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User / Clement Tang * / Sets / The Silk Road 絲綢之路
Clement Tang / 15 items

N 186 B 7.5K C 336 E Sep 25, 2016 F Apr 12, 2020
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This image is included in 4 galleries :- 1) "中国 China II" curated by Hans-Joachim Paape, 2) "World in Focus G36" by morgonsilkstone, 3) "South East Asia G19" by morgonsilkstone and 4) "China in Focus" by morgonsilkstone.

Echoing-Sand Mountain, known as Mingsha Shan in Chinese, is five kilometers (about three miles) away from the city of Dunhuang. Seen from afar, the mountain is just like a golden dragon winding its way over the horizon. As you approach you become aware that the sand has many colors ranging from red to yellow, green, black and white. On days when a strong wind blows, the fast shifting sand roars; but when the wind is little more than a light breeze, the sand produces gentle, dulcet sounds akin to music. Actually, the sounds are not made by the sand itself. Scientists have three explanations for the sounds. One is that the sand particles, which contain quartz crystals, rub together when flowing downwards under the force of the wind or human footsteps. This friction produces a static charge, which discharges, creating the sound. The second theory is that the dry sand particles can easily produce a sharp, snapping sound when they rub together, especially in hot weather. These individual snapping sounds together create the thundering echo. The last is that the valleys between the sand mountains are natural echo chambers. The grating and static sound made by the falling sand is amplified creating a huge reverberant sound.

The Crescent Lake is also known as the Crescent Spring, Crescent Moon Spring, or Yueya Spring. It can be considered a natural wonder of the Gobi Desert. Just as its name implies, the lake appears like a crescent moon and with its crystal clear water, resembles a turquoise or pearl inlaid in the vast desert. Some say it reminds them of the eye of a beautiful woman, lucid, beautiful and amorous. Others say it looks like the mysterious, gentle and seductive lips of a pretty woman, or a slice of a lush, sweet and crystal cantaloupe.

鳴沙山 位於甘肅省敦煌市西南的沙漠, 東西長40公里, 南北寬20公里, 以沙動成響而出名。沙漠或者沙丘中, 由於沙漠中的特殊氣候和地理條件, 風吹過沙丘, 沙粒在氣流中旋轉, 沙粒表面的细小空洞造成 "空竹" 效應便産生细軟, 悠遠的嗡嗡聲。

月牙泉 位於鳴沙山環抱之中, 以形狀酷似一彎新月而得名。據推測月牙泉至少已有兩千年的歷使, 由於泉水位於沙丘的低窪處, 綿延的沙丘在泉水周圍組成螺旋狀的環繞, 當地盛行的西北風吹進環狀的沙丘, 不斷的將泉水周圍的沙子帶走, 保証了泉水千百年間免受荒漠化的蹂躪。1994年, 鳴沙山月牙泉風景名勝區被列為國家級風景名勝區。

Tags:   Dunhuang Echoing-sand Mountain Crescent Lake China travel Spring afternoon Nature National Geographic HDR Landscape blue sky Turquoise Pool long reed temple pagoda sand dune Gobi Desert The Silk Road 甘肅省 敦煌市 鳴沙山 月牙泉 絲綢之路 Mingsha Shan water reflection in gallery Scenics,notjustlandscapes! GrandeMareGroup side-lit waterscape

N 187 B 12.1K C 394 E Sep 21, 2016 F May 8, 2017
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This image is included in 3 galleries 1) "11. The beauty through the photographer's eyes XI" curated by Susie Sun, 2) "#1" by Thomas Erdmann and 3) "Mother natures capture..." by jim mcmellen.

Listed as UNESCO in 2010, the Zhangye Danxia Landform area is known as “the eye candy of Zhangye”. Many artists admire this masterpiece as it is unbelievably colorful, like a n imaginative oil painting . Zhangye's Danxia landscape has lots of precipitous red cliffs, most of which are several hundred meters high, and multicolored ridges of weathered strata, sometimes stretching to the horizon. These formations, sometimes smooth sometimes sharp, stand out against the greens or grays of the plains , looking grand and magnificent, vigorous and virile.

Across the Danxia landscape zone, a kaleidoscope of numerous red rocky outcrops resemble weird and wonderful shapes like castles, cones, towers ; as well as humans, creatures, birds and beasts. Their peaks peeping through the mist and clouds, produce mirage-like scenery of fantastic mountains and pavilions.

Zhangye 's Danxia was formed by the erosion of red sandstone, forming isolated peaks and steep stratified outcrops. Its special geological structure, combined with long-term desert conditions , freeze-thaw peeling, and wind and water erosion gave rise to its present appearance.

