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User / jrussell.1916 / Sets / KAUA`I, HAWAI`I
177 items

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Saw this from the Lighthouse, maybe a mile away. Not sure if a beam of light or start of a fogbow or rainbow but incredibly beautiful. Photo does not do it justice.
Spent a week in Kauai, Hawaii, the Garden Isle. So lush with lots of rain and not so commercialized. First time to visit there. Will be posting a LOT of photos from our trip. Many just tourist type photos with my basic lens since we were spending time with family.

Tags:   Kauai, Hawail Clouds rain light Nature Kilauea Point Lighthouse Pacific Ocean Canon EF 70-200 f/4 L IS + 1.4 TC

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Waves crashing the cliffs below the Lighthouse.
Spent a week in Kauai, Hawaii, the Garden Isle. So lush with lots of rain and not so commercialized. First time to visit there. Will be posting a LOT of photos from our trip. Many just tourist type photos with my basic lens since we were spending time with family.

Tags:   waves cliffs Pacific Ocean Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge Kauai, Hawaii Canon EF 70-200 f/4 L IS + 1.4 TC

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Waves crashing the cliffs below the Lighthouse.
Spent a week in Kauai, Hawaii, the Garden Isle. So lush with lots of rain and not so commercialized. First time to visit there. Will be posting a LOT of photos from our trip. Many just tourist type photos with my basic lens since we were spending time with family.

Tags:   waves Pacific Ocean cliffs Kauai, Hawaii Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge Canon EF 70-200 f/4 L IS + 1.4 TC

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Nesting area for many shorebirds across the bay from the Lighthouse. Wish you get closer but just not possible, which is good to protect their nesting area. The albatross hadn't returned yet.
Spent a week in Kauai, Hawaii, the Garden Isle. So lush with lots of rain and not so commercialized. First time to visit there. Will be posting a LOT of photos from our trip. Many just tourist type photos with my basic lens since we were spending time with family.

Tags:   Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge Kauai, Hawaii seabirds

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Great Frigatebird. 7.5' wingspan. Along with catching flying fish and squid with its hooked beak, it will peck at another bird, usually a Booby, causing it to disgorge its food allowing the frigatee to seize it in midair! The albatross hadn't returned yet.

Spent a week in Kauai, Hawaii, the Garden Isle. So lush with lots of rain and not so commercialized. First time to visit there. Will be posting a LOT of photos from our trip. Many just tourist type photos with my basic lens since we were spending time with family.

Tags:   Great Frigatebird Birds birds in flight seabirds Kauai, Hawaii Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
