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User / eagle1effi / Sets
500 items

Show us Your best capture
50 photos
all time all cameras top notch

EffiArt 2024 Art Meets Photography
17 photos
real photo with ppc collag or filters

200 photos
Views_5000+ up to Views_50000+ up to Views_500000+

25 photos, 3 videos
Unterfranken Würzburg ist eine Stadt im deutschen Bundesland Bayern. Es ist für seine Gebäude im Barock- und Rokokostil bekannt, besonders für die Würzburger Residenz aus dem 18. Jahrhundert,...

Feuerwehr firebrigade Bandwehr
47 photos, 1 video
Die Feuerwehr ist entweder eine berufsmäßige oder freiwillige Organisation, die i. d. R. von der betreffenden Gemeinde unterhalten wird, mit der Aufgabe, bei Bränden, Unfällen, Überschwemmungen...

doors, doorways, portals, passages, entrances....
43 photos
doors, doorways, portals, passages, entrances, aller art Zugänge Tür Eingänge Portale porta both literal and metaphorical: anything from French doors, painted doors, false doors, mouths of...

Helichrysum Strohblumen Immortelle
16 photos, 1 video
Helichrysum Strohblumen zum Trocknen Helichrysum on balcony paper daisy golden erverlasting immortal anasthasios unsterblich trocken dauerhaft von Dauer 'Strawburst Yellow' yellow Still Life Still...

Pfau, Peacock, Indian peafowl
29 photos
Trotz ihrer Größe und des langen Schwanzes können sie fliegen. Bei Gefahr erheben sie sich in die Luft, flüchten ins Gebüsch oder suchen auf einem Baum Schutz. Auf Bäumen verbringen sie auch...

Birds - all kinds
114 photos
Zoo und Wildtiere Schnappsschüsse aller Art unsorted

K'Ufer Kirchentellinsfurt Baggersee , etc.
23 photos, 3 videos
Der Kirchentellinsfurter Baggersee – auch als Epplesee bekannt – ist ein Baggersee bei Kirchentellinsfurt im Landkreis Tübingen in Baden-Württemberg. Er wird heute als Badesee...

Dahlia: Dahlie Gorgeous Georgia Georgina...
79 photos
Georgina [https://flic.kr/p/Ze8yG5] another name for Dahlia gorgeous! prächtig, superbe! Synonyms: Georgina by Willd, Carl Ludwig Willdenow en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Ludwig_Willdenow

Evangelische Kirche Lustnau
28 photos

Mahonia aquifolium
49 photos
Die Mahonien (Mahonia) sind eine Pflanzengattung in der Familie der Berberitzengewächse (Berberidaceae). Sie sind nahe verwandt mit den Berberitzen (Berberis) und wurden von einigen Botanikern in...

CHESTNUT. Kastanie. Rosskastanie....
135 photos
Die Gewöhnliche Rosskastanie (Aesculus hippocastanum), auch Gemeine Rosskastanie oder Weiße Rosskastanie genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Rosskastanien (Aesculus) innerhalb der...

Camellia japonica
36 photos
Die Japanische Kamelie (Camellia japonica), teilweise auch nur Kamelie genannt ist eine der bekanntesten Pflanzenarten der Gattung der Kamelien (Camellia) innerhalb der Familie der...

Wertheim am Main
40 photos
Wertheim ist die nördlichste Stadt Baden-Württembergs, direkt an der Grenze zu Bayern, etwa 70 Kilometer südöstlich von Frankfurt am Main und 30 Kilometer westlich von...

Effiart 2023 art meets Photography - ppc
66 photos
ppc postprocessing Effi made by eagle1effi artist

Lilly Lilie
159 photos
Die Lilien (Lilium) sind eine Pflanzengattung der Familie der Liliengewächse (Liliaceae) mit rund 125 Arten. Lys Lilium lilii # Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs,...

Hölderlin Turm Tübingen
48 photos, 1 video
Hölderlin Turm Tübingen und Leben Der Hölderlinturm in Tübingen wurde im späten 19. Jahrhundert nach dem Dichter Friedrich Hölderlin benannt, der dort vom 3. Mai 1807 bis zu seinem Tod im...

Ammerbuch - Westhang - Schönbuchrand
89 photos, 2 videos
Am 1. Dezember 1971 ist die neue Gemeinde Ammerbuch (Verbund) durch den Zusammenschluss der bis dahin selbstständigen Gemeinden Altingen, Breitenholz, Entringen, Pfäffingen, Poltringen und Reusten...

Baden-Baden Bansky
8 photos, 2 videos
Stadt Besuch Mueseum Bansky

Townhall Rathaus Tübingen 1435
86 photos, 3 videos
Beschreibung. Das älteste Haus am Platz ist das Rathaus von 1435. Das einst zweistöckige Gebäude wurde 1508 um ein Stockwerk erweitert. Aus dieser Erweiterungsphase stammt die 1511 erbaute...

Neckarstrasse Stuttgart, around
26 photos, 1 video
ADAC Proschinger Kebab Justiz Prüfungen Staatsanwaltschaft Tiefgarage Feinstaub

Bergfriedhof Tübingen
81 photos, 1 video
Der Bergfriedhof ist eine 15,5 Hektar große Anlage mit parkartigem Charakter und der Hauptfriedhof Tübingens. 2014 wurde er als drittschönster Friedhof Deutschlands ausgezeichnet. Schon in den...

Cortina Tübingen
10 photos
Eiscafé Cortina 1 Hirschgasse 12 72070 Tübingen kleine Ur -Eisdiele in Tübingen Ein Foto bei FlickR: Lustnauer Tor um 1960 belegt, dass zu dieser Zeit das Eiscafé Cortina dort an der Ecke zur...

Johannes-Kirche Tübingen. Neugotik
28 photos
Die 1875 bis 1878 erbaute Johanneskirche ist eines der bedeutendsten Zeugnisse der Neogotik in Württemberg. Die dem Apostel und Evangelisten Johannes geweihte Kirche ersetzte die etwas südlicher...

Mühringen, zwischen Horb und Haigerloch
23 photos
www.muehringer.de/ Heliwasser Sprudel top Mineralwasser "Mit gutem Trinkwasser, das acht laufende Brunnen mit süßem Wasser und zwei mit Sauerwasser liefern, ist der Ort im Überfluß...

Zittau Oberlausitz
33 photos, 1 video
Zittau Oberlausitz Barockstadt Handelsstadt für Salz und Textilien Bahnlinie Breslau Zittau Berlin Das sächsische Zittau liegt im Dreiländereck Deutschland, Polen und Tschechien. Mit knapp...

Dresden Frauenkirche Neumarkt
54 photos, 4 videos
Die Frauenkirche am Neumarkt in Dresden. Die Kuppel der Kirche ist über 90 Meter hoch. Man kann sie besteigen und entweder in die Kirche oder über die Stadt blicken. Ein Britische Bomber Smith...

Chevrons C11 Citroën 1934 - 1957, ff
66 photos, 1 video
Son histoire est liée dans la mémoire collective à l'Occupation, tour à tour voiture de la Gestapo et icône de la Résistance. Elle fut également le véhicule préféré des gangsters en...

Aquarium Wilhelma Stuttgart und Nymphaea...
53 photos, 4 videos
as good as it gets under water world fish, fisch, unter Wasser, under water, Aquarium,zoo, tierpark

Saharan dust - Sahara Staub
14 photos
Saharastaub ist ein äolischer Mineralstaub aus der Sahara, der größten heißen Wüste der Welt. Die Wüste erstreckt sich über etwas mehr als 9 Millionen Quadratkilometer, vom Atlantik bis zum...

~3.000 Sunset - all cameras
2695 photos, 45 videos
tramonto sunset Sonnenuntergang coucher du soleil luí na gréine & sunset time sunset light photography

Sven shot come and see
26 photos
tag svenshotcc my step son as photographer

879 photos, 6 videos
Details and Photos

spring1 - Phase 1 - Primavera - Frühling
143 photos, 1 video
tag "Spring1" Vor-Frühling Krokusse und die ersten Frühblüher prima-vera Del lat. vulg. prima vera, y este del lat. primum 'primero' y ver 'primavera'. Botanik: die...

brilliant photo by eagle1effi, Tübingen
234 photos, 2 videos
superbe, intriguing gorgeous some of my own faves all cameras randomly by eagle1effi Erwin Effinger,Tübingen copyright

251 photos, 6 videos
Suzuki IGNIS SWIFT JIMMNY S-Cross Swace ... Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 9th March 2022 at 9:13am UTC

Wild-Paradies Tripsdrill bei Heilbronn
41 photos, 2 videos
Wild-Paradies Kinder-Paradies mit 222 urigen Betten Tripsdrill bei Heilbronn Greifvogel Flugshow etwa 30...

Effi_ART 2022
30 photos
art meets photography ppc my work

Altbach bei Esslingen - Heizkraftwerk und mehr
41 photos, 2 videos
Altbach Einwohner: 5911 Altbach ist eine Gemeinde im Landkreis Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg. Sie gehört zur Region Stuttgart (bis 1992 Region Mittlerer Neckar) und zur europäischen...

UKT Tübingen - Universität und 17 Kliniken
137 photos, 3 videos
Seit 1805 Das Herzstück des Klinikstandortes auf dem Tübinger Schnarrenberg bilden die sogenannten CRONA-Kliniken. Der Name ist abgeleitet aus den Abkürzungen der Kliniken für Chirurgie,...

Burg - Burgruine Teck bei Kirchheim
45 photos, 1 video
tuerme-wanderheime.albverein.net/wanderheime/wanderheim-b... Kirchheim-Unter-Teck und Tuebingen beträgt 32,65 km Luftlinie. Die kürzeste Route zwischen Kirchheim-Unter-Teck und Tuebingen...

VIEWS _ 5.000+
142 photos
"views_5000+ " tag

Ultra Compact Vehicle: Suzuki Ignis 1.2 Dualjet...
279 photos, 6 videos
Micro -SUV Suzuki Ignis III Der minimierte Motorraum macht den Innenraum größer und äußerst komfortabel für alle Insassen. Auch der Koff erraum bietet mit bis zu 267 Liter Volumen...

Kontur Umriss Silhouette Scherenschnitt
61 photos
Der Umriss (in Kunst und Fotografie die Kontur oder Silhouette) eines Objektes ist für einen Betrachter eine Kurve, die das Objekt von seiner Umgebung abgrenzt. Der Wortbestandteil Riss (von...

29 photos
♥ 200 or more faves tags Faves_200+ top photo, 100+faves, 200+faves, best of, excellent, photo, foto, by eagle1effi

Screenshots and Art
20 photos

Views 10.000 or more up to 499.999
78 photos
Mehrfach angeklickt handselected views10000 Zehntausend und mehr weniger als 500.000 nicht alle haben es auf Explore geschafft

Curevac Tübingen Vakzine Cyber Valley
26 photos, 1 video
einen modernen mRNA-Impfstoff Ein SARS-CoV-2-Impfstoff ist ein Impfstoff gegen das neuartige Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Ziel der Impfstoffentwicklung ist es, durch Impfung eine adaptive Immunantwort...

Canon 7D - 70-300 mm captures
18 photos
Tamron 70 - 300mm good for zoom and infinity

Food mode for macro and more
139 photos
S10 DSLR shallow DOF simulating

Bus Kreisel - Kreis Verkehr
33 photos
Bus Wendekreisel

Weitwinkel - alle Cameras
529 photos, 4 videos
wide angle 13mm - 28 mm all cameras an smartphones newest first 500 and more captures edition by snapseed, best for correction

Caffé Dolce Stuttgart Mitte
37 photos
Das süße Caffé Dolce in Stuttgart hinter dem Haus der Geschichte [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/50243735236/] Ja, es liegt ein wenig versteckt, das Caffé Dolce in Stuttgart direkt...

Weil im Schönbuch
51 photos
Weil im Schönbuch 10.000 Einwohner - villa im Schaienbuch - liegt auf der Schönbuchlichtung zwischen 432 und 487 Metern Höhe, rund 30 Kilometer südwestlich von Stuttgart, zwölf Kilometer...

Faves_100+ Eagle1effi's Most faved photos
78 photos
Faves_100+ Eagle1effi's Most interesting and faved photos Faves_100+, 100+faves, 200+Faves,300+Faves,400+faves,500+Faves Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 23rd June 2021 at...

Moon Luna Mond und Sternenhimmel
561 photos, 3 videos
all cameras Moon Luna Mond und Sternenhimmel Powershot SX1, SX60, SX70, etc Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 23rd June 2021 at 8:10am BST

Blue, sky, with clouds
1699 photos, 14 videos
clouds Himmel und mehr Blue sky with clouds Blue, sky, with clouds tag is clouds cloudy sort randomly gerd-pfeffer.de/h2o_Wolken.html 2021 June

Eiffel Eiffelturm
239 photos, 1 video
-- Erection of the Eiffel Tower began on January 26, 1887 -- Erection of the Eiffel Tower was completed on March 31, 1889 -- Erection of the Eiffel Tower took 2 years, 2 months, and 5 days from...

