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User / like_shipwrecks / Sets / Gettin Wiggy Wit It.
Nic Moon / 18 items

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Tonight I’m wearing my best smile and hope to make me worth your while
I’ll be the best mistake you’ll ever make


Tags:   wig blue eyes hair smile self portrait jamisonparker 365 365days

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I seriously want to thank all my Hood Rats for joining my group.

You guys. Are fucking. Awesome.

For serious. <3

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Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out 'til you got no more
Hey man now you're really living

Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl
Made you feel like it's not such a bad world
Hey man now you're really living

-The Eels

This song really fits today. Especially after my crazy episode yesterday. There's truth in the song. (DOWNLOAD IT!) Life is shitty. But it's the good moments that you sometimes take for granted that make it worth living. I want to thank everyone who commented on my picture yesterday, it was just a momentary lapse and I pulled myself out of it this morning and decided to end my little pitty party.

I took this outside (duh. haha) in my neighbours yard. It's sort of my yard and my neighbours yard, it's on the side of my house, the gap of land between our houses. I'm rockin my pink hoodie and I thought the pink flowers made a good backdrop. I took over 60 pictures and got SO frustrated. I'd shoot for 20 minutes, take the memory card inside and check my pictures on the computer (I don't trust my camera LCD screen. It's too small to really see the picture), see that I had one or two good shots and then run back outside and reshoot. Repeat X4. Grr. But I got 3 decent pictures and I'm exhausted and my back is hurty so I'm done.

I'm excited that I'm coming up on day 50 soon! I can tell you this much about day 51: It's going be exciting. I'm going reveal something about myself that very few people know. It's odd. It's very strange. It's sort of rare. It's kind of funny. Are you curious yet?

You won't get to see it though, unless you follow the directions that I post along with my day 50 picture.


ALSO (I've been meaning to do this for a while now) go check out these people and buy prints from them! Cause they're awesome.


Tags:   3-23-08

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I seriously want to thank all my Hood Rats for joining my group.

You guys. Are fucking. Awesome.

For serious. <3

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I know my expression is weird, I was getting irritated with my camera and it was a bit chilly outside.

But I love the lens flare, and the light rays.

Plus I'm still excited about Hood Rats!

49 Members and 126 pictures in what, 3 days? And there are even some members who I don't even know. Which is really cool because I definitely expected the few people who commented on my first hood entry to join and then the group would slowly die off. LOL. All my Flickr friends, you are WONDERFUL. <3