Geologists believe that Danxia topography is formed by folding of layered oceanic crust. Exposed slanting rock layers have different colors, textures, shapes, sizes, and patterns. The combination of differences in density and erosion create towering peaks, cave holes, and stone halls. (Sourced from Internet)


位於中國甘肅省張掖市, 規劃面積322平方公里。 2012年4月, “甘肅張掖丹霞地質公園” 國家地質公園(建設)資格被國土資源部批准。 2016年6月, 經實地驗收, 國土資源部同意命名該處為 “甘肅張掖國家地質公園”。這裡曾因其色彩斑斕的岩石地貌而被中國多家媒體選為中國最美地貌之一, 於2008年1月被甘肅省人民政府批准為省級“肅南-臨澤丹霞地貌風景名勝區”。

該公園位於祁連山北麓, 臨澤縣和肅南縣境內。兩縣均在甘肅省地級市張掖統轄範圍內。丹霞地貌主要分佈在康樂鄉和白銀鄉地段。臨澤丹霞景區是公園的核心區域, 距張掖市區以西30公里, 臨澤縣城以南20公里。這是整個公園發展最為完善, 遊客人數最多的一個景區。 第二大景區冰溝位於梨園河北岸, 於2014年8月3日正式揭牌。 冰溝佔地總面積為300平方公里, 海拔1500-2500米。 第三大景區肅南丹霞景區位於甘肅省臨澤縣。

張掖丹霞因其與眾不同的岩石色彩而舉世聞名。這些岩石光滑而險峻, 高數百米, 是紅礫石, 砂岩和其他礦物經過2400萬年的沉澱堆積而成。這種夾層蛋糕 般的效果與構成喜馬拉雅山脈的地殼板塊運動有關。經年累月的風吹雨淋,最終被雕琢成了如今這番奇特景象, 或形似塔, 或貌似柱, 或溝壑縱橫, 色彩斑斕, 形態各異。

Tags:   Travel Autumn China Concordians closetonature Nature National Geographic blue sky white clouds Landscape Zhangye Danxia Landform 張掖丹霞 HDR The Silk Road 絲綢之路 zhangye danxia geological park. 甘肅張掖國家地質公園 rock formation erosion wispy white clouds UNESCO in gallery CPL filter Scenics,notjustlandscapes! Afternoon

N 212 B 12.2K C 483 E Sep 21, 2016 F Feb 8, 2017
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This image is included in 2 galleries 1)"Great earth" curated by Takako and 2) "Landschaften 2020 0202" by BAKAWI.

Listed as UNESCO in 2010, the Zhangye Danxia Landform area is known as “the eye candy of Zhangye”. Many artists admire this masterpiece as it is unbelievably colorful, like a n imaginative oil painting . Zhangye's Danxia landscape has lots of precipitous red cliffs, most of which are several hundred meters high, and multicolored ridges of weathered strata, sometimes stretching to the horizon. These formations, sometimes smooth sometimes sharp, stand out against the greens or grays of the plains , looking grand and magnificent, vigorous and virile.
Across the Danxia landscape zone, a kaleidoscope of numerous red rocky outcrops resemble weird and wonderful shapes like castles, cones, towers ; as well as humans, creatures, birds and beasts. Their peaks peeping through the mist and clouds, produce mirage-like scenery of fantastic mountains and pavilions.
Zhangye 's Danxia was formed by the erosion of red sandstone, forming isolated peaks and steep stratified outcrops. Its special geological structure, combined with long-term desert conditions , freeze-thaw peeling, and wind and water erosion gave rise to its present appearance.
Geologists believe that Danxia topography is formed by folding of layered oceanic crust. Exposed slanting rock layers have different colors, textures, shapes, sizes, and patterns. The combination of differences in density and erosion create towering peaks, cave holes, and stone halls. (Sourced from Internet)