IN EXPLORE - best 500 a day on flickr
524 photos, 3 videos
Stand May 2021

Eagle1effi's Most interesting photos (99) -...
122 photos
dopiaza set manager no auto update! Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 20th May 2021 at 8:10am BST

1`st steps with the CANON SX1 IS Powershot -
505 photos, 6 videos
Canon Powershot SX1 IS - recent shots 2009 taken - filter by date: my firrst half Year bridge camera unsorted or by interestingness 500 best of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

1.000 Katzen Cats Chat Gato кот
1166 photos, 34 videos
About 1.000 cats play and more newest shots first arranged Our Two Maine Coons Lady Miezi Grace Silvana tomcat CarlosOscar

Universität Tübingen - Uni...
238 photos, 1 video
Universität Tübingen,Studium,study,university Tübingen,

Flieder - lilac - Syringa - Jorgovan - Leylak
75 photos
Common Lilac => (Syringa vulgaris) = Gemeiner Flieder = Gewöhnlicher Flieder Der Gemeine Flieder oder Gewöhnliche Flieder (Syringa vulgaris) ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Familie der...

Eagle1effi - you see
268 photos, 5 videos
Selfi and more with eagle1effi newest first 26. April 2021

181 Macros on Explore
183 photos, 1 video
Explore liebt macros telemacro explore likes macros! Macromania details close up

Lanterns Laternen
50 photos
schöne Exemplare neue und alte formen

Sagen Wanderweg + Ursula Hochberg Pfullingen
47 photos, 4 videos
Urschel Ursula Berg Ursula Hochberg 770 - 788 m hoch Sonnenhang Pfullingen Sagen Wanderweg Fernblick zum Schoß Lichtenstein

23 photos
ppc or with SX1 before capturing tag is "color key" "color key" Powershot uses a mode "color key" select a color of the photo Canon makes the rest SX1...

EffiArt 2021 ppc
110 photos, 1 video
ppc Postprocessing Collage Repros edition via Aviary snapseed oder photoshop

Nase - und Mundschutz
33 photos, 1 video
Das neue Textil 2020 made by Folke Weber, Haigerloch Ringfoto www.maskenmann.com www.fotoweber.de/ Wappentreu like coat of arms of Hohenzollern County .

Male Maine Coon 'Carlos Oskar'
180 photos, 12 videos
Our second Maine coon cat Katerle Oskar Carlos frech wie Oskar male Kater katerle Maine Coon cat Katze "Tante:" Miezie Grace...

"SX70 BEST" - Canon PowerShot SX70 HS
1277 photos, 21 videos
tag is SX70_Best, best of, Canon PowerShot SX70 HS,Canon, PowerShot, SX70 HS,eagle1effi, Bridgecamera,Powershot SX70,SX70,Powershot SX70,SX70_Best, www.flickr.com/photos/ tags "SX70...

Rote Rosen soll es regnen
221 photos, 1 video
tag is "red Rose" "red Rose", "rote Rose" - SYMBOL A red Rose: She is - like no other flower - for the passionate love! Gives you a man a red rose: He is in deep...

Canon SX70 - Moon Luna Mond
366 photos, 1 video
Canon Powershot SX70 - Moon Luna Mond about 300 items - astro-photography - Superzoome:r 1200 - 1365 mm - Telemacro or wide angle - a very snappy camera

PORTRAIT - SX70 - Canon PowerShot SX70 HS
67 photos, 1 video
THREE MODES ( (I) normal Portrait, Soft Focus (II) - fine Hair and soft Skin) another Portrait MODE is: Selfie (III) with defocus effect like...

Nightmode S10 SAMSUNG Smartphone
366 photos, 1 video
Shoot and Share yours photos taken with Samsung Galaxy S Series here! S, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9/S9+, S10/S10+, and with the latest S20/S20+/S20 Ultra! A massive leap forward in resolution...

S10 Samsung Dreifache Kamera
1789 photos, 46 videos
Shoot and Share yours photos taken with Samsung Galaxy S Series here! S, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9/S9+, S10/S10+, and with the latest S20/S20+/S20 Ultra! A massive leap forward in resolution...

Justizviertel Stuttgart Landgericht Oberlandesgeri
272 photos, 3 videos
Nicht alles was Recht und Gesetz ist ist auch recht und gesetzt. Shoa und Tötung der eigenen Bevölkerung weil sie keine Mitläaufer sein wollen. Einfache Handwerker erkannten das...

James Rizzi https://www.art28.com/
23 photos, 1 video

selfie mode - "FABULOUS MODE". - Defocus - mode -...
562 photos
Fabelhafter Modus Easy. Scenery mode: SCN Take Portrait Mode Selfie. aka "FABULOUS MODE". named by John "jshen808" www.dpreview.com/forums/post/62768554 Half Click. And...

Covid-19 stats
81 photos

43 photos
Württemberg und Hohenzollern hatte viele Bierbrauereien. Hopfen wurde vielerorts angebaut Lokal wurde gebraut, da die Kühlung schwer sicherzustellen war beim Transport Eis musste im Winter...

Nymphaea Esslingen Tierpark Neckarinsel
61 photos, 2 videos
mit Restaurant auf der Neckar-Insel lange Wege Ausflug für groß und klein sehr empfehlenswert

118 photos

Baiersbronn: Hirsch und Reh - Wildgehege...
57 photos, 7 videos
Ein beeindruckendes Naturschauspiel bietet der Sankenbach-Wasserfall. www.nationalpark-schwarzwald.de/ Teil des "Nationalpark Schwarzwald" Die Sankenbach-Wasserfälle liegen südwestlich...

on BALcOny
139 photos, 4 videos
auf dem Balkon entstanden casual tags on balcony, auf dem Balkon, my view, balkonien, on balcony, auf dem Balkon, my view, balkonien, my view,Tübingen architecure

Carlos frech wie Oskar. Tomcat.
146 photos, 11 videos

Statue - sculpture
119 photos
Eine Statue oder Standbild ist eine in der Regel von einem Bildhauer geschaffene freistehende Skulptur oder Plastik, die eine Person, eine göttliche Figur oder ein Tier...

snappy - aus der Hüfte - Schnappschuss ##...
558 photos, 11 videos
Das schnell geschossene Bild geht vor Exaktheit und Perfektion oder Objektiv-wechsel - aka "Kodak Moment" snappy unvorherbare Szene schnell erfassen und auslösen Hauptsache im...

bestof - Canon EOS 7D Mark I, Best of DSLR 7 D...
57 photos
My personal faves tags bestof Canon EOS 7D, EOS-7D, DSLR, eagle1effi, Canon 7D Mark I, 7D Best,

Effiart 2020 by Eagle1effi Tübingen
93 photos, 1 video

249 photos, 1 video
Canon DSLR Canon EOS 7D MARK I Programming: : Using Custom Modes On Camera .en youtu.be/ZzraWgHOxVs Szenen Modi fehlen in semi-professionellen Kameras: Dafür halten drei (C1 - C3) ...

Closer EOS-7D Canon DSLR Macro
62 photos
close up closer telemacros makros macros - Closer EOS-7D Canon DSLR Macro

Tamron AF SP 70-300mm 4-5.6 Di VC USD digitales...
90 photos, 1 video
Tamron AF SP 70-300mm 4-5.6 Di VC USD digitales Objektiv für Canon aka 29-480 mm mit Crop Faktor 1.6x sehr beliebtes Tele mit wunderbarem VC, aka IS, OS Bildstabilisator 4 Blenden Telemacro...

EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Canon EOS 7D
9 photos
Standard Zoom mittlerer Güte etwa 29 bis 220 mm - Canon EOS 7D, EOS-7D, DSLR, eagle1effi, Canon 7D Mark I,Canon 7D, 7D, Canon,Canon 7D Mark I,

Sigma 17-50 mm F2,8 EX DC OS HSM-Objektiv
39 photos, 1 video
Samples ein paar Testbilder - Genervt von der häufigen Objektivwechselei Zoom aka ~27 - 80 mm + tolle Bildqualität auch bei langem Tele + sehr scharfe Abbildungsleistung + schönes Bokeh +...

Canon EOS EF50mm f/1.8 STM
49 photos, 1 video
Canon EOS 7D + EF50mm f/1.8 STM aka 80 mm - EF Festbrennweite 50mm f1,8 STM von Canon Mit dem Objektiv EF 50mm 1:1,8 STM lassen sich ganz einfach eindrucksvollere Aufnahmen realisieren : Durch...

Bad Urach Württemberg GERMANY
41 photos
Bad Urach ist eine Stadt am Fuße der Schwäbischen Alb im Landkreis Reutlingen in Baden-Württemberg. Sie gehört zur Region Neckar-Alb und zur Randzone der europäischen Metropolregion Stuttgart....

POSTPROCESSING, Edition by Aviary, toolwiz, etc.
789 photos, 5 videos
Alle Photos sind irgendwie bearbeitet. SOOC - straight out of Camera ist nur direkt aus der Camera, aber die Kamera bearbeitet auch schon.

Damncool Photographer in the world
485 photos, 3 videos
My group Damncool Photographers in the world handselected uploads tag damncool Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:16am BST

Reference shot - all Cameras i used
2065 photos, 26 videos
tag is REFERENCE,reference shot, Referenz. - the best i could do with this or that camera i just use. since 2007 all Camaras DSLR bridgecamera pocket smartphone

2015, ... 2023 ... Maine Coon Cat Lady - Miezi...
877 photos, 15 videos
miezi newest first now 5 Years old cats

ALL - Canon SX70 - Canon PowerShot SX70 HS
2527 photos, 40 videos
New Compact Bridgecamera smaller and lighter snappy and silent 5.7 up to 10 fps - after Firmware update over these specs The Canon SX70 is the most affordable new Ultra wide and Ultra Superzoom...

HDR effects Scape
18 photos

Food Mode SX70
22 photos

my gear - Fotoapparate
102 photos, 4 videos
was es so gibt und gab bei mir zu Fotos machen 2005 - 2020 Rollei 35 mm - FUJI smart pocket camera Panasonic Lumix Fx10 TZ41 smart pocket camera Canon SX60 + SX70 Bridgecamera 1"...

S7 - Samsung Galaxy S7 - Smartphone
481 photos, 18 videos
Samsung liefert mit dem Galaxy S7 eine tadellose Vorstellung ab. Der Hersteller hat die Kamera und Performance nochmal verbessert. - Kein Smartphone knipst besser als das S7 Das Galaxy S7 setzt zum...

Firmware V1.10 SX70 HS - #2 set
989 photos, 7 videos
Canon PowerShot SX70 HS 2nd set Set ab März 2019 after 13.000 items # tags # Canon PowerShot SX70 HS,Canon, PowerShot, SX70 HS,eagle1effi, Bridgecamera,Powershot SX70,SX70,Powershot...

RAW - SX70 HS Bridge-Camera
156 photos
If you want to get the maximum image quality from the photos of this PowerShot, put the camera in RAW ALO and Color curve can be set. - saved as C1 Canon Exposure Mode - P - Program AE...

sun with the new SX70
218 photos, 2 videos
most via Selfie mode with defocus F3.4 to F31 tag is<b< SX70_Sun

SX70: Close up, macro - flowers and more
192 photos
Macros gelingen sehr gut. SX70-macro, Tele-macros sind die Stärke der SX70. 200 mm entspricht 1:1 Darstellung techradar 4 von 5 Sternen Pro: Großer Zoombereich, beginnt bei 21mm...

DIM light - Canon SX70 - Nightlight -...
420 photos, 3 videos
Canon SX70 dim light, Schummerlicht, Low Light, wenig Licht, Experiment, SX70 HS, Bridgecamera, best of, eagle1effi High ISO - or better and Long Exposure use Raw: Raw full Format - CR2 C1 on...

70 photos
Allschau, Rundbild , Sweep Panorama, Schwenkpanorama Panoramen Panorama (ex Graeco antiquo πᾶν, pan, "omnis" + ὅραμα, orama, "visus"), vel prospectus, vel scaena, ...

Hechingen HCH Schwäbische Alb
31 photos

RAW and Bridgecamera Canon Powershot SX60
186 photos
RAW and Bridgecamera SX60 (or SX1) using raw ? and tripod ? both can help to get the best result for details of the camera! - www.fluidr.com/search/all/raw+sx60 Set automatically created by...

Segelfluggelände Deckenpfronn-Egelsee
17 photos, 1 video

Bad Mergentheim 2019
54 photos

G7 X II + portrait mode
108 photos, 2 videos
handselected 70 - 100 mm 85 mm Für Oberkörper- und Gesicht-Close-Ups eignet sich eine lichtstarke 85-mm-Brennweite so gut wie fast keine andere Optik Der Hintergrund wird beim 85 mm weniger...

