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User / guenterleitenbauer / Sets / Flickr Explore
53 items

N 202 B 36.1K C 216 E Mar 4, 2007 F Mar 3, 2015
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Available as FineArt print. Contact me at guenter@leitenbauer.net

Finally, due to a number of hints from viewers I identified Bruce as an African Cichlid. Thanks to all of You!
Taken in an aquarium in the "Haus der Natur" in Salzburg, Austria with a Canon 5D / Sigma 105/2,8 @ f=3,2 1/50s and ISO 1250
This image was on Flickr Explore on Mar. 5. 2007
I edited it a bit (contrasts) on Apr, 14th 2007

Tags:   fish Fisch sea Meer Wasser bunt Aquarium Zierfisch AnimalKingdomElite Specanimal Haus der Natur Salzburg Bruce face canon 5D Sigma 105mm Makro macro water mare Animal Planet animal DOF Schärfentiefe natur Austria Österreich sexy AnAwesomeShot ImpressedBeauty fish species group Lithochromis rufus FlickrPlatinum jalalspages_masterpiece-album SuperAPlus APlusPhoto WONDERWORLD Worldbest MegaShot BlueRibbonWinner perfectangle Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen tierfotografie animal photography nature naturfotografie www.leitenbauer.net feucht wet nass ColorPhotoAward PhotosAndCalendar

N 43 B 19.4K C 50 E Oct 23, 2005 F Feb 25, 2015
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Gorilla, taken at the zoo in Schmieding. I took hundreds of pictures of him. And someday I had the impression, he recognized me and posed like this. I should give him prints ...

This image was on Flickr Explore on Jun. 23. 2006

Available in full 6 MP size. View it large!

Tags:   ape gorilla zoo SpecAnimal AnimalKingdomElite canon Canon 300D 300D DSLR BRAVO SuperbMasterpiece APlusPhoto ImpressedBeauty Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore animal animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie tierpark tiergarten wildpark zoofotografie capture schmieding schmiding Österreich oberösterreich upper Austria Austria gehege affe affen monkey monkeys www.leitenbauer.net bild bilder Guenter guenterleitenbauer

N 42 B 11.7K C 58 E Sep 29, 2006 F Aug 3, 2016
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A crown crane taken in the zoo in fall 2006. The lens was an 50mm on a full format camera so this guy was rather close ...

Canon 5D with EF 50/1,8 f=5,6 1/125s ISO 250

This image was on Flickr Explore!

Tags:   Kronenkranich Kranich crane Vogel Bird Specanimal Bonzag canon Canon 5D 5D DSLR Top20BirdShots AvianExcellence NaturesFinest AnimalKingdomElite Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore animal animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie tierpark zoo tiergarten wildpark zoofotografie capture schmieding schmiding Österreich oberösterreich upper Austria Austria gehege birds vögel vogelfotografie www.leitenbauer.net bild bilder Guenter

N 165 B 30.4K C 113 E Apr 22, 2007 F Oct 7, 2020
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A black tipped reef shark. This one was about 1,5m but they usually get larger.
Taken in Salzburg, "Haus der Natur"
Canon 5D with Sigma 105/2,8 f=3,2 1/1000s ISO 1250
On Flickr Explore March, 7th 2007


Tags:   Schwarzspitzenriffhai Carcharhinus melanopterus Hai shark fish sea Meer Wasser water haifisch Riffhai Haus des Meeres Salzburg canon 5D Sigma 105 2007 ImpressedBeauty flickrDiamond AnimalKingdomElite UltimateSho UltimateShot Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore animal animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie nass aqua aquarium aquarien fisch fische flossen tierpark zoo tiergarten wildpark zoofotografie capture terrarium Haus der Natur www.leitenbauer.net gefahr gefährlich haie sharks FlickrsBest naturemasterclass AnAwesomeShot flicksbestcreatures

N 24 B 4.2K C 40 E Mar 4, 2007 F Jan 29, 2015
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Unknown species swimming around .. i liked the colours!
Was on Explore on March, 11, 2007

Canon 5D with Sigma 105/2,8 Macro f=3,2 1/320s ISO 1250

Tags:   fish fisch water wasser sea meer mare swim canon sigma SpecAnimal Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore tierpark zoo tiergarten wildpark zoofotografie capture aquarium terrarium Haus der Natur Salzburg www.leitenbauer.net bild bilder Guenter google com natur nature austria imaging fotografien kunst art fineart fine