甘肅張掖國家地質公園位於中國甘肅省張掖市, 規劃面積322平方公里。 2012年4月, “甘肅張掖丹霞地質公園” 國家地質公園(建設)資格被國土資源部批准。 2016年6月, 經實地驗收, 國土資源部同意命名該處為 “甘肅張掖國家地質公園”。這裡曾因其色彩斑斕的岩石地貌而被中國多家媒體選為中國最美地貌之一, 於2008年1月被甘肅省人民政府批准為省級“肅南-臨澤丹霞地貌風景名勝區”。
該公園位於祁連山北麓, 臨澤縣和肅南縣境內。兩縣均在甘肅省地級市張掖統轄範圍內。丹霞地貌主要分佈在康樂鄉和白銀鄉地段。臨澤丹霞景區是公園的核心區域, 距張掖市區以西30公里, 臨澤縣城以南20公里。這是整個公園發展最為完善, 遊客人數最多的一個景區。 第二大景區冰溝位於梨園河北岸, 於2014年8月3日正式揭牌。 冰溝佔地總面積為300平方公里, 海拔1500-2500米。 第三大景區肅南丹霞景區位於甘肅省臨澤縣。
張掖丹霞因其與眾不同的岩石色彩而舉世聞名。這些岩石光滑而險峻, 高數百米, 是紅礫石, 砂岩和其他礦物經過2400萬年的沉澱堆積而成。這種夾層蛋糕 般的效果與構成喜馬拉雅山脈的地殼板塊運動有關。經年累月的風吹雨淋,最終被雕琢成了如今這番奇特景象, 或形似塔, 或貌似柱, 或溝壑縱橫, 色彩斑斕, 形態各異。

Tags:   China travel Nature National Geographic Autumn Concordians Zhangye Danxia Landform Zhangye Danxia Geological Park 甘肅張掖國家地質公園 張掖丹霞 sandstone erosion rock formation hand-held HDR landscape blue sky white clouds NGC NPC 絲綢之路 UNESCO in gallery Scenics,notjustlandscapes! Gansu Province Afternoon

N 131 B 2.8K C 187 E Sep 22, 2016 F Nov 2, 2021
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This image is included in a gallery "INTERPHOTO * TOP FLICKR 2021" curated by Gianfranco Marzetti.

This atmospheric image was taken just outside the Big Reclining Buddha Temple in Zhengyi, Gansu Province, China.

攝於甘肅張掖市西夏國寺廣場, 卧佛寺門外。

Tags:   张掖大佛寺 Zhengyi Gansu Province China incense burning white smoke Travel backlit National Geographic The Silk Road Concordians 甘肅西夏國寺廣場 大睡佛 geo tagged Summer morning 卧佛寺門外 絲綢之路 dark background telephoto lens 大香爐 big incense burner in gallery side-lit

N 95 B 11.8K C 262 E Sep 23, 2016 F Aug 2, 2017
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This image is included in 1 gallery "사막" curated by solji park (gpdlwmf15).

The Flaming Mountains (Chinese: 火焰山; pinyin: huǒyànshān) or Gaochang Mountains are barren, eroded, red sandstone hills in Tian Shan Mountain range, Xinjiang, China. They lie near the northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert and east of the city of Turpan. Their striking gullies and trenches caused by erosion of the red sandstone bedrock give the mountains a flaming appearance at certain times of the day.
The mountains are approximately 100 kilometres (60 mi) long and 5–10 km (3–6 mi) wide, crossing the Turpan Depression from east to west. The average height of the Flaming Mountains is 500 m (1,600 ft), with some peaks reaching over 800 m (2,600 ft). The mountain climate is harsh, and the extremely high summer temperatures make this the hottest spot in China, frequently reaching 50 °C (122 °F) or higher. One of the largest thermometers in China—a popular tourist spot—is on display adjacent to the mountain, tracking the surrounding air temperature.

The temperature at the peak was 58 degrees Centigrade at the time this image was taken.

火焰山 位於新疆吐魯番盆地的中北邊緣。古書稱之為“赤石山”, 蒙古語稱 “烏蘭哈達”(意為紅山), 它主要由中生代的侏羅紀、白堊紀和第三紀的赤紅色砂、礫岩和泥岩組成, 夏季氣候乾熱, 是天山東部博格達山坡前山帶短小的褶皺低丘。東西長約100公里, 南北寬約9公里, 東起鄯善縣蘭干流沙河, 西止吐魯番桃兒溝。平均高度500米左右。火焰山因明代吳承恩著名神話小說《西遊記》而名聞天下。第五十九回至六十一回寫道 “唐三藏路阻火焰山, 孫行者三調芭蕉扇” 的故事, 使火焰山披上一層神秘的色彩。據西遊記原文寫,火焰山之所以年年噴火,是因為500年前孫悟空踢翻八卦爐, 八卦爐的火焰掉到地上, 才形成火焰山。

Tags:   Flaming Mountains Autumn Travel Nature National Geographic China Turpan red sandstone hill hand held HDR very hot Landscape blue sky cloudless Gaochang Moutains Tin Shan Moutain Range Taklamakan Desert Xinjiang 火焰山 絲綢之路 The Silk Road 赤石山 烏蘭哈達 Concordians closetonature 新疆吐魯番盆地 scenic spot geological feature in gallery Scenics,notjustlandscapes! Afternoon