DSLR Nikon D5100
971 photos, 3 videos
tags Nikon D5100 50 mm 55 -200 mm 18-55 mm managed set all by flickr organizer by eagle1effi october 2017 922 items HDR, Super faded, framed . by Samsung Galaxy...

SX70 Photos on Explore
33 photos
on Explore taken by - about - Canon PowerShot SX70 HS tags explored, in Explore, on Explore, best 500 a day, SX70_best, Best of, eagle1effi, Ausstellung, top 500,Explore

ALL "SX60" Photos - Canon PowerShot SX60 HS
2408 photos, 39 videos
Canon PowerShot Sx60 HS handselected ~ 2000 photos # mix date taken - newest first monthly - hand sorted - or alpha-numeric sorted A-Z Sortierung Umlaute und Sonderzeichen am Ende untitled...

2019 - Our Maine Coon cat Lady - 4 Years old
103 photos, 3 videos
alles mit Katze Miezi Grace Silvana

MOON shots with Powershot SX70 HS
182 photos, 1 video
RAW is good. snappy is the selfie mode! the weather is a great factor! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Continuous Drive - Single Focus Mode - AF + MF Record Mode...

2019 - Effi_ART_2019
74 photos
Effi_ART_2019 effiArt 2019 ff effi_ART2019 -

Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II , G7XII (24- 100 mm)
436 photos, 8 videos
Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II G7XII (24- 100 mm) digital - 1.3x G7XII (32 - 130 mm) und 2.0x Converter - useful G7XII (48 - 200 mm) --- RAW makes a big difference! - ISO 6400 and its top ISO...

Mannheim - die türkische Metropole
94 photos, 2 videos
Stadt in Baden-Württemberg Beschreibung Mannheim ist eine Stadt in Südwestdeutschland, die an Rhein und Neckar liegt. Das Barockschloss aus dem 18. Jahrhundert beherbergt historische Exponate...

Fireworks Canon SX70 HS
92 photos
Feuerwerk fireworks with the Canon PowerShot SX70 HS DS IS using Long shutter raw CR2 fireworks mode is not so versatile! C1 infinity C1 unendlich Einstellung F8 firework, fireworks, Feuerwerk,...

Wildtierpark: Bad - Mergentheim
187 photos, 1 video
Wildpark Bad Mergentheim Wildpark 1 97980 Bad Mergentheim Deutschland Der Wildtierpark Bad Mergentheim beeindruckt mit über 70 Tierarten auf insgesamt 35 Hektar Fläche. -- naturnah gestaltete...

PSA Citroën: Grand C4 Picasso - 2.0 Liter, 150...
355 photos, 5 videos
Citroën Grand C4 - Picasso Citroën C4 Grand Picasso - 2.0 Liter, 150 PS, HDi, 16V Citroën: C4 Grand Picasso - 2.0 Liter, 150 PS, HDi - motorway cruiser PSA Citroën: C4 Grand Picasso - 2.0...

Altstadt Tübingen - old City and landmarks
309 photos, 3 videos
landmarks Sehenswuerdigkeiten Wahrzeichen architecture Locations seasons Jahreszeiten www.tuebingen.de/mobil/stadtplan/sehenswuerdigkeiten - top...

168 photos, 2 videos
MOON EXPERIMENTS SX60 Bridge Camera i love digtal retouching funky and crisp moon shots Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 12:08pm BST

Eclipse - Verdunkelung
72 photos, 3 videos

G7 - under water
5 photos, 2 videos

Truck LKW Lastkraftwagen
122 photos, 2 videos
Truck LKW Lastkraftwagen Truck LKW Lastkraftwagen vehicle traffic automotive Vehikel

Architektur architecture arquitectura
497 photos, 2 videos
buildings , tower , churches, castles, .... all kind of architecture Architektur made of stone or so °°° ... Architecture ... tags Dom , church, Kirchturm, Architektur, buildings, architecture,...

2018 Miezi - Our Maine Coon Lady
199 photos, 2 videos
Miezi Grace Silvana über 6,5 kg handselected taken 2018 handselected

Our Maine Coon cat "Miezi" - sorted best of...
450 photos, 10 videos
maine coon, [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157657308652193] tool www.fluidr.com/photos/eagle1effi Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at...

Herma Bau Impressionen- Filderstadt Germany
219 photos, 17 videos
Herma Werk 1 und Werk 2 Impressionen Most recently taken Neueste Fotos zuerst Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:33pm BST

ISO 1600 Experiments
72 photos
ISO 1600 Experiments Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:13am BST

2016 - 61. Stocherkahnrennen in Tübingen and more
146 photos, 6 videos
2016 - 61. Stocherkahnrennen in Tübingen and more Traditionelles Spektakel im Juni auf dem Neckar: 15.55 Zuschauer haben am Donnerstag, Himmelfahrt, das Stocherkahnrennen gesehen -...

Der Testturm in Rottweil - Aufzüge ThyssenKrupp...
72 photos, 8 videos
Der Turm in Rottweil testturm.thyssenkrupp-elevator.com/ Prof. Dr. Dr. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner Sobek Dr. Sobek ist Architekt, beratender Ingenieur und Prüfingenieur für Baustatik aller...

TZ41 Panasonic
1692 photos, 7 videos
tag TZ41 managed by eagle-1-effi flickr organizer october 2017 Dec 2022 updated 1778 items sort random now oldest first

PAPAVER - Klatschmohn - corn poppy
99 photos
Der Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas), auch Mohnblume oder Klatschrose genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Gattung Mohn (Papaver) innerhalb der Familie der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae).

Weitwinkel Aufnahmen G7 X Mark II - by hand sorted
93 photos, 1 video
Weitwinkel - Aufnahmen G7 X Mark II 24 mm - 8,8 m G7 bis 30 mm - 11 mm G7

Burg Hohenzollern und mehr
416 photos, 5 videos
Zoller - Söller solitärer Berg Die Dynastie aus Schwaben, Dann Nürnberg und Brandenburg, Preußen - Zollern ist die Kurzform von Hohenzollern die mittelalterliche Grafschaft Zollern, aus...

Waldhäuser-OST - - Nordstadt Tübingen - 6000...
1268 photos, 12 videos
1972 geplant auf der ehemaligen Exerzier-Plätzen der französischen Besatzung - scharfe Munition und Panzer fand man hier vor. Es entstand das Studentendorf Tübingen und ein Schlaf...

Brezel Laugen-Bretzel Bretzel - butterbrezel...
100 photos
schwäbische (Laugen) Brezel ist unschlagbar in Aussehen und Geschmack Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:02am BST

SX60 Sunset - Sonnenuntergang - Tramonto -...
488 photos, 12 videos
Sunset - Sonnenuntergang - Tramonto - Coucher du Soleil - Pôr do Sol -- Gün Batımı -- Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:36am BST

Lake constance Bodensee Konstanz
64 photos, 2 videos
Lake constance Bodensee Konstanz Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 15th April 2024 at 1:23am BST

PANNING MODE action speed G7X Mark II
49 photos, 1 video
G7X Mark II and more cameras Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 14th August 2018 at 9:05pm BST

FAVES - Favoriten - Dopiaza 2018 - läuft wieder
100 photos
alle Faves tio listed most favourited by comments Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:24am BST

G7XII meets fireworks
16 photos

Fiat Panda und co
97 photos, 1 video
Fiat Panda Fiat 500 Fiat Punto Fiat Barchetta .... Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 9:54am BST

Boxenstop Museum Tübingen - Retro motor -...
39 photos, 2 videos
Emblem Retro Tübingen und Retro Autos der Umgebung vom Boxenstop

G7 X II - flower macros
128 photos
G7XII und flower als tag Danke

Atlantico Ergenzingen Restaurant
61 photos, 3 videos
Deutsch-portugiesische Küche Toni und Sigrun Antonio Reis Alte Horber Strasse 1 72108 Rottenburg am Neckar (Ergenzingen) www.restaurant-atlantico.de/speisekarte/

SX60 on Explore - explored, SX60
38 photos, 2 videos
Camera Benefits: 1.Explore distant detail like never before with a huge 65x zoom. 2.Fast and flexible, so you always get the shot you want. 3.Designed with big zooming and your comfort in...

Architecture and Details
1131 photos, 19 videos

MONO-CHROME - + color key Bw - Sw sepia - Black...
311 photos
MONO-CHROME - Bw - Sw sepia - Black and White mit ohne Farbe Experimente

SWISS - Schweiz - and more
267 photos, 2 videos
Connections to Swiss Schweiz und Dinge die mit der Schweiz verknüpft sind.

G7 X Mark II - Low light
81 photos, 1 video
Canon G7 X Mark II - Low light all modes and Sujets handselected using higher ISO

Bonlanden und Filderstadt
1618 photos, 38 videos
around Filderstadt Region Stuttgart tag Filderstadt or Bonlanden etc.

SX1ISbest - "CANON - bridge camera - SX1 IS"
464 photos, 1 video
"CANON POWERSHOT SX1 IS" handselected "SX1ISbest" shots Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 5:18am BST

Rottweil am Neckar
143 photos, 13 videos
Rottweil was founded by the Romans in AD 73 as Arae Flaviae and became a municipium, but there are traces of human settlement going back to 2000 BC. Roman baths and a mosaic of Orpheus (c. AD 180)...

#Testturm - Thyssen-Krupp Aufzugs-turm - ...
37 photos, 4 videos
Thyssen-Krupp Aufzugs-turm - Ende 246 m. #Testturm. Rottweil . - Flat-Top-Kran: Liebherr Kran 1000 EC-B 125 Litronic Max. Tragfähigkeit 125.000 kg Tragfähigkeit bei max. Ausladung 19.350 kg ...

Sigmaringen-Hohenzollern tour
54 photos, 1 video
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmaringen Sigmaringen ist eine baden-württembergische Kreisstadt an der oberen Donau und die zweitgrößte Stadt im Landkreis Sigmaringen. Sigmaringen is a town in southern...

D+ - Dynamic Plus - G7 X II - HTP
91 photos, 1 video
D +, Dynamic plus - aka HIGH TONE PRIORITY A fantastic Tool D+ = Bild-Dynamik erweitern - Details und Strukturen in zu hellen Teilen erhalten ================================== - Define - ...

internationaler Wettbewerb Musikfuerwerk -...
100 photos, 1 video
Groß-Feuerwerk 30 - 55.000 Besucher internationaler Wettbewerb Musikfuerwerk - Flammende Sterne 73760 Scharnhauser Park – Ostfildern 2003 - 2017 2018 by date taken - newst first handselected

all my churches chapells cloisters
613 photos, 2 videos
Kirchen aller ART mit Kirchen zu tun Kirchgärten, Klostersee, etc. by tags

G7 X II, Closer - Näher ran - auch Tele-macro
323 photos, 2 videos
G7macro G7 X II macro, G Serie Canon Powershot telemacro sorted random A-Z or reverse or or G7XII closer, G7_macro, best of, eagle1effi, expert, camera, 1", Canon , Powershot

Canon G7 X II - photos - timeline
589 photos, 10 videos
newest first, oldest first or or A-Z sorted ---------------------------------- Experiment: presets: ■ - Exposure Bias - -1 EV ■ - Digital Zoom Ratio - 2 - 2.0x Converter...

Spiegelung reflejos rifless reflexos ...
277 photos, 1 video
reflejos rifless reflexos reflexions reflections Spiegelungen Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 18th March 2017 at 1:38am UTC

Automotive car bike truck
486 photos, 2 videos
Vehicles Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:16am BST

Reutlingen Germany
141 photos, 2 videos
Fotos: in Beziehung u Reutlingen handselected teils Februar 2017 Panda Kauf ? und ältere Fotos Möbel Braun Reutlingen - restaurant

333 Zufall Random Photos
552 photos, 8 videos
Bitte: einmal durchmischen best of, als Hilfs - tag Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:53pm BST

2017 Maine Coon cat
120 photos
Miezi Grace Silvana Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:14am BST

Aviary - ppc - Edit by Aviary
191 photos
re-composition by Aviary a flickr tool tag is Aviary Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 5:29am BST

2017 - Best of
499 photos
sorted most interesting by date Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:01pm BST

EffiArt_2017 ppc
50 photos
postprocessing and Art by eagle1effi EffiArt Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:57am BST

RAW all cameras i use - helpline
445 photos
"Main reasons I got SX60 were RAW support, flash hot shoe, external mic/remote shooter support and great zoom." www.flickr.com/groups/canon_superzoom_bridge_camera_group... : Always all...

42 photos, 3 videos
15 month before grandpa Erwin aka Eagle1effi [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/21400517678/] Sven and Nika - father and...

