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User / Clive G' / Sets / Swanage Railway - 'The Exchanges' Autumn Steam Gala
Clive G' / 18 items

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Taken from the Arne Road Bridge on 14/10/18 at the Swanage Railway 'The Loco Exchanges' Autumn Steam Gala; hourly services worked beyond Norden on a top and tail basis (No. 44871 is at the rear)and will come off at Corfe Castle. There is no opportunity to alight at the River Frome stop nor any loco run round facilities, it is basically a shunt out and back that takes about eight minutes there and eight minutes back.
On a gloomy day but for the lineside detritus I'd have been pleased with this snap, Note to self; think more about locations.

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Taken 14/10/18 at the Swanage Railway 'The Loco Exchanges' Autumn Steam Gala; can a humble Black five qualify as a celebrity loco? Built at Crewe in 1945 as No, 4871 and renumbered No. 44871 on nationalisation, a working career moving around the sheds of the north west followed, interrupted by a brief sojourn in Wales at Holyhead in 1952. The loco survived until the end of BR steam in 1968 and on 11th August its moment in spotlight came when it double headed the Carlisle to Manchester leg of the 'Fifteen Guinea Special' along with No. 44781. Avoiding the scrap line No. 44871 was bought for preservation and based at Steamtown, Carnforth, a base from which it worked mainline specials and where at one time it carried the name 'Sovereign'. Bought by Ian Riley Engineering in 2006 No. 44871 remains certified for main line running.

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Taken 14/10/18; 2018 marks 70 years since the 1948 Locomotive Exchange Trials held by the newly formed British Railways which saw locomotives from the pre-nationalised 'Big Four' railway companies tested on the routes of their previous rivals. The Swanage Railway used this as thee theme for their Autumn Gala and had examples of three of the locomotive types used in the trials. These were Bulleid Light Pacific No. 34072 '257 Squadron' from the home fleet (Nos. 34004, 34005 and 34006 took part in the trial). Two locos were hired in, Black Five 4-6-0 No. 44871 (Nos. 44799 and 45253 were the locos used in the trials) and ex-LMS Stanier Coronation Class Pacific No. 6233 'Duchess of Sutherland' (representing No. 46236).
The observant will note the lack of an ex-LNER or an ex-GWR example and that the third hired in loco, ex-BR 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80078 has only a tenuous link in that the BR standards are considered by some to be the result of the trials. Others believe that ex-LMS practice would always be developed by the fledging BR given the number of ex-LMS employees in senior positions (although that may not necessarily have been a bad thing).
Probably impractical, but it was a shame that the Swanage Railway did not attempt to replicate the tender pairings of the Exchanges. Given the absence of water troughs, the LMS locos that operated over the Southern Region were paired with four-axled ex-WD tenders with larger water tanks. These were specially given LMS lettering for the occasion. Similarly, ex-Southern types used elsewhere were paired with ex-LMS tenders with water scoops.
Whilst it was an enjoyable Gala (No. 6233 was certainly a big draw) the theme was perhaps a bit half baked.

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Taken 14/10/18 at the Swanage Railway 'The Loco Exchanges' Autumn Steam Gala; with services running late, No. 80104 was looped for quite a time at Harmans cross, It must have taken a while for this service to get to Corfe, which is perhaps an authentic representation of goods trains up until the 1960s.
Mainly because of the gloom I've flipped the next three or four snaps to black and white.

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Taken 14/10/18 at the Swanage Railway 'The Loco Exchanges' Autumn Steam Gala; as I progressively work through scanning my old slides I will come across snaps of No. 34072 during its previously spell of active service on the Swanage Railway, which I think spanned from about 1992 to 2003 (although that sounds a long 10 year boiler certificate, specially as it had a couple of years in steam prior to moving to Swanage!). The loco returned to steam this year. To quote from the Southern Locomotives Limited's website; "... after several years open storage 257 Squadron was moved into Herston works, awaiting its turn for overhaul. With the completion of Sir Keith Park in 2012 work on 257 Squadron began in earnest. Major boiler repairs have extended the time needed to complete the overhaul, and the loco is now expected to re-enter service in [2018]."
