Yesterday morning was spent wandering around frosty and foggy winter wonderlands, and it was incredible. I absolutely love this time of year, the transition from fall to winter leaves me speechless with its icy beauty every time.
...just realized it's been a while since I last faced the camera head-on... Not sure if it counts if my face is half-covered, but hey, still changing it up from the usual. :)
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Tags: 7GAV8 Brazilian Air Force FAB Forca Aerea Brasileira Foto: Johnson Barros General Electric T700-GE-701 H-60L Black-Hawk SAR Sikorsky H-60L Black-Hawk Canon Color Cor Cores
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Tags: Aeronave Aeronave Comemorativa Foto: Johnson Barros T-27 Tucano Pirassununga SP Brazil BR Manobra Trainer Vertical Orange Turbo Brazilian Propeler Tubo Air Force Acrobacia Aerobatic Airplane Tucano Canon Aircraft Brazilian Air Force Forca Aerea Brasileira Color Cor Cores Aviao Plane
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Exit the afternoon to give time to rain. All tightened step, either to leave or to seek shelter. At that time, I saw a cloud that the sun's rays glowed its top. I ran, not to protect me, but to perpetuate that unique moment, not caring if it was attacked by drops of water released from the sky. So me and the training aircraft of the Air Force Academy, we were eyewitnesses of this fantastic moment.-/-/-/Saia a tarde para dar vez à chuva. Todos apertavam o passo, seja para ir embora ou para procurar abrigo. Nessa hora, vi uma nuvem em que os raios de sol incandesciam seu topo. Corri, não para me proteger, mas para eternizar aquele momento ímpar, sem me importar se seria atacado pelas gotas de água lançadas do céu. Assim, eu e os aviões de treinamento da Academia da Força Aérea, fomos testemunhas oculares desse fantástico momento.
Tags: sunset light painting night shot clima weather força aérea air force militar military night raio lightning airport aeroporto Treinador Cloud Aircraft 131202JOH8018(c)Johnson_Barros Aeronave T-25 ngc Brazilian Air Force Forca Aerea Brasileira Canon Color Cor Cores EXPLORED Airplane Aviao Plane Sunlight Colors Golden Hour
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