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User / Canadapt / Sets
33 items

Personal Choices
142 photos
Images that I think represent my way of seeing ... in no particular order.

353 photos
Photos of mine that have been selected for Flickr Explore pages.

"The lake that I belong to ... "
573 photos
Keefer Lake, Ontario, Canada

Keefer Lake and area
1161 photos
Photos of the lake in landscape mode are in a separate album entitled -The lake that I belong to - - Keefer Lake, Ontario, Canada -

'Keefer Lake Wildlife'
181 photos
An album of wildlife ... Keefer Lake dwellers all. My favourite fellow Keeferites are the Loons!

Abstracts, Graphics, Minimalism, Patterns,...
1536 photos
Any photograph where "depicting" the subject matter is not the intent ... rather the lines, angles, textures, colours, contrast, message, etc. are what is intended to be conveyed to the...

1137 photos

Street/Urban Photography
902 photos
Although it is difficult to come up with a good definition of what constitutes 'street photograpy' I have included photos in this set that might fit that category? Perhaps it is better titled 'Photos...

"Unbeknownst to them ... "
875 photos
Self-explanatory title after viewing the photos (I hope?).

Landscapes, Seascapes, Skyscapes, Lakescapes
1063 photos

Rosa's Garden of Earthly Delights
292 photos
Photographs taken in and about Rosa's multitude of gardens at Keefer Lake.

693 photos
If I was only allowed to photograph one subject I think I might pick trees?

766 photos
An album where shadows are the subject or at least play a role in whatever merit the photograph may have. Post Script: I actually won a photo contest on shadows with the image that is on the album...

Only reflections
951 photos

Stairs, Windows and Doors
872 photos

752 photos
B&W, sepia, selenium, etc.

'Bordering on Monochromatic'
312 photos
For reasons that will forever remain a mystery, I am attracted to scenes that are 'just barely' in colour. Although these are colour photos some appear at first glance to be in black and white or...

Sunrises & Sunsets
517 photos
Various sunrises and sunsets (many more sunrises than sunsets) - most of them are from Keefer Lake, my home.

'Streetcars, Trams, Trolleys, Trucks, Buses,...
121 photos
A favourite subject of mine for reasons only a therapist could discern.

Forest Impressions
206 photos

164 photos
Photos that might make you smile or even chuckle? Humour (or humor for my American friends) comes in many forms. Subtle or slapstick ... guffaw or groan ... dark or silly.

Flora & Fauna
1498 photos

A cross is in it somewhere ...
537 photos
Photos of mine that have crosses in them either in a subtle or an overt way. Some are a 'stretch' I know ... but they are there.

'Just because ... '
844 photos
Photos taken with no reason or rhyme?

779 photos

Phone Pics
57 photos
Photographs taken with my mobile phone camera.

1557 photos
Photographs taken on various trips to Portugal.

British Columbia
297 photos
Photography from various trips to my home in Prince Rupert.

111 photos

Southwest USA
110 photos
In January 2015 we made a trip that I have been wanting to do for as long as I can remember. It was even better than I had imagined it to be. Starting in Las Vegas, over the course of 2 weeks driving...

Keefer Lake Sand & Gravel Pit
35 photos
The title says it all ... a nearby sand and gravel pit is a favourite haunt for photography.

144 photos
These photos were taken on various road trips. I use the term 'chautauqua' in the sense that it is used in Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" .... :)

Photos w Poetry, Music, Lyrics & More
175 photos
Photos in this album are any that include poems (written mostly by my niece; C. Hill) but also by me and others much more famous than us. Images that include titles from literature or someone's prose...