SX60 Sunset - Sonnenuntergang - Tramonto -...
242 photos, 4 videos
Sunset - Sonnenuntergang - Tramonto - Coucher du Soleil - Pôr do Sol -- Gün Batımı -- Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:36am BST

Stuttgart Rotenberg Grabkapelle Weingärtle...
87 photos, 3 videos
60-er Ausflug in die Region Stuttgart Rotenberg Grabkapelle Weinlese Weinbau Württemberg Uhlbach Neckarschifffahrt Fernsehturm Region Stuttgart 2016 ... tags Region Stuttgart Ausflug 60-iger...

Effiart in 2016
106 photos, 2 videos
tag Effiart2016 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:26am BST

OWEN - bei Kirchheim Teck
66 photos, 1 video
rund um die Burg Teck Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:29am BST

Monroe + Rottenburg am Neckar - Ausstellungen
176 photos, 1 video
Rundgang durch das Historische Zentrum von Rottenburg am Neckar ! Rottenburg am Neckar ist eine Mittelstadt im Landkreis Tübingen in Baden-Württemberg. Sie liegt rund 50 Kilometer südwestlich der...

197 photos, 5 videos
Les chats tabbies sont plus communément appelés chats tigrés, en rapport à l'animal du même nom. Timeline - least recently taken - Datumsgerecht or most interesting - nach Interesse flickr...

Nikon AF-S Nikkor 1.8/50 mm G,
215 photos
kit-lens and ?? TEST: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 1.8/50 mm G, here: D5100 + AF-S 50mm ƒ/1.8 G Nikon 50.0 mm f/1.8 (DX-format) lens is outstanding (and...

2016 - Best of - by Interestingness
498 photos, 1 video
Best of by Dopiaza App Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:17am BST

493 photos, 7 videos
Best of by editor´s choice!!!! Galaxy S5 BEST of, GALAXY DEVINE, i use "GALAXY Devine" as tag, cause a flickr friend called the quality of the photos: "DEVINE" Random or best...

Platanenalle Tübingen Neckarinsel
59 photos, 2 videos
Am 28. Januar 1828 bekam Tübingen die 06 junge Bäume für seine Platanenallee Sooc - Panorama Edition www.stadtpanoramen.de/tuebingen/platanenallee.html Die Tübinger Platanenallee liegt auf...

Hohenzollern Burg
414 photos, 4 videos
In 1819 Crown Prince Frederick William of Prussia decided to have the ancestral seat of the Hohenzollern House reconstructed. In 1844, being King Frederick William IV, he wrote in a letter: "The...

Feuerwerk fireworks mode
176 photos, 4 videos
Fwuerwerk fireworks mode and more SX60 longshutter with fireworks mode Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 30th December 2020 at 12:25am UTC firework, fireworks, Feuerwerk,...

Neckarfront Tübingen
195 photos, 4 videos
The Neckarfront is probably the most photographed town in Tuebingen. The ensemble of multi-storey, gabled houses stretching from the Eberhardsbrücke neckar upwards until characteristic...

timeline - Miezi - Maine Coon Cat - by date...
492 photos, 7 videos
kitty seit 2. Oktober 2015 bei uns kittens Junge Katze [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157657308652193] Unsere schmusige und liebevolle Hauskatze verspielt und gesprächig Miezi...

Snow - Schnee - snē - 雪 - snö
506 photos, 5 videos
schnee schneeweiss - Das Wortfeld Schnee umfasst auch in anderen Sprachen etliche Wörter. Im Deutschen unterscheidet man etwa sowohl nach Alter des Niederschlages – Neuschnee (maximal drei Tage...

Boke - Bokeh - Unschärfekreise - "bokeh whores"
144 photos, 2 videos
bokeh - is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens. Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of...

Flamingos, Storks, Herons, Cormorants, & Pelicans
88 photos
Zoo Wilhelma Stuttgart Sie vergesellschaften sich gerne Kormorane Flamingo Störche und Graureiher Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:41pm BST

Zoo Photography - Canon SX60 - - Wilhelma...
211 photos, 3 videos
Zoo Wilhelma Stuttgart - Wilhelma Stuttgart Zoo and Botanic Gardens Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 12:08pm BST

ISO 3200 different Cameras
74 photos, 1 video
Experiments Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:29pm BST

Wilhelma Stuttgart Germany
1193 photos, 15 videos
Die Wilhelma ist ein zoologisch-botanischer Garten im Stuttgarter Stadtbezirk Bad Cannstatt, der in eine historistische Schlossanlage eingebettet ist. - Der Stuttgarter Zoo Wilhelma: Von Affe bis...

Tübingen day and night
776 photos, 12 videos
The city offers so many opportunities! flickrhivemind.net/flickr_hvmnd.cgi?method=GET&page=2... Die Stadt bietet so viele...

#JeSuisParis - #nousommesparis - PARIS
498 photos, 1 video
Paris und wir sind bestürzt - JeSuisParis - Nousommesparis Paris 13 Novembre 2015 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:55pm BST

Nikon D5100 _ D5100 _ BEST of
520 photos, 1 video
Nikon D5100 _ D5100 _ BEST of tag is D5100Best Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 30th December 2020 at 12:25am UTC

HDR- incamera - SX60 - Canon Powershot
76 photos
HDR-SX60 Bridgecamera Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:20am BST

444 photos
FALL HERBST autumn colors Herbstliches impressions fall foliage Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:24pm BST

Gladiolus Gladiolen gladioli
84 photos
Gladioli Sometimes called the sword lily, the most widely-used English common name for these plants is simply gladiolus (plural gladioli, gladioluses or sometimes gladiolas). The genus Gladiolus...

All Cat kittens Kätzle Katze Felis Chat
498 photos, 18 videos
pets - Felis silvestris catus or outdoor - Felis silvestris Chat, Cat, kittens, Kätzle,Katze,Miezi.Mietze,Mieze,Miezekatze,Hauskatze,kitty,Felis - Ordnung: Raubtiere (Carnivora) Deutsch:...

Grandkids - about our family - Enkel -
465 photos, 10 videos
family,grand,opa,oma,Enkel,Enkelin,sibling,granddaughter, Noel,zwillinge,twins,family,Andrea,Fabio,Leni,Naja,Feli,Josefine,Aurelia, Angelina,Elias, and more we don´t know Set automatically created...

244 photos, 3 videos
moving, panning , shaking ir writeing in the air ,,, Camera while shooting using longshutter Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:04pm BST

neueste Traktor Fotos etc. auf Waldhausen
238 photos, 4 videos
von Hand selektierte für R..B. Waldhausen by date taken newes first 1 Sept 2015

Traktoren auf Waldhausen - Tübingen
204 photos, 4 videos
Sortierung: Meist gesehen und gefavet Most interesting Traktor (tractor) und Walshausen als Kombinations - Suchbegriff match all tractor + waldhausen Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

119 photos, 3 videos
JD rural machines Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:26pm BST

Traktor , tractor, Trecker, Trekker, trator,...
442 photos, 5 videos
Traktor , tractor, Trecker, Trekker, trator, tracteur, traktör,treker, Schlepper, Bulldog, Tracteur agricole, Traktoro, Trattore agricolo, Tractorul, Trattore diesel , трактор Set...

Black an whithe impressions
270 photos
Schwarz-weiss als Ausdruck Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:04pm BST

Gelbes _ Yellow
498 photos, 1 video
my favorite color yellow like sunflowers, etc. Lieblingsfarbe Yellow / is the color of gold, butter, and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, and in the traditional color wheel used by...

Paris Buildings - Architecture - architecture
83 photos
photos with buildings in paris Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:24pm BST

Tübingen - Nacht - night
377 photos, 9 videos
handselected dusk to dawn es werde Nacht

100 photos
tags 100+faves - on Explore you get faves but not much real comments Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:02pm BST

DRC - Dynamic Range Correction
102 photos
With - in-camera effects - Define: DRC - Dynamic Range Correction °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ---°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Dynamic Range auto: is extending the camera´s...

Filderstadt SUN
61 photos, 2 videos
Zentralstadt: Filderstadt sun mit Gemeinden : Bonlanden , Plattenhardt, etc. Sonnensterne Feuerwerk sunrise sunset Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at...

Flower Macro - closer
444 photos
tags flower,macro --- my best flower macros www.fluidr.com/search/all/Macro+flower+eagle1effi+ [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/8662393266/] best of Blumen Nahaufnahmem Selection:...

Steiner´s Blumenpardies Tübingen
342 photos
Steiner´s Blumenparadies www.fluidr.com/search/all/Blumenparadies+eagle1effi [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/13087352093/ Park...

Bell-towers Glockentürme Clochers Campanili...
129 photos, 1 video
Bell-towers Glockentürme Clochers Campanili Espadañas Belfried Kampanaryo Super Zoomers world - Ein Glockenturm ist ein Turm, in dem Glocken, häufig in einem Glockenstuhl, aufgehängt sind. Er...

New "Beta" Flickr Design - unsupported browser...
336 photos, 3 videos
April 20 2015 - May 2015 "You seem to be using an unsupported browser. Please update to get the most out of Flickr." Beta was "rolled" out As you remember the first day the...

Ines und Gaetano - Hochzeit 2015 - IG -...
55 photos
Bebenhausen Trauung - Grüner Saal IG - Ines und Gaetano Prunkvoller Saal - 100 qm. Schloß 1 72074 Bebenhausen Grünen Saal des ehemaligen (Jagd) - Schlosses Bebenhausen Nobility is an...

Monastery Bebenhausen - buildings - architecture
64 photos, 1 video
Klosteranlage und Nebengebäude (Klosterhof) Bebenhausen Schloss Bebenhausen - Hunting palace Bebenhausen zeitweise weitere Besitzungen: Pfrondorf und Stadt Tübingen im...

Sven-Shot-CC - D5100 - Sven shot come and see
26 photos
Sven Cornelsen photograph - Nikon D5100 Key Features •16.2 megapixel DX-format CMOS sensor •Side-articulated 3.0" LCD monitor (920,000 dots) - eagle1effi's photos tagged with IG on...

Bebenhausen - selection
137 photos, 3 videos
Die ehemalige Zisterzienserabtei Bebenhausen gehört zu den eindrucksvollsten mittelalterlichen Klosteranlagen im südwestdeutschen Raum. Ihr einstiger Wohlstand zeigt sich unter anderem in...

Castle Schloss Burg
440 photos, 4 videos
CASTLE a large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and often a moat. 1.The definition of a castle is a large fortified...

MY Gear - Fotoapparate - Equipment
126 photos, 4 videos
Fotoapparate im Einsatz und Cellphone, smartphone Ausrüstung Equipment Synonyms accoutrements (or accouterments), apparatus, gear, hardware, kit [chiefly British], material(s), matériel (or...

Old PowerShot SX1 - Sunsets -
175 photos, 4 videos
sunset zoomer zufällige Sortierung random or best of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:28pm BST

Willows Weiden
51 photos
Big willow trees and shrups flowering and through the year Pussy willows willow catkins - Weidenkätzchen Weidenkätzchen in der Blüte oder mit Eis,etc. Riesige Salweiden, Weiden oder...

Dettensee Schloss und Vogtei Areal
76 photos
Schloss Dettensee Vogtei Schlosshof Rund um die Vogtei Kirche und Gaststätte Hiesch Feuerwehrhaus

Around Towers - Türme und drumherum
462 photos, 4 videos
[https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157651052973840/9] "Tower " around towers Der Mensch will wie der Adler hoch hinaus und zeigen was er bauen kann und wer er ist! Towers ...

CFM _ Creative Filters-shot mode
141 photos
a row of six with one click funky tool auto-crop and filters by creative filters mode shot SX60 HS using Creative filters mode = CFM Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...

SX60 HS _ "High-End-Photo"
179 photos
SX60 best of handselected with my personal AWARD SX60HS High-End-Photo>/B> This is the best the SX60 Bridge Camera and the photographer could do and i like the result very...

68 photos
all about spring and CROCUS sorting: Best of or most recently posted or random Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:48pm BST

RAW shooting _- _ SX60 Canon
186 photos
C1 preset max Iso 320 for more details and sharpness --- some are ISO 100, 125 or ISO 500 (low light) CR2, raw Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:43pm...

Raynox DCR-150 _ - _ SX60 HS
47 photos
Vorsatzlinse Raynox DCR-150 Super-macro dipoter (4.8dpt) Close up lens makro macro Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:21pm BST

SX60 _ "long shutter" _ Experiments
101 photos
more than 1/10 sec to 15 seconds handheld night scene are multiple exposures ! and fire works (most 2 - 8) sec Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:42pm BST

"SX60" - Canon PowerShot SX60 HS
494 photos, 5 videos
best of BridgeCamera: Canon PowerShot SX60 HS, Canon, PowerShot, SX60, HS, Bridgecamera, bridge, camera, Canon PowerShot SX60, Canon SX60,Powershot SX60,SX60HS,eagle1effi, Powershot SX60,SX60...

Nikon D5100 DSLR - and more
497 photos, 2 videos
DSLR = digital single-lens reflex camera (also called a digital SLR or DSLR)] wiki PHOTOS with and about the SLR Nikon D5100 Rund um die Nikon DX Kamera - Tipps - Checke die Kommentare des...

