Bronze kardiophylax (pectoral armor)
Etruscan, from Perugia, Umbria
ca. 650-625 BCE
British Museum, London
GR 1888.11-10.2
Bronze 376
Tags: British Museum London bronze armor kardiophylax pectoral chest ancient Italy Italian Italic central Etruscan Etruria defensive openwork Perugia Umbria Umbrian 7th c. BCE 620s BCE 630s BCE 640s BCE cardiophylax pleiades:findspot=413248
Bronze kardiophylax (pectoral armor)
Etruscan or Central Italian
ca. 675-625 BCE
British Museum, London
Blacas Collection
GR 1867.5-8.374
Bronze 368
Tags: British Museum London bronze armor kardiophylax pectoral chest ancient Italy Italian Italic central Etruscan Etruria defensive bird animal swastika incision incised repousse punched geometric design 7th c. BCE cardiophylax
Two Euboean style olpai with wavy and horizontal bands, made in Campania ca. 700-650 BCE
British Museum, London
Blacas Collection
GR 1867.5-8.937 (Left)
GR 1867.5-8.936 (Right)
Tags: olpe olpai pottery ceramic jug vase campanian euboean vii 7th century blacas wavy British Museum London horizontal band Campania local Italian 7th c. BCE euboian pleiades:origin=432742 pleiades:findspot=432742 bottle bottiglia 1st half 7th c. BCE
Tomb group from Cumae:
Left: Early Protocorinthian kotyle with linear decoration and floating sigmas, ca. 690 BCE
Right: Early Protocorinthian aryballos, made at Pithekoussai (Ischia), ca. 690 BCE
British Museum, London
GR 1950.1-24.2 (Left)
GR 1950.1-24.1 (Right)
Tags: Cumae pottery ceramic kotyle aryballos Pithekoussai corinthian 7th century tomb group 690 BCE Cuma Kymai Pithecusae Ischia Corinth vase oil burial grave goods ancient Greek Italian Italy artifact 7th c. BCE 680s BCE 690s BCE pleiades:place=432808 Protocorinthian pleiades:place=433026 pleiades:findspot=432808 pleiades:origin=433026 skyphos
Corinthian-type bronze helmet
Apulia, ca. 600 BCE
British Museum, London
Alessandro Castellani collection
GR 1873.8-20.228
Bronze 2820
Tags: British Museum London Corinthian helmet Apulia Apulian Puglia bronze Greek ancient Italy Italian Italic armor defensive nasal 600 7th c. BCE 6th c. BCE pleiades:findspot=442469