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User / jason_frye / Sets / Best of 2019
Jason Frye / 10 items

N 1.5K B 89.3K C 82 E Apr 28, 2018 F May 5, 2019
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One from last year's April trip to the Smoky Mountains. Unfortunately a trip this year did't work out...just too much going on, including family vacation/spring break. Hoping I can start making some trips soon and making a few new images.

The light this evening was a wait and see, waiting for the right moment to snap a few as the sun pierced some clouds highlighting the bit of Spring foliage in the valley below Morton Overlook. I've posted a couple similar image in the past few years, but think I'm happiest with this one the most...so far :)

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.

Tags:   GSMNP Smoky Mountains Tennessee National Park mountains Morton Overlook Spring golden hour

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Bring on the sun...whew it was nice to see that glowing ball of light in the sky yesterday. We're looking at the first upcoming 7-day stretch with no rain since November. This image is from my early November trip to the Outer Banks and Jockey's Ridge State Park. Hope everyone has a great upcoming week!

Tags:   dune Jockey's Ridge State Park North Carolina OBX Outer Banks sunset visitnc sand

N 95 B 5.6K C 15 E Jan 19, 2019 F Jan 27, 2019
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Alternate title 'Winter is Coming' for Game of Thrones fans (good idea Frankie) :)

Winter...and January are typically slow photography times for me, but an annual camping trip to Capers Island, South Carolina has been a great way to bridge Fall and Spring for me. I've usually focused on the wider scenes of the island, capturing the trees that somehow survive the pounding surf, but this year, I pointed my camera primarily down towards the sand. I'm not sure I got more than a couple I really like, but it did provide an injection of creative juices. I hope everyone's having a great weekend!

Tags:   sand discoversc South Carolina scales patterns abstract Capers Island

N 172 B 4.7K C 20 E Mar 16, 2019 F Apr 7, 2019
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One more from my trip a few weeks back to Magnolia Plantation. Hard to believe it's already been that long. It was an enjoyable visit...seeing other photog friends Mary Roberts, Jenny and Steve Johnston and Jim Hasapis. I had to wait a few moments for this scene to clear as blooms were too good for folks to keep walking :-)

Tags:   Magnolia Planation DiscoverSC South Carolina Charleston garden azalea reflection peaceful Low Country charming

N 159 B 4.8K C 15 E Jun 2, 2019 F Jun 9, 2019
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I never really thought I'd get a chance at shooting this bridge at night...but as luck would have it, my buddy Tommy White invited me up to help lead some Astrophotography sessions and provide some tips at the Grandfather Mountain Nature Photography weekend. Our groups session was from 10-midnight, but the Milky Way wasn't really visible for another hour or so. When I told Tommy it would line up with the end of the bridge around 4am...well, there was no choice but to stay :) Needless to say it was a LONG evening....and as sunrise started to look less than worthy continuing to stay up we rolled back to the campsite and hit the tent for a few hours :) It's been a pretty sparse spring for photography so I've not had much to share...but I'm hopeful to get out more this summer. Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

Tags:   Grandfather Mountain Mile High Swinging Bridge North Carolina visitnc Milky Way nightscape