Fastnacht _ Dettensee
84 photos, 1 video
wundervolle Strassen-Fastnacht in Horb-Dettensee - kleiner unterhaltsamer Umzug am Faschings-Dienstag Angenehm für klene Kinder und die Jugend. Die Hexen haben sich vorbildlich und teils ohne...

SX60_Best_of - handselected
637 photos, 10 videos
My selection eagle1effi's photos tagged with SX60Best on Flickriver Camera Model = Canon PowerShot SX60 HS Random Top 99 tag is " SX60Best" Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

Bier Beer
124 photos, 1 video
Bier beer Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:19am BST

289 photos
www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/galleries/72157649366184... Come closer Close up tele-macro Komm näher ran! tags matched all: SX60, closer selection - optical zoom - 65x optical zoom lens -...

Naherholungsgebiet - Rund ums Holderfeld Tübingen
328 photos, 4 videos
location: tags Holderfeld, Jakobsweg Tübingen, Fernwanderweg Am Schönbuchrand entlang Von Bebenhausen - nach Waldhausen bis zur Jakobuskirche und Stiftskirche in Tübingen Dann weiter nach...

Panorama -Blick
247 photos, 4 videos
panorama pano Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:02pm BST

Preset C2 - SX60 - selfmade sunset + sunrise mode
85 photos
Seems cool SX60 sunset + sunrise Experiment C2 adapted tags match all SX60, C2 [https://www.flickr.com/photos/29090014@N05/15638640153] C2 Preets - i am doing now , too (like all premium DSLR...

Box CUBE Würfel Schachtel
36 photos
effiArt just for fun montage collage etc. Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:56am BST

SNOW _ Soul of SNOW _
326 photos, 7 videos
snow around me Tools [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157650078732099/with/16117544495/] Schnee...

Celebs , Wallpapers & postprocessing
172 photos
My faves created for wallpapers handselected if You use it tell me! and relink to my flickr pic and name it: from eagle1effi by effi@rT, EffiArt if something got wrong - mail me!

CANON Powershot Cameras SX1 - SX60 BEST of
498 photos, 2 videos
tag "SX60BEST" "SX1 ISBest" Best of handselected [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157650073083450/with/16227336825/] Random - zufällige Auswahl limit: Top...

Kshotcc Karins Album
324 photos
tag is "kshotcc" HANDSELECTED recent first if i had updated by the flickr organizer °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Different snapshot cameras : Rollei...

Valtra - Valmet _ SISU engines
59 photos, 1 video
Original Sisu Engines by - Valtra - (former Valmet) SisuTronic EEM3 internal engine name (2014) Sisu is a Finnish word generally meaning determination, bravery, and resilience. However, the word...

OMV Tübingen petrol station
250 photos, 5 videos
Life around the petrol nightlife experiments vehicles: cars trucks oldtimer classic cars tractors ... station prizes a...

2015 on flickr __ BEST of
499 photos
BEST of all cameras and all photos YEAR 2015 or sometimes random zufällige Listung - uploaded or presented 2015 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:13pm...

ORCHID - Orchidee - Phalaenopsis
65 photos
some of my best orchids Phalaenopsis Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:05pm BST

Christmas, christmas-time, xmas
300 photos, 3 videos
christmas, christmas-time,xmas Weihnachtliches Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:34pm BST

Jugendzentrum EPPLE HAUS e.V.
48 photos
Jugendzentrum EPPLE HAUS e.V. Karlstr. 13 - 72007 Tübingen Zukünftige Schwerpunkte des Hauses: Es soll Jugendmedien-Zentrum des Kreises werden (Schwerpunkt: Jugendkultur und Musikwerkstatt),...

258 photos, 3 videos
Just sky and clouds most seen Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:50pm BST

22 photos
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 5:35am BST

164 photos, 3 videos
Showing content tagged with mist fog Nebel Nebelsuppe °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° #mistandfog MIST-and-Fog Dunst und Nebel Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...

Platanen-Allee Tübingen __ Alley with London...
75 photos, 2 videos
oldest plan-tree-Alley in Germany etwa 200 Jahre alte Platanenalle in Tübingen einzigartig in Deutschland 96 Platanen wurden gepflanzt Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 17th...

PANO __ Panoramablick ___ panoramic
434 photos, 9 videos
PANO __ Panoramablick panoramic Panorama ... horizontal and vertical panos Horizontal und Vertikale aufnahmen Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:01pm BST

39 photos
orange winged parrot Wildfang ---- Our so called "Amigo", a female parrot, is ~35 Years old View On Black______ Crop - and details photo ____ Die Venezuela-Amazone (Amazona...

Closer - "macro-mix" with Nikon D5100
88 photos
tag is D5100 and closer photos are cropped =============== Reproduktionsratio 1: 3,2 - f/3.5-5.6 (18-55 mm) weich abgestimmt Naheinstellgrenze: 28 cm Gewicht: 195 g Reproduktionsratio 1:4,35...

NEF - Nikon Electronic Format (RAW)
74 photos
NEF-Datei (Nikon Electronic Format) RAW NEF-Dateien werden (hier) als 14-Bit -Aufnahmen gespeichert. Optionen »NEF + JPEG Fine« Das NEF-Bild kann nach einer Übertragung auf einem Computer...

Morgenstelle Universität Tübingen
213 photos
Nordstadt - Auf dem Berg www.mnf.uni-tuebingen.de/ Fachrichtung im Gymnasium: math./nat. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät...

386 photos
"Ae1fave" or "High-End-Photo" Personal Top...

Rose - Rosen - Roses
43 photos
Mit der Nikon D5100 die Rosen entdecken. Roses - taken by Nikon D5100! sorted: Best of or random die Besten zuerst oder per Zufall. Tag is "D5100, Rose" Set automatically created...

RESORT Hotel Freudenstadt
18 photos
Urlaub Holidays ehemals Park Hotel ehemals Steigenberger Hotel and around Flickriver: Photos tagged with Freudenstadt Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at...

Bad Mergentheim - Kurpark - Rosenpark
36 photos, 1 video
City Bad Mergentheim here: Rosenpark Kurpark Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:52am BST

ARBORETUM Botanic Gardens of Tübingen
32 photos
ARBORETUM Botanic Gardens of Tübingen and art in the Gardens special: ART added Von 11.Mai bis 14.September 2014 Skulpturen im Botanischen Garten im „kunstraum ARBORETUM“ . "Die...

Kaleidoscope __ Kaleidoskop, Calidoscopium,...
111 photos, 1 video
Kaleidoskop - schöne Formen betrachten kaleidoscope, Kaleidoskop, Calidoscopium,caleidoscópiom,kaléidoscope Das Wort Kaleidoskop stammt aus dem Griechischen und bedeutet: schöne Formen sehen....

92 photos, 4 videos
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:29pm BST

Chemtrails Contrails __ condensation trails ___...
62 photos
°° Contrails (/ˈkɒntreɪlz/; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long, thin artificial (man-made) clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. GenusCirrus (curl of...

__ ISO 8000__ Samsung GALAXY S5
20 photos
normally ISO 40 up to high ISOO 8000 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:51pm BST

Neo Moorish Style
110 photos
Moorish Revival Neomaurisch buildings in the zoo Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 5:25am BST

Wilhelma _ Most _ interested
524 photos, 8 videos
most viewed, faved and commented ~= most interesting ! Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 17th April 2020 at 8:25pm BST

Champion FIFA World Cup 2014
34 photos, 1 video
Around FIFA World Cup 2014 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:51am BST

Fussball soccer WM EM Ball
79 photos, 6 videos
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:16pm BST

FX by Camera MX
76 photos, 2 videos
FX by Camera MX FX = Effects tag is "Camera MX" e.g. ISO: 8000 www.cameramx.com/ Camera MX lets you combine amazing effects and borders live and in realtime - you can even customize...

EXPLORED by Samsung Galaxy S5
34 photos
xplor-stats.com/index.php?id=40036489@N00&mod=history Samsung Galaxy S5 on EXplore Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:57am BST

SOOC _ SfCam
442 photos, 2 videos
JPEG straight out of the camera, SOOC the best some crop ok sfacm - straight out of camera Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:41pm BST

POPPY Klatschmohn Papaver
111 photos
POPPY Klatschmohn Papaver Der Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas), auch Mohnblume oder Klatschrose genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae). Alle Pflanzenteile sind...

Selfie selfshot
77 photos
Selfie selfshot Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:29pm BST

Himmel Wolken Sonne - by GALAXY S5 - SKY
363 photos, 3 videos
das kann das smartphone besonders toll tags sky and s10, etc. clouds, S5, S7, S10, S21, - maching both tagsl!! ISO 40 bis ISO 8000 1/15 sec bis 1/12000 extreme sunlight shots limits 1/22000...

Selective Focus Mode GALAXY S5 (SFM)
189 photos
IDEA: SFM by Camera mode (selective focus mode) Emphasize the subject while blurring the background for an impressive depth of field effect, it uses algorithms to simulate the large camera lens and...

"Macro SAMSUNG " Galaxy S5 _ - MACRO_
181 photos
Galaxy, S5 , macro any tags most recently posted Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:42am BST

HDR Samsung Galaxy S5
102 photos
HDR on with or without flash random or best of order Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:46pm BST

"S5" Samsung GALAXY S5
493 photos, 6 videos
NEW Android flagship "S5" by SAMSUNG Excellent Camera °°° Samsung Galaxy S5,Best of flickr, eagle1effi,Flickr 3.0 APP,Android,Smartphone,Samsung, Galaxy, S5,Samsung...

"Waldhäuser-OST" - Tübingen Nord - Nordstadt
430 photos, 14 videos
define: „Waldhäuser Ost (WHO)“ In the 1970s, was near the hamlet of Waldhausen a new residential area means ~ "East Forest Homes --> Waldhäuser Ost " (WHO) - living about 5.000...

Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion
53 photos
Dandelion Löwenzahn (Taraxacum) ist eine Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Korbblütler. Ihr bekanntester Vertreter ist der heimische Gewöhnliche Löwenzahn, die „Pusteblume“. The common name...

Landschaften _ Landscape _cityscape
443 photos, 1 video
Einschwieriges Unterfangen Landschaften nach Art der hölländischen Maler oder frei interpretiert? Auf jeden Fall: Etwas mit Ferne, Sehnsucht nach Fernblick oder Überblick,Ausblick. Schönheit und...

LONG SHUTTER _ Langzeitbelichtungen
305 photos
longexposure most more than 1 sec to 60 seconds analog - Karussell Tübingen Monolta 800 si digitale Kameras Fuji, Panasonic, Canon fireworks 4s - 8s experiments - moving the camera -...

62 photos
Orchideen phalaenopsis Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:12pm BST

CROCUS _KROKUS_Kurkama_Saffron
70 photos
°°°°°°°°°°°° .de Die Pflanzengattung Krokus (Crocus; in der Schweiz "das Krokus"; Mehrzahl Krokusse) gehört zur Familie der Schwertliliengewächse (Iridaceae). Eine...

238 photos, 1 video
DETTENSEE - all around tag is "Dettensee" HORB am Neckar 9 - Horb-Dettensee ehemals Kreis Hechingen , Hohenzollernkreis "Dettensee-Hohenzollern" heute Kreis...

FOOD _ Essen_ und_ Trinken
197 photos, 2 videos
FOOD Essen und Trinken and more [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157641934326593/] FOOD,Essen,Trinken,Vesper,speise, speisen,mittagessen,pizza,Brot, Brezel, Wein,bier,...

95 photos, 1 video
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:39pm BST

Traktor , tractor, Trecker, Trekker, trator,...
429 photos, 5 videos
Traktor - trahere - ziehen ~ Zugmaschine tractor, Trecker, Trekker, trator, tracteur, traktör,treker, Schlepper, Bulldog, Tracteur agricole, Traktoro, Trattore agricolo, Tractorul, Trattore...

TOWER_ Turm_Steeple_Tour_Torre_Wieża
424 photos, 3 videos
tall interesting architecture tower Türme Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 5:19am BST

36 photos
CITY and more sorted most interesting or most recently posted °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° or sometimes random or least recently taken - So wie wir es erlebt haben. Die ältesten...

TZ41 - TOP -PANASONIC Lumix "TZ41 top"
453 photos, 5 videos
PANASONIC Lumix "TZ41 top" Handselected photos Photographer´s CHOICE °°° TZ41 TOP handselected by tags top 333 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April...

MY PHOTO-PEDIA - story about
588 photos, 6 videos
TOOL Flickriver eagle1effi's photos tagged with photopedia on Flickriver ## ## eagle1effi's most interesting photos on Flickriver Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 19th...

EXPLORE around 620 items & 100 mosaics
618 photos, 3 videos
tag is "on Explore" handselected explored 550 in but about 300 dropped out of Explore - b< scout: Oktober 2021 359 of eagle1effi's photos have been in Explore and mosaics und...

