with the sun in the back still hiding behind some hills. I loved how the clouds where painted and I tried to compose with some rocks and water in the foreground. Hope you like it!


Tags:   Dawn Landschaft Portugal Sintra Sunrise atlantic beach coast felsen küste landscape licht light macas meer natur nature ocean praia rocks sea wasser water

N 18 B 4.1K C 18 E Jan 27, 2011 F Mar 28, 2011
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Please hit L for large!!

This is the only panoramic shot I've taken during our Portugal trip. I always had the nodal Ninja with me but I was more experimenting with filters and their effect on the water movement. But on this evening I decided to switch to the pano head and take a Big Picture.

Big Picture, because it was an enormouse ammount of work, from start to finish. For those interested heres a rough sum up of the workflow.

First of all during shoot. Pack up the filters, store them safely in the bag, unscrew polarizer, remove normal 3-way head from tripod, remove normal plate from camera, screw on panorama plate, fix Nodal Ninja to tripod, Put camera onto tripod (I had the scene in mind so there was not much scouting needed) , level tripod , everything to manual, check exposure in all directions and set a middle value with bracketing enabled, finally take 4 vertical shots... then I wanted to shoot some normal shots again so all I did above in the other direction :-)

Then there was the processing. I took quite some time.. First some preprocessing in lightroom with the result exported to tiffs. Those go into Enfuse GUI for blending. Then Hugin is used to stitch the panorama. I did this for the blended version and for the bracketed images too, so the result are 4 panoramas which go onto different layers in PS. The dri version is the starting point where I manually blend in some areas from the other layers. Then wrap up a smartobject and the real work beginns, at least for my pc which doesn't seem to like such large images and even Photoshop starts to crach every 20 minutes. Well and as it happens half the time of the crashes I did the last saving a good 10 minutes before... so a lot double work to be done. That work is, bw conversion using multiple channel mixers, luminance masks and contrast, dodge and burn, some more contrast. So far for the master file, then flatten the image do some selective noise reduction, smart object, final sharpening, midtone contouring, final contrast .... I think thats a rough scetch ;-)

So please tell me you like it *gg*


Tags:   Portugal Landscape sea meer Sintra Cabo Raso lighthouse leuchtturm Surm Storm Panorama panoramic
