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User / [phil h] / Sets
Phil Hilfiker / 77 items

ED selection
10 photos

104 photos
Evolving, changing. Comments on the individual photos or this selection as a whole are always appreciated.. You can view a slideshow of this set and others on my photofront pages. All images in...

i phone, u phone, we all phone-(photograph).
142 photos
Here's some of the stuff that's been coming out of mine recently. (c) Phil Hilfiker unless noted otherwise of course.

flickrites' favorites
197 photos
Thanks much to all flickr users who have selected and are continuing to shape this collection of images by adding some of my photos to their favorites! The higher up an image, the more often it has...

greenish and green
47 photos
what an odd name for a color, don't you think? all images (c) phil hilfiker, unless noted otherwise.

348 photos
Glimpses of the United States of A.

empire state of mind.
217 photos
to the greatest city on the planet! (all photos (c) Phil Hilfiker unless noted otherwise)

Swiss, Switzerland...
59 photos
Some impressions from and about that cute little country in the middle of Europe where I spent most of my 'growing-up' years.

96 photos
All images (c) Phil Hilfiker unless indicated otherwise.

91 photos
The one thing I miss most, living in Paris: oceans, lakes, rivers... - Yup, I am a pisces. All images (c) Phil Hilfiker unless indicated otherwise.

83 photos
All images (c) Phil Hilfiker unless noted otherwise.

26 photos
All photos (c) Phil Hilfiker unless noted otherwise.

hot shots
128 photos
The hottest images currently found in my photostream - as determined by flickr's mysterious and ever-changing interestingness-algorithms. Enjoy them while they're here... ;) Prefer seeing an...

37 photos
These photos don't do those fabulous islands entirely justice, but yep - hawaii to me is all it's cracked up to be! (all photos (c) phil hilfiker unless noted otherwise)

abstractions in photography
13 photos

After sundown...
195 photos
That fascinating time of day we call night. (All photos (c) Phil Hilfiker unless specified otherwise.)

42 photos
Images captured with the Canon EOS 30D. All images (c) Phil Hilfiker unless noted otherwise.

Getty artist picks 08/11/09
28 photos

mood swing 2.0
155 photos
for AR. all photos (c) Phil Hilfiker unless stated otherwise.

20D-ing it...
60 photos
Photos taken with Canon's EOS 20D digital SLR camera.

three's a crowd
95 photos
2 is more fun.

mostly nature
68 photos
At this point of human occupancy of planet earth, I always feel extremely fortunate to be able to occasionally come across areas that seem to have been influenced by our presence only...

what got people talking...
195 photos
The higher up the photo, the more flickr users had to say about it... (As of November 2008.)

people whose names I know
270 photos
friends, family, colleagues, clients + celebrities...

from the lives of others
168 photos
ain't people watching fun?...

50 mm
60 photos
Shots taken through various 50mm lenses. For the most part through the "throw it in the bag and go anywhere" Canon 50mm f/1.8, but also the Canon 50mm f/1.4, or the Canon 50mm f/2.5 Macro..

hippety hip
20 photos
It's a bit of an addiction... ( all photos in this set (c) phil hilfiker )

Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 Macro
47 photos

Sigma 28-105mm f/2.8-4
119 photos
Adventures with my first "walk-around-lens".

Paris intra-muros
437 photos
I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to call Paris my home during the past six years of my life. This collection of photographs is a trip through moments of my everyday life within the city...

beyond Paris...
646 photos
While I am enjoying living in Paris for the time being, I haven't always lived here and very much enjoy getting away from the city from time to time for some different sights, sounds and tastes. The...

thursdays (2007)
51 photos
Inspired by the Utata Thursday Walk Projects (jump right into an example here), this collection are glimpses of some of my thursdays this year, usually the day of my week where I don't have to run on...

bienvenido a miami
65 photos
- Miami Beach that is for the most part.

25 photos
Impressions from Cameroon's Southwest Province.

Maly's choice
47 photos
As requested, my choice... Amazing to see how your style evolved so much in very little time. These are the ones I like the most, starting with my favorite. Maly.

687 photos

selected works - monochrome
58 photos

a photo a day
40 photos
the longest contiguous period of taking a photo a day that I've been able to establish so far.. :)

this urban life
335 photos
Paris | Zurich | New York | Boston | San Francisco | ...

home sweet home
130 photos
glimpses of a small overpriced apartment in the middle of Paris that I've been calling home for an ever-increasing number of years...

the photographer photographed
100 photos

869 photos
currently very much incomplete, this growing collection of images is nonetheless some representation of my life, chronologically.

Paris in color
408 photos
Some random pictures of my current hometown, Paris. Too colorful for your taste? See bits of Paris captured in limited colors here.

Paris (limited color)
117 photos
Not colorful enough for you? See bits of Paris in color here.

proud little moments...
12 photos
published things, exhibited things, and other little milestones in my dealings with photography.. :)

15 photos
1976 - 2008

that unbearable lightness
14 photos

145 photos

exhibition room A
54 photos
There might be some changes made to this room still. But if you feel like having a look around I can warmly recommend the slide show! ;)

19 photos
Would you buy a framed print of one of these? Do you know people who might?... If your answer to either of those questions is yes please let me know which of the photos you are thinking of and...

mood swing
30 photos
What I consider to be some of my more successful attempts at representing various emotional states of human existence through photographic images.

least interesting
59 photos
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 27th June, 2008 at 13:47:17 GMT

25 favorites
25 photos
25 photos that have each been declared a favorite by at least 25 flickr users.

wistfully white
15 photos

all kinds of blue
16 photos

the red room
21 photos

limited color
124 photos

select objects
28 photos

my 2005
106 photos
As the end of 2005 was approaching, I took a stroll through the collection of photos in this photostream. This set isn't a collection of the best shots I took in 2005. Instead it is simply a...

179 photos
some of these I know - some are complete strangers...

134 photos
See more photos from several recent musical events here.

Paris underground
50 photos

pieces I liked in september
51 photos
...September of 2005 that is.

NYC Expo 2005 (photo exhibit @ MediaNoche, NYC)
11 photos
For my first ever public photo exhibit I had the honor of being part of an exhibition entitled 'blogs' that was shown at the Media Noche Gallery in New York City from October 14 – December 17,...

quiet ones / the simpler things...
30 photos
To me, the 'flickr experience' and of course the general 'image culture' we live in - being bombarded by literally hundreds of attention-seeking photographs and illustrations every day - can be a bit...

4 * 4 = 16
16 photos
Just a little collection of photos I like...

phonecam portfolio
59 photos
I've spent some time trying to push the lousy camera of my trusted little P910 to the limit. These are some of the resulting shots I am rather content with...

93 photos
Some of the photos I like best among my own back in May 2005...

in numerical order
21 photos

Linn's choice
20 photos

DILO 21-03-05
49 photos
My DILO - or 'day in the life of...' for the un-initiated. A glimpse into a day in my life, in chronological order...

DILO 21-12-04
11 photos
A collection of shots representing a day in the life of... me. (part of the A day in the life of... group)

Squared Circles
14 photos
Photographs that follow the rules of the squared circle group. Highly recommended: Simon Doyle's video entitled Music In Similar Motion in which photos from flickr's squared circle group are...

most viewed images
163 photos
The curious representation of my photostream that are its most viewed photos (in descending order). (as of November 7, 2007)

pré-sélection hélène & jef
63 photos
chère Hélène, cher Jean-François, voici donc quelques photos sélectionnées pour vous. à très bientôt. P.

2 photos

89 photos
(work in progress)