Flower Macro with Lumix TZ41, Series
232 photos
TZ41 TZ40 Panasonic Lumix TZ41 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157639983966905/] ^ sorted random Ordnung per Zufall or best of...

Recent 2014 - BEST of Flickr
499 photos
How would you like your photos to be sorted within your set? by date ( 2014) uploaded on flickr and 500 MOST INTERSETING PHOTOS !! (FLICKR'S OPINION) What Flickr believes is my most interesting...

Holderfeld Tübingen
95 photos
°°°°°°°° location: Am Schönbuchrand zu Bebenhausen: Schrebergartenanlage - Fussballsport und Rugby - American Football - Naherholungsgebiet : Tübingen - Nord Sumpf-Landschaft -...

478 photos, 21 videos
HERMA self-adhesive Material Haftmaterial imagefilm www.herma-material.de/de/service/imagefilm.html °°° [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/6781661428/in/set-72157639743472664] Set...

Christmas-time 2013
42 photos
Time before and around Christmas

My Album: Fachwerk, Fachwerkbau
144 photos, 2 videos
copy tags: Fachwerk,Fachwerkhaus,halftimbered,half-timbered house,maison à colombages,Riegelhaus,Skelettbau,armadura, Enxaimel, Das Fachwerkhaus (in der Schweiz Riegelhaus) ist ein Skelettbau aus...

Neckarfront Tübingen
195 photos, 4 videos
Tübingen: Prachtvolle Häuserfront am Neckar aka "Neckarfront" [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157637166263053/] Old city - romantic view Great old houses, about 400...

Stocherkahn Neckarschiff-fahrt in Tübingen
97 photos, 2 videos
Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:05pm BST

Daimler Maybach Benz - Automobile logos
441 photos, 3 videos
set under construction Daimler friends - "Daimler companions" new tag "Daimler companions" or Mercedesstern, "Daimler companions",tripointed, Benz logo, Daimler und...

May 2008 Tübingen
63 photos

Best of flickr
2518 photos, 3 videos
by effiArt °°°°°°°°°°°°°° MY SELECTION [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157636703456016/with/8620219102/] °°°°°°°°°°°°°°

OLD but Gold
319 photos, 7 videos
un superbe cliché nostalgique Nostalgia Nostalgie Vintage un peu de nostalgie Memories Erinnerungen★ www.flickr.com/search/?w=40036489@N00&q=old%20but%20gold Set automatically created by...

Steiner´s Blumenparadies Tübingen
283 photos
"Steiner´s Blumengarten" Steiner, Christoph, Beate, Beates Blumengarten, Tannenweg 4, flower, Blumen, Blumenparadies, pardise of flowers,Flowers, Blume,City, Stadt, Tubinga ,Tuebingen...

79 photos
What is PhotoFunia? www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/tags/photofunia/ PhotoFunia is a free online photo editing tool that gives you a fun filled experience. You upload any photo and just wait...

PARIS selection
498 photos, 1 video
499 best of ishotcc and kshotcc as photographers 2008 - 2013 by interesting sorted Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:22pm BST

HERBST - Autumn ; Harvest; autunno; autumnus;...
444 photos
Herkunft: HERBST, harvest Der Herbst als eine der vier Jahreszeiten ist die Übergangszeit zwischen Sommer und Winter. In den gemäßigten Zonen ist er die Zeit der Ernte und des Blätterfalls....

Freudenstadt - Geomapped - Stadt und Landkreis
251 photos, 1 video
Freudenstadt is a town in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. It is capital of the district Freudenstadt. The city lies on a high plateau at the east edge of the north Black Forest, and is well...

Closer by TZ41 Camera - selected
155 photos
close up or macro by long tele or short macro-tele tags: macro,TZ41best [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157635457608500/with/10736056055/] Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ 41 Set...

MY FAVS - Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ 41 - TZ41 TZ40
390 photos, 5 videos
Hand-selected in and out! "TZ41best" Captured by camera Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ 41 What i like! sorted random or most interesting - Meine persönlichen Favoriten mit der Kamera Panasonic ...

TZ41 - All in one - Panasonic Lumix
819 photos, 4 videos
panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/download/TZ40_TZ41_ZS3... 333 (online) - <= 400 €uro plus Tasche, sehr schneller SD Karte, evtl. zweiter Akku, Folie für LCD Bildschirm und stabiler...

Burg Hohenzollern
146 photos, 1 video
1850 - 1867 erbaute 3. Burg in Neugotik: Burg Zollern, Hohenzollern Der Zoller. castle "Burg Hohenzollern" Zoller Zimmern Bisingen Germany Baden-Württemberg eagle1effi lumix Architektur...

Panasonic TZ41 - made it on Explore
111 photos
°°° tags TZ41, On Explore, sorting newest first Photos taken by Panasonic LUMIX DMC-TZ 41 Best of:       Presenting Photos sorted best of by flickr...

Panasonic LUMIX TZ41
495 photos, 5 videos
      Presenting Photos sorted best of by flickr algorithm                      [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157633184046435/with/8631356716/] taken...

74 photos, 1 video
Sommer 2013

SUNRISE _ Sonnenaufgang
306 photos, 5 videos
kurz davor und danach sunrise-time sorted most interesting Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 3:50am BST

BEST _ 0f _ 2013 _ most interesting
499 photos
BEST _ 0f _ 2013 _ most interesting eagle1effi [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157632613418344/] most interesting Ranking will be daily refreshed posted 2013 digital retouched...

CC - all sizes
323 photos
Your photostream / Tags / attributionnoncommercialnoderivscreativecommons CC See all sizes Alle Grössen sichtbar download unter copyright rechten Creative commons...

Eagle1effi on flickr presents, by date 2010 ff
29 photos, 1 video
Random each year a photo daily, random per Zufall 25 Bilder am Tag von 16.000 für jedes Lebensjahr eines Album : Inhalt wechselt täglich! Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator...

442 photos, 2 videos
What shows, tells the Photo? tags FOTOPEDIA, Photopedia, story about, define, Bemerkungen,Erklaerbär, eagle1effi, Erklärbär - see also: flickr group by ...

Lichtenstein - Romantische Burg Lichtenstein -...
150 photos, 1 video
.en romantic castle in the Gothic Revival style Lichtenstein Castle is a fairy-tale styled castle located near Honau in the Swabian Alb, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Its self-descriptive name [...

SUN ~ SONNE ~ 2012 - 2013
232 photos, 3 videos
most interesting or random Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:14pm BST

Essen und Trinken, food and dishes
1511 photos, 12 videos
Was so auf den Tisch kommt eat and drink

Moon Luna Mond
497 photos, 3 videos
moon is part of the photo Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:19am BST

sunset - BEST of
494 photos, 6 videos
sunsets only BEST of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 9:20pm BST

MACRO_TZ 41_ Hand selected
209 photos
Tag TZ41 macro, Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ41 wil be continued Macro-mix - three ways! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° 1) close up - long Telemacro 4xZoom - up to 20xZoom, optical ...

Paradise of Flowers - Steiner´s Blumenparadies
237 photos
Steiner´s Blumenparadies artists Christoph and Beate Tannenweg 4 "Steiner´s Blumengarten" Steiner, Christoph, Beate, Beates Blumengarten, Tannenweg 4, flower, Blumen, Blumenparadies,...

Punting Stocherkahn
134 photos, 2 videos
Auf dem Neckar mit dem Stocherkahn unterwegs stochern - punting Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 4:00am BST

CiTYSCAPE - & - Landmarks & towers
480 photos, 5 videos
Stad-tlandschaften - Häuser-landschaften - Dächer Sehenswürdigkeiten CiTYSCAPE - & - Landmarks & towers skyline Urbane Welt, Technik und Architektur Stadt in der wir leben urban...

My Top Flower photos
499 photos
My Top 100 Flower photos [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157633359862290/comments/] sorted by flickr most interessing algorithm or sometimes random tag is flower Set...

Rund um Hohenzollern
156 photos, 1 video
castle and Prussia

Streichel-ZOO__ petting zoo __Kinderboerderij _...
103 photos, 8 videos
Hofgut Domäne moderner Restaurant-Mix mit Streichelzoo und mittelalterlichem Ambiente eines ehemaligen Landgutes Biergarten Areal Hechingen unter der Burg Hohenzollern define Ein Streichelzoo...

55 photos, 1 video
heli helicopter Helikopter Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:03pm BST

286 photos, 3 videos
My tag is canon-powershot-sx1is-reference-shot handmade selection: damncool experiments with my camera Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:02pm BST

LANDSCAPe Landschaften
443 photos, 1 video
tag is landscape, Landschaft,landscapes, Landschaften # Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 9:02pm BST

500 x 500pix Format
48 photos
500pix, 500pix format, tag Handpicked photos. Means best of my stream displayed again on The forefront of my stream, cropped to a square Format 500 x 500. It is a kind of in-house EXPO of my work,...

493 photos, 6 videos
Weihnachtlich Noel sorted random durcheinander, wahlfrei or best of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:03pm BST

MY QUINTA FLOWERS - Blumen-Donnerstag
154 photos
Schönen Blumen-Donnerstag - Quinta - Feliz quinta flowers =~ - ein Blumengruss am Donnerstag Post Flowers on Thursday Happy Thursday-Flowers ♥ .•*´¨´¨*•.¸♡ Visto no...

Georges Menelaos Nassos - Künstler
14 photos
expo 2012 DGB Haus Stuttgart °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Lebenszeichen Ausstellung DGB HAUS STUTTGART 15.11. - 3.12. 2012 Malerei von Georges...

515 photos, 2 videos
RANDOM Zufallstreffer out of 4.000 shots Nokia smartphone computer and "handy",...

Retro _ Classic Car _ Oldtimer _ Antique car _...
269 photos, 1 video
dito tags Classic Car, Oldtimer, vintage, Antique car, old but gold, retro style, classics --- set is increasing by tags --- Das Wort Oldtimer ist ein Scheinanglizismus, „old-timer“ wird in...

Mit Marie-in-Paris, _ Paris 2012.
34 photos
tags Paris2012, Marie-in-Paris set, album [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157631523024739/] Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 1st October 2021 at 3:25pm BST

Wilhelma _ Stuttgart _ VISITS
492 photos, 8 videos
old visits first 2007 ff Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 11:31pm BST

LGS 2012 Landesgartenschau in Nagold
56 photos
LGS 2012 Landesgartenschau Nagold [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157630951267092/] Places / Germany / Baden-Wurttemberg / Nagold unter dem Viadukt, im Riedbrunnenpark und Park Kleb,...

Not in a set - noch in keinem Album
757 photos, 2 videos
flickr says so it must be uploaded in a hurry ordered by date taken newest first

Architecture__ Architektur
491 photos, 8 videos
buildings and sculptures °°° ... Architecture ... tags architecture, architektur, sculpture, Skulptur,building, Gebäude, Bauwerk, Haus, Kirche, Dom,...

RED _ rot _ rouge
444 photos
colors of love red rot rouge Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:59pm BST

VIDEO "Nokia Lumia 800"
5 videos
Videos werden maximal mit 720p (1280x720 Pixel) tag vids, video, HD-video Blende f/2.2 Weitwinkel: ~ 28 mm Nokia Lumia Smartphone Celly camera Video videos HD-Video aufgemommen mit der Kamera...

Eagle1effi makes fun
156 photos, 3 videos
By interestinness or random my pizza pazza set dies und das Album tag face self promotion eagle1effi Set automatically created by dopiaza's Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

122 photos, 3 videos
Sortierung - nach dem meisten Interesse z.B. clicks, Kommentare, Gruppen-einladungen, faves, Suchmaschinensuche, etc tags Jubiläumsfahrt, Allgäu , Omnibus Kocher, Omnibus Lutz, match any sorted...

ALLgäu - Omnibus-Reise "Jubiläumsfahrt"
122 photos, 3 videos
wird automatisch einmal täglich chronologisch nach Aufnahmedatum per tags (Schlüsselworte) erweitert "Jubiläumsfahrt" tags Jubiläumsfahrt, Allgäu , Omnibus Kocher, Omnibus Lutz,...

Nokia Lumia 800 - TOP Ranking
495 photos, 5 videos
Photos sorted by most interestingness most interesting Ranking will be daily refreshed Celly Camera Nokia Lumia 800 tag isLumia800, lumia Lumia is the term coined by 20th Century Artist Thomas...

Sightseeing Tubinga, TÜBINGEN
245 photos, 4 videos
around the church tower "Stiftskirche" aka collegiate church, aka "St. George" and marketplace (Marktplatz) in Tubing, aka Tübingen -...

Views_500.000 +
1 photo

Top 2012
498 photos, 1 video
by Interestingness & Date posted :-) some times randomly based on various criteria such as Interestingness & Date posted (2012) °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° by DATE posted on...

