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User / Ann and Chris / Sets / Dragonflies and Damselflies
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August can be a quiet month for taking pictures of birds., but it's 'prime-time' for insect pictures

And arguably the most spectacular is the Dragonfly., some (like this Migrant Hawker) are even large enough to attempt a shot 'in-flight' with a long lens

There unpredictable flying patterns can be frustrating., the 'hover and go' routine means you inevitably end up with a few empty frames., but with a little persistence you can eventually 'nail' a reasonable image of one

Spectacular and colourful., I think it's definitely worth the effort!

Thanks for looking, comments and faves. Much appreciated!

Tags:   Dragonfly Insect Flying Nature Canon 7D Mark II

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Dragonflies - one of my favourites to photograph this time of year

Tags:   Darter Dragonfly Suffolk Nature Insect Wildlife Canon 7D Mark II Pair

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Something a little unusual., a feather in calm water made for a nice photo opportunity., but it became an irresistible photo opportunity when our special guest star Damselfly dropped in and decided to go surfing on it!

The little guy actually turned out to be pretty good on his improvised surf board., that was until another Damsel came along and knocked him off!

Tags:   Feather Nature Damselfly Sailing Water Insect Canon 7D Mark II Reflection Surfing Wildlife Suffolk White Blue

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The insect world is like 'life from another planet'

It's all around us., but unless you stop to look these small wonders can easily pass you by

This Damselfly has every imaginable shade of green., and a wing of such beauty and complexity it almost defies description

I actually find it quite sad that such a breath-taking little creature has such a short life

Tags:   Damselfly Nature Suffolk Beautiful Green Canon 7D Mark II Wildlife

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A 1000 acres of nature reserve
A unique habitat of rare wetland
A home for wildlife....

Marsh Harriers., Terns., Bitterns., warblers and songbirds., flocks of Golden Plover., Cuckoo's., Turtle Doves., Woodpeckers., Barn Owl's., Cormorants., Ducks (various)., Snipe., Deer., Hare's., Geese., Heron's., Hobby's., Butterfly's and Dragonfly's., Not to mention a 100,000 Starling's in the winter.. etc etc etc

Uncrossed by any road since Roman times

Until now!

In its infinite wisdom the Government has decided to build a motorway between Oxford and Cambridge., and one of the four suggested routes would carve its way through this ancient and precious reserve

Otmoor is a conservation area that the government's own laws were designed to protect., but that same government has turned down a request for a public enquiry.,
Well they would wouldn't they!

The Dragonfly here doesn't have a vote and wont be campaigning on TV that its home is about to disappear under a layer of tarmac., and neither has any of the rest of the wildlife., you can exterminate them all and go to bed with a clear conscience., after all who cares?

There is an online petition., if you do have a conscience., and if you do care., it's not too late., please go to the link below... and get everyone you know to do the same

There are quite a few people on Flickr!


Tags:   Dragonfly Otmoor Wildlife Wings Insect Nature Beautiful
