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20 items

N 76 B 6.9K C 120 E May 6, 2010 F May 30, 2014
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Fisheye shot.
Not completely crisp, but maybe this adds to the dynamic.

This was NOT a photo series with 10 pictures / second.
It was flashed so I could only take a picture every 2 seconds or so. This made it rather difficult.

Tags:   regenbogenboa boa boas boidae epicrates cenchria rainbow Austria Guenter Günter Leitenbauer Oberösterreich Schlangen Würgeschlange colubrid foto fotos gü image images photo photos schlange snake snakes ungiftig www.leitenbauer.net österreich Ysplix

N 772 B 69.7K C 597 E Apr 25, 2007 F Jan 2, 2024
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One of the most dangerous snakes, because of her aggressiveness and very toxic venom. Most of the lethal incidents with snakes have to be written on her account, at least in africa (in India it is the cobra, but not the king cobra!). Worldwide, about 40.000 people die each year from snake bites. About 10.000 could be victims of this snake, if the numbers are correct.
Taken in a terrarium Scharnstein/Upper Austria, Austria in Winter 2007.
Canon 5D with 100/2,8 Makro, f=3,2 1/80s ISO 1600

Available as fineart print up to 60x40cm or as canvas print up to 150x100cm!
Contact me! Reasonable prices!

Tags:   Echis carinatus Sandrasselotter Otter Snake Schlange Herp poison lethal Gift Giftschlange tödlich canon Canon 5D 5D DSLR SpecAnimal animalkingdomelite specnature AnAwesomeShot FlickrPlatinum DiamondClassPhotographer NaturesFinest MIMS/animal ULTRASELECTED APlusPhoto SuperAPlus Fantastic Animal Photos MegaShot Bratanesque favemegroup-6 BRAVO MagicDonkey World100F fivestarsgallery Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter animal animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie tierpark zoo capture reptilien reptiles reptilienfotografie terrarium www.leitenbauer.net littlestories picswithsoul FrHwoFavs ColorPhotoAward CoolShot WE LIKE IT

N 128 B 23.6K C 132 E Jun 7, 2007 F Jun 19, 2017
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As I am a hobby dancer and in Mambo there is a figure called "Mambo circle" I could not resist to name this picture "Mamba circle".

View it large, please!

The eastern green mamba or common mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a venomous arboreal snake indigenous to the east coast of southern Africa. Eastern green mambas are the smallest members of the mamba family, averaging 1.8 meters, with known specimens to 3.7 m. The species is found from the coastal forest of the Eastern Cape in South Africa through Mozambique into Zimbabwe and the Malawian coast.
The green mamba is highly arboreal and seldom ventures to the ground unless following prey or basking. Green mambas are diurnal. Unlike the black mamba, it is a shy and nonaggressive snake, and does not often gape and strike if threatened but usually makes a swift and elegant escape. Continued provocation will cause the snake to strike, and bites, although serious, are uncommon.
The venom thoug is extremly strong and could kill a man in a few hours if not treated. It is highly neurotoxic but this mamba does inject only a smaller amount compared to the black mamba.

Taken in the reptile zoo www.reptilienzoonockalm.at

1/125s f/5 ISO 1600

Tags:   mamba mambas green mamba grüne mamba blattgrüne mamba dendroaspis angusticeps dendroaspis angusticeps schlange schlangen snake snakes giftschlange giftnatter giftnattern elapidae elapiden benom poison dangerous afrika reptilien reptiles reptilienzoo fangs Reptilienzoo Nockalm SpecAnimal SuperShot ABigFave AnAwesomeShot InstantFave ImpressedBeauty bratanesque Worldsbest Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter animal animals tier tiere zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie reptilienfotografie terrarium kriechtiere serpentes squamata schuppen gift giftig venom venomous giftschlangen www.leitenbauer.net

N 88 B 16.7K C 144 E Feb 8, 2008 F Feb 19, 2015
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22nd April 2008: Won an ISF Certificate at: afocer.binitec.com (photojournalism)

Austrian Indoor Swimming Championships 2008, Linz, Feb. 2008
Men's Butterfly 100m

More here: www.szene1.at/user/centurioG/album/1547414

Canon 5D with Sigma 120-300/2.8 @300mm
1/400s f/3.2 ISO 1000 handheld

Tags:   Austria Guenter Gugl Günter Linz Meisterschaft Staatsmeisterschaft schwimmen sport swim swimming wasser water Österreich Austrian Indoor Championships 2008 flickr image images foto fotos photo photos Leitenbauer www.leitenbauer.net bild bilder bad hallenbad schwimmer meisterschaften butterfly schmetterling albatros albatross spannweite wassersport watersports watersport All in 1 SuperbMasterpiece betterthangood APlusPhoto DiamondClassPhotographer MASTERSofLIFEGALLERY picture pictures google com natur nature imaging fotografien kunst art fineart fine

N 302 B 42.7K C 320 E Sep 15, 2007 F May 2, 2021
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Available as FineArt print. Contact me at guenter@leitenbauer.net

Western Crowned Pigeon (Goura cristata, Krontaube) in the Schmiding zoo, taken through a fine fence.

The Western Crowned Pigeon, Goura cristata is a large, turkey-sized, approximately 75cm long, blue-grey pigeon with elegant blue lacy crests over the head and dark blue mask feathers around its eyes. Both sexes are almost similar but males are often larger than females.

Canon 5D with Sigma 120-300/2,8 @300mm (handheld)
1/50s f/2,8 ISO 200 +2/3 EV

Made in 2007

Tags:   2007 Animal Animals Canon Schmiding Schmieding Tier Tiere Zoo Zoo Schmiding sigma eye auge hypnose hynotic hypnotisch pfau vogel bird birds InFineStyle AnAwesomeShot ABigFave NaturesFinest Vivid Specanimal TheUnforgettablePictures Ysplix SuperShot SuperbMasterpiece SearchTheBest AvianExcellence MIMS/zoo Foto Fotos photo photos pictures image images picture Leitenbauer Günter explore explored flickr flickr explore zoologie fauna lebewesen alive tierfotografie animal photography natur nature naturfotografie tierpark tiergarten wildpark zoofotografie capture Österreich oberösterreich upper Austria Austria gehege vögel vogelfotografie www.leitenbauer.net