Logos Markenzeichen brand emblem badge
327 photos
Logos, Markenzeichen, brand, emblem,badge ,logo, marks Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:11pm BST

120 photos
my special sujet: dark night and macro flower photography natural "on black" photography check please my a hand-selected set, album - here: ordered: randomly

339 photos, 3 videos
scenery: CITYSCAPE, TOWNSCAPE, CITY, TOWN, or buildings around Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:59pm BST

Our bird
40 photos
Amigo Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 17th April 2020 at 7:23pm BST

Affenpaule , Paul Franz
14 photos
"Affenpaule", er hat mal Affen oder Aras oder andere "wilde Tiere" bei sich geführt!, der mit bürgerlichem Namen Paul Franz heißt, schipperte jahrelang mit seinem...

NO limits ?
639 photos, 1 video
Presenting all around CANON Powershot SX1 IS. Type of Camera Compact , bridge camera - digital still camera with built-in flash, 20x Optical/4x Digital/80x Combined Zoom with Optical Image...

Canon macros , closer
428 photos, 1 video
My new suprsetr tag is "canonmacro" made by jeremybrooks.net/suprsetr/index.html and edited by flickr organizer

Celly & OnExplore
51 photos
celly camera photography and made it onExplore Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 23rd July 2011 at 12:26am BST

Filderstadt - auf den Fildern
280 photos, 3 videos
Flickr Set Manager allows you to automatically create new sets on Flickr based on various criteria such as interestingness, date posted and tags, or even from a random set of photographs. ... HERE a...

Details aller Art
329 photos, 4 videos
detail : focussed on one sujet filtered by text then taggged with detail für die Gruppe: Details aller Art www.flickr.com/groups/details_all_kinds/ Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

Collage or Mosaic
500 photos
EFFIART by eagle1effi digital playing with my photos Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:49pm BST

EXPLORE HYPE [on Explore] - Eagle1effi
330 photos, 3 videos
tag is OnExplore define HYPE Explore inExplore onExplore explored Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material: or intensive or exaggerated publicity...

490 photos, 10 videos
Sonnenuntergang, coucher de soleil, puesta del sol,tramonto, How would you like your photos to be sorted within your set? 1) Random access zufällig or 2) most interesting Interessanteste Set...

Flower Macro : Celly - Camera
365 photos
alle mit dem handy Nokia aufgenommen celly, Germany ,Celly ,Handy, GPS exact hybrid geomapped ,f/2.8/5.6, Carl Zeiss Tessar, 5.0 megapixel,nokia 6220c-1 ,mobile phone, phone, mobile, cellphone...

MEILENWERK - Automotive Erlebenniswelt
14 photos
Meilenwerk Stuttgart/Böblingen sorted random or best of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:56pm BST

Top Beginners PHOTOS 2007-2008 -
489 photos
Just started on flickr by date most interesting Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 2nd February 2011 at 11:21pm GMT

Best of 2011, RECENT TOP, uploaded
331 photos, 2 videos
How would you like your photos to be sorted within your set? by date uploaded on flickr and 500 MOST INTERSETING PHOTOS !! (FLICKR'S OPINION) What Flickr believes is my most interesting...

MY Rosas , roses, Meine Rosen , Rozen , Los...
442 photos, 2 videos
My roses flower macro nature bunch of roses - Rosas roses Rosen Rozen Los rosales Rozo Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:42pm BST

BLACK & WHITE & Feelings
294 photos
bw, b/w black and white schwarz-weiss, sw schwarz-weiss...

Wildlife flora et fauna
500 photos
nature living outdoor flora plant species flowers and more --- Macrofauna Megafauna fauna all of the animal life ..outdoor - - No People, Cars, Houses, modern living things just nature - No...

"EFFI ART" SET 2010, " Digital Art " selected by...
225 photos
Art meets photography check my "Aristic Photos 2 on Flickr by Eagle1effi aka "EFFI" some are new popart, fabtastic, surreal, new creations, Some are photoshopped of an old treasurse...

Stuttgart, Landeshauptstadt
601 photos, 9 videos
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart - Stuttgart is the capital of the state of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany. - wikitravel.org/en/Stuttgart - Stuttgart was founded in the 10th century; its name...

hearts Herzen von Herzen
83 photos
all around the heart Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 3rd May 2021 at 11:20pm BST

Carina shot - Top 300
296 photos, 4 videos
my wife - my love- her shots her shootings are tagged:kshotcc or Carinashotcc Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:16am BST

Vibrant Colors , colorful, in my world, random
498 photos, 1 video
random shots of my stream with the tag "colorful" Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:10pm BST

Friends for friends, what they did!..
213 photos
- 1) made by friends for me as a surprise - 2) made for friends, they asked me - 3) shot for friends, hommage - 4) EffiArt -digital, retouches - each shot has a story around and allways i asked...

273 photos
check the most seen mainstream tag is exact "Views_1000+" counter by www.dopiaza.org. out of over 11.000 shots 2009 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April...

RECENT TOP 2010, uploaded in 2010
200 photos
recent posted Photos, in the year 2010 ranking #01- #199 daily refreshed -------------------- means here ranking uploaded by date 1.1.2010 , ... 31 . 12. 2010 and most userhits, faves,...

Dampfwalze, Strassenwalze, steam roller,...
15 photos, 3 videos
Tübinger Dampfkessel-Strassen-Walze von 1898; 2010 wieder in Tübingen, Brunnenstrasse, Dampfstraßenwalze tags Dampfwalze, Strassenwalze, steam roller,...

Most VIEWS - top 99
99 photos
tag is Views_5000+,Views_10000+,Views_20000+,Views_30000+,Views_50000,Views_60000+,Views_70000+,Views_80000+,Views_90000+,+Views_100000+,Views_200000+,Views_300000+,Views_400000+,Views_500000+ Set...

Around 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, ES
378 photos, 8 videos
City near Stuttgart region Stuttgart , germany Eßlingen °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Esslingen damncool Canon Powershot CanonPowershotSX1IS ...

Butterfly, Schmetterlinge aller ART
90 photos, 1 video
Schmetterlinge aller ART Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:40pm BST

Sunny hiking / Schöne Wanderungen
1536 photos, 7 videos
trees and more landscape Landschaften -- Schönbuch around Stuttgart, and Schönaich, Bebenhausen -- Staufeneck, around Göppingen , Hohen Staufen -- Schwäbische Alb, Castle -- Lichtenstein,...

On white, auf weiss freigestellt, sur fond blanc,...
106 photos
Freisteller, weiß , weisser, oder sehr heller Hintergrund, weisse Wand, oder im Schnee, auf Schlagsahne, im totalen Gegenlicht, etc. against the white - on white, auf weiss freigestellt, sur...

Wild teasel, Wilde Karde, Dipsacus fullonum,...
62 photos
Darkest Night - Die Wilde Karde Dipsacus fullonum tag: teasel, Karde, Wilde Karde, Dipsacus fullonum, Fuller's teasel ,wild teasel - common names Fuller's teasel and wild teasel - .es Dipsacus...

ART or Burg Lichtenstein - castle - fort -...
256 photos, 3 videos
around Burg Lichtenstein Château de Lichtenstein Honau / Reutlingen Germany Deutschland Schloss Lichtenstein war 2009 ein Drehort des Märchenfilms Dornröschen. In der Verfilmung des bekannten...

Marilyn Monroe __ MM __ celeb actress
129 photos, 1 video
sorted random or by interesting daily updated my fave mehr deutsch: Marilyn-online.de Birth Name: Norma Jeane Mortenson Also Known As: Norma Jeane Baker Birth date: June 1, 1926 Birth place:...

Faces Portrait Retrato Ritratto Portret...
399 photos
about 500 portraits classic and digitalretouched caputres of interesting persons - handselected !!! # newest first - from time to time refeshed tags persona, face, portrait, Retrato, Ritratto,...

SOOC - (Straight Out of the Camera) = sfcam...
498 photos, 2 videos
crop, is...

The Mercedes 500K (type W29) , luxury car,
46 photos
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157623857330800/] Mercedes-Benz W 29 Typ 500 K Typ 540 K Typ 540 K kurz sports car built by Mercedes-Benz between 1934 and 1936, and first...

Porsche Germany
100 photos
great cars! www.porsche.com/ Die Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG ist ein Hersteller von Automobilen mit Sitz in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen. www.porsche.com/germany/ Set automatically created by dopiaza's...

Geomapped 1 km homezone: Walhäuseruser - Ost,...
281 photos, 2 videos
nur geotag: in Tübingen - Nord auf der Karte lokalisiert: - How would you like your photos to be sorted within your set? RANDOM != wahlfrei, Zufallsprinzip! Set automatically created by...

100 Years: Super-cars, luxury cars
139 photos
tags: k500, W196S, Porsche 911,w198, , F 430,Ford GT 2005,Ford Mustang,Audi A5 gran turismo, R8,MBSLK, Audi A4 effi,Audi TT,Landaulet,Maybach 57,S600, Porsche Carrera 4, type 997/2,300S,W188,W113,...

Castle Schloss, Schlösser, Burg, Ansitz
208 photos, 1 video
define: Schloss und Burg Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 30th January 2021 at 8:53pm UTC

Celly + macro
500 photos
using my handy camera for macro and closer shots! sorted: random or most interesting Taken with a Nokia 6220c-1. More properties flower ,macro ,f/2.8/5.6, Carl Zeiss Tessar, 5.0 megapixel,nokia...

Landscape - Cityscape, Landschaft - ...
541 photos, 1 video
Stadt und Land - auf einen Blick ! --- cityscape & landscape --- ======================= ~~~ define:...

Tulipan, tulip, Tulpen, tulips,Tulpe, tulipan
144 photos
my tulips - on my stream [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157623871922993/] # tags Tulipan, tulip, Tulpen, tulips,Tulpe, tulipan, Tulipe, Tulp, Tulipano, Tulipan Set automatically...

Artistic portraits - portraits of finesse -...
123 photos
artistic potraits : friends and family contacts can see more! Fan-Art tag: artistic portrait refreshed : April 2010 location: Waldhäuser-Ost, Paris, Zürich, Stuttgart, esp.: fdf Tübingen...

Lieblinge 25+ faves
28 photos
tag : 25+ faves mahr als 25 Sterne weniger als 50 faves Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 18th April 2020 at 6:49pm BST

yellow - gelb amarillo - pics with
498 photos, 1 video
yellow gelb amarillo Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:08pm BST

REFERENCE Photos : Canon Powershot SX1 IS
493 photos, 7 videos
My handselection : random sorted by text Canon Powershot SX1 IS reference shot, Canon Powershot SX1 IS: - tag Canon Powershot SX1 IS reference shot, - Expert Reviews: summary: good...

ISO 3200 / 1600 / 800 / 400 - CANON PowerShot...
379 photos, 1 video
check CANON PowerShot SX1 IS, Lumix FX-10 low light shots or experiments! daylight in black set tags: - iso400, iso500, iso640, iso800, iso1600, iso3200, Set automatically created by dopiaza's...

363 photos, 3 videos
Collection "Most Views/Faves || automatic counters " here: Views_300+ handselected Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 30th September 2020 at 11:50pm BST

Stuttgart Region
329 photos, 4 videos
Stuttgart by Location Filter localiced by geomapping only geotagged shots Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 6th January 2018 at 4:40pm UTC

Blumenparadies _ "Steiner´s Blumengarten" _...
227 photos
Beate and the wonderful world of flowers Beate´s paradise of flowers tag is Beate "Steiner´s Blumengarten" Steiner, Christoph, Beate, Beates Blumengarten, Tannenweg 4, flower, Blumen,...

CITY Tuebingen Tubinga, Baden-Wuerttemberg, ...
498 photos, 2 videos
Tübingen is a traditional university town in central Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated about 45 km (28 miles) southwest of the state capital, Stuttgart, on a ridge between the Neckar and...

pink colored
311 photos
pink rosarot bis blaß violett darckr.com/set?setid=72157622638799510 define pink Roseus is a Latin word meaning "rosy" or "pink." Pink is a pale red color; the use of the word...

"fall Herbst otono autunno automne autumn"
471 photos
Blätter und Impressionen "fall Herbst otono autunno automne 秋令 autumn" fall foliage and impressions darckr.com/set?setid=72157622297931993 Start 16. September Set...

Celly - Nokia 6220c-1, Nokia Handy Kamera
498 photos, 1 video
sorted by userhits nightshots portrait macro landscape tags: Germany Celly Handy GPS "exact hybrid geomapped" flower macro f/2.8/5.6 "Leica lens" "Carl Zeiss" Tessar...

Record Mode: CR2+JPEG , raw to jpeg
15 photos
PowerShot SX1 IS raw mode ?? Yes ! Record Mode: CR2+JPEG or only CR2 (raw) shots! Features Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels at 30 fps) movie mode plus HDMI output for easy playback of video and...

Supermacro: Canon Super Macro On (2)
348 photos, 1 video
Canon Powershot SX1 IS : tag is supermacro set Camera Canon PowerShot SX1 IS CANON mode Super MacroOn (2) ~ 0 - 10 cm distance ===================================== supermacro ~ 28 mm...

1`st steps with the CANON SX1 IS Powershot -
556 photos, 6 videos
Canon Powershot SX1 IS - recent shots 2009 taken - filter by date: my firrst half Year bridge camera unsorted or by interestingness 500 best of Set automatically created by dopiaza's set...

contre jour - contraluz -Gegenlicht - backlight
199 photos
contre jour contraluz backlight gegenlicht auf Weiss, Freisteller Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:05pm BST

Dettensee - location around -
238 photos, 1 video
_________________________________ Stadtteil der Stadt Horb am Neckar de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dettensee - 48.42716631677552 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at...

BEST 500 in 2010 - | by Date and Interestingness
498 photos, 3 videos
by flickrs "Interestingness" ----- ENJOY with darckr on black set ---- means ranking by date 1.1.2009 , ... 31 . 12. 2010 and most userhits, faves, comments, notes and...

blue and red- bleu et / ou rouge
537 photos, 2 videos
red or blue or blue and red Blau oder / und rot Bleu et / ou rouge الزرقاء Ùˆ / أو Ø£Ø-مر. Μπλε και / ή...

GIF Anamations -may i entertain you! effiART
25 photos
check the first comment or to see an animation - click the image "All sizes " to start the animation. take the large or originalsize - may i entertain you! effiART Set automatically...

HORB und Umgebung
398 photos, 4 videos
Umkreis von Horb Horb, Ergenzingen - Dettensee, Nordstetten, ... de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horb_am_Neckar where i am born, Horb - Dettensee Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...

100+Comments - Ãœber 100 Kommentare
31 photos
Kommentare , 100 und mehr! #tags # 100+plus_comment, 100+comments Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:55am BST

321 photos, 2 videos
tag is exact "Views_500+" counter by www.dopiaza.org. out of over 11.000 shots August 2009 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:05pm BST

65 photos
You faved my shots 20 or more times. ...'fave' - 'Lieblings-' Bild Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:44pm BST

love hope freedom
275 photos, 8 videos
Times are changing! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Enjoy my set in a slideshow! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ----------------You need ...

Feelings: Summer to fall Sun and Fun
114 photos
collecting sommer sun and fun 2009 tag: summer2009

493 photos, 3 videos
tag is exact "Views_200_+" counter by www.dopiaza.org. out of over 11.000 shots july 2009 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:57am BST

Views: more then 100
529 photos, 3 videos
sorted random / or most recently taken Views: more then 100 to 10.000 On Black: set Views_100+,Views_200+,Views_300+,Views_400+,Views_500+ , Views_1000+,Views_1000+,Views_1500+,Views_2000+ ,...

195 photos, 1 video
more then 10 Faves fave ~= Ihr Lieblingsbild Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:30pm BST

AUDI Audi 100 Years
129 photos
100 Jahre Audi aka DKW aka NSU, aka Horch Die Fahrzeuge der Marke Audi werden außer in den beiden deutschen Werken Ingolstadt und Neckarsulm gefertigt. Im Juli 1910 verließ das erste Fahrzeug...

Carina: Photosession Wilhelma_II
66 photos
Carina in a wall - check slideshow! www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157621551407100/s...

Wilhelma - Zoo Stutttgart ( II) -...
174 photos, 3 videos
14 July under construction - - Wilhelma Wilhelma, built as a royal palace, is now a zoo in Stuttgart, Germany. Fauna 8.900 animals of the world and Flora 5.800 plants It is Europe's only...

33 photos
holidays 2009 Interesting recent things taken with a Canon PowerShot A430 ____________ Lanzarote nordöstlichste der sieben großen Kanarischen Inseln, die im Atlantischen Ozean eine von Spaniens...

Mercedes-Benz + Museum Stuttgart
262 photos, 4 videos
sorted random or most interested tagged "Mercedes" or Benz, Mercedes Benz [http://www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/sets/72157621022710894/with/6486131767/] most interesting sorted Set...

Audi / VW & more Cars // new & yesteryear
459 photos, 2 videos
Audi ( HORCH) + VW Porsche Fiat Volvo BMW Austin Mini / British Motor Corporation (BMC) Ford and more brands For those of us who are a little older or for the many both “young & old”...

Holy - Father, Jesus, Maria, Saints, Angel, ...
410 photos, 5 videos
Religio shots about holy locations and Karma and more holy themes tags God, Abba, JHWH, Jesus, Maria, angel, Engel, Kreuz, Kirche, church, eglesia, Kloster, baslilica, basilique Set automatically...

Zoo Stuttgart
261 photos
Wilhelma Wilhelma, built as a royal palace, is now a zoo in Stuttgart, Germany. Fauna 8.900 animals of the world and Flora 5.800 plants It is Europe's only large combined zoological and...

Kalender , calendar. CC by effi@rt
119 photos
CC Attribution Creative Commons CC-Licence - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons - tags Calender, Calendar, Kalender, almanac, calendario,calendrier,effiart, eagle1effi sorted:...

Strasbourg Strassburg Strossburi / France
211 photos
most interesting or most recently posted or random Strossburi , Elsass Strassburg, Frankreich Strasbuorg, France mapped shots: www.flickr.com/places//France/Alsace/Strasbourg Set automatically...

Spring Frühling printemps primavera
165 photos, 1 video
Colors of spring flowers and more Farben des Frühlings Couleurs du printemps Frühlingsfarben

Scarlett Marie Johansson
22 photos
Scarlett Marie Johansson Scarlett Marie Johansson - American actress and singer - celeb (* 22. November 1984 in New York City, New York) Johanssons Vater Karsten ist ein dänischer Architekt, ihre...

Blue and Yellow
380 photos
love yellow and blue & rainbows Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 10:26pm BST

2 MB - trimming from the original - Ausschnitt
96 photos
fine finds on my chip trimming from the original Related Image Width: 1920 Related Image Height: 1080 8MB cropped selected bycamera "Caonon Powershot SX1 IS" fine findsl 2009 Set...

493 photos, 6 videos
not too good ! random tags camera-art , camerart, camera_Art, Experiment camera and softwareskills training cameramoves, bulb, longshutter iso and other testings Set automatically created by...

2009 - Straßburg - Strossburi , Elsaß ...
195 photos
Visiting Straßburg/ France sooc sfam -tags Strassburg, Strasbourg ,Straßburg "Strossburi , France" "Strossburi , Elsaß," "Straßburg,...

tractors: FENDT & JoHn Deere | Massey Ferguson |...
123 photos, 2 videos
www.fendt.com/ trekker tractor bulldog FENDT & JoHn Deere | Massey Ferguson | Deutz | Mercedes Benz |Steyr |EicHer | PorscHe & more brands ... - Fendt Favorit 512, 513 ,514 C Fendt...

Lumix DMC-FX10 best of MY Panasonic camera
507 photos
my old Panasonic camera a Handschmeichler und immer dabei! Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 18th April 2020 at 10:30pm BST

SX1best: Canon Powershot SX1 IS
496 photos, 4 videos
recent bestof tag is sx1best ------------------------- my personal best of with my new Canon Powershot SX1 IS camera since Dec. 2008 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...

Random : Canon Powershot SX1 IS || ~ 4000 Views...
455 photos, 8 videos
Just new by software update : RAW feature My Reference shots : Canon Powershot SX1 IS Expo: demo of my skills and the new Camera sorted: random ! or interestingness my new ALL-in-ONE ...

Portraits up to date
439 photos, 5 videos
Canon Powershot SX1 IS Kriterium: Datum seit 18.12.2008 Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 8:07pm BST

Closer ! CANON Powershot SX1 IS - | 0 - 1.6 ft |...
552 photos, 2 videos
SuperMacro 0 - 10 cm- 28 mm no zoom ! canonmacro + close up 10-50 cm - zoom on > sorted: random Macro: 0.39 in.-1.6 ft./1-50cm (W) Super macro: 0-3.9 in./0-10cm (W) close up - showing a special...

NatureMasterClass shots
734 photos
random sorted www.flickr.com/groups/nature_limited/ shots are part of my nature_limited group - no flies or insects on the flower! - Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...

nightlife nightshot lightboxes
494 photos, 5 videos
not day even darker Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 6:29am BST

629 photos, 5 videos
lumen del sol lumen de la luna Licht der Sonne und des Mondes tramonto Sonnenuntergang el atardecer ocaso ... sunrise moon Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at...

effi @rT, EffiArt
516 photos, 8 videos
my new tag since 2008 EFFIART,Effi@rt, EffiArt thankx to Rikx, down under www.flickr.com/photos/95438214@N00/ for the tag digitalgrafitti, digitalretouched Set automatically created by...

special framed pics ------ >>by effi@rT [...
297 photos
View on Black with DARCKR : This set/ Album For friends of special frames made myself - or adapted i collect frames or take fotos to make a own frames or overlays! - have fun and comment! or...

IC - Ines C.
43 photos, 1 video
tagged shots! date filters okt 2007 to 2011 some ( random ) shots or most interesting daily changes Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 7:47pm BST

reunion : Svens_family
97 photos, 2 videos
2009 story: www.flickr.com/photos/eagle1effi/3186401565/in/set-721576...

Waldhausen und Waldhäuser-Ost (WHO), Tübingen...
360 photos, 5 videos
My private homezone (200m) - is not shown a set by - geomapping - location filter "Waldhäuser-Ost Tübingen" all is gomapped eagle1effi is looking around, out of my window, or check...

Kartpostal: Mail for You :: postcard award
329 photos, 1 video
nice, funny and happy cards surreal or digitalretouched black and white

10+faves : Your Faves ;; more than 10 ::::...
195 photos, 1 video
You like it, You fave it! Thankx tag is "10+" "10+faves" 10+ faves minimum! sorting rule: Lestinteresting , first placees! #001-#099 Set automatically created by...

Winterfeelings 2008/2009
83 photos
Feel the 4 th season Beginning 20./30 October 2008

My damncool shots { random } tagged damncool
759 photos
www.flickr.com/groups/damn_cool/ part of my group Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 2nd October 2022 at 5:34pm BST

Forgotten trash Least INTERESTINGNESS 2009 -...
288 photos, 1 video
First place of UN -INTERESTINGNESS. Least interesting - forgotten trash forgotten or ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ON BLACK my top ten ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Best 99 of ~ 10.888 pics Set...

Family and more ishotcc
165 photos, 5 videos
Me and my best eaters and drinkers newest first - ( by date taken)

33 . LBS Nikolauslauf Tübingen
31 photos
Gedränge am START 10.00 UHR just shot

just uploaded
160 photos, 1 video
public =ready or permission friend/ private = underconstruction ps tag sfacm = straight from the camera

Mixed Daily [ 2009 - 2010 ] Vermischtestag...
730 photos, 8 videos
Random !! by date All sets in a selectiv show! - ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ON BLACK my top ten ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th April 2024 at 1:16pm BST

October 2008 impressive & expressive
201 photos
Herbstimpressionen effi@rts impressions of colors makes expressions of my heart and reverse

Silhuetas & Silhouettes
56 photos
playing with shadows or negative sights

art ,artistique, '' l'art pour l'art '', arts...
482 photos, 1 video
searching materials and making art : exhibition or real outdoor art - dear flickreenos, this is art and some pics are flaged moderate, cause flickr , not cause GERMANY !! why? cause you can see it...

Everyday´s Mixed 20 of all :: EFFI´s art...
766 photos, 2 videos
it was a photo now it is art or phylosphoto! tags are: - by ©eagle1effi, digitalretouched, digitalgraffiti, funstuff, byeagle1effi, art, artistic,surreal Set automatically created by...

Tübingen slideshow everyday -
463 photos, 11 videos
promoting my hometown City, Stadt, Tubinga ,Tuebingen ,Tubingen ,Tübingen, Dibenga, Germany ,Deutschland, Baden-Wuerttemberg ,Württemberg ,"Stadt Tübingen",city, Tubinga, Tuebingen,...

Tübingen Makrokosmos
416 photos, 6 videos
Tubinga, Baden-Württemberg, Germany sightseeing tour: Rundgang : beta Über die Neckarbrücke zum Marktplatz - Lexikon Geschichte Baden+Württemberg: Tübingen philatelistisch...

NY harbour
16 photos
feelings around the harbour

September 2008 Flowerpower and history and...
174 photos
Blumen und Historisches + Experimente

130 photos
ROTTENBURG berühmt für Eis, Cafes und Wochen- und Jahresmärkte, jährliche Motorradsegnung , bischöflichem Ambiente und einer " italienischen " Grundstimmung und Schlendern in der...

Pink 2008
205 photos
Aktion Gegen Brustkrebs - Deutsche Krebshilfe - und Forschung www.flickr.com/groups/pink2008/ Fundraise for breast cancer research Set automatically created by dopiaza's set generator on 16th...