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Brandon Westerman / 18,081 items

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Esta cueva subterránea, cuyos tramos más antiguos se horadaron en piedra en el siglo el siglo XVI, es considerada como una de las catedrales del vino. Situada en Sotillo de la Ribera, Burgos, es la piedra angular de las Bodegas Ismael Arroyo cuya marca mas celebrada, Valsotillo, cría sus caldos en este histórico lugar.

Alrededor de 1200 metros cuadrados de galerías subterráneas, con paredes secas sin filtraciones de humedad, hacen de ella una bodega única en el mundo del vino, dotada de unas características especiales para la maduración y conservación del mismo.

En 1992 se realizó una ampliación para completar el parque de barricas y botelleros que incrementaron su belleza y que la conectaron con los edificios posteriores dedicados a las primeras fases de la elaboración del vino. Su visita es una delicia para los que llegan hasta aquí, ya que se encuentran ante unas instalaciones en las que se lleva criando el zumo de las uvas desde hace 400 años.

Los vinos de Ismael Arroyo, fundador de la marca ValSotillo así como de la denominación de origen Ribera del Duero en el último cuarto del siglo pasado, son envejecidos en esta histórica bodega en unas excelentes condiciones, de manera natural, a una temperatura constante de 11-12ºC. durante todo el año, junto a la ausencia de vibraciones, ruidos y luz, que permiten a sus caldos alcanzar una excelente crianza.

El proceso de crianza se realiza en barricas de roble americano y francés de 225 litros de capacidad y el resto del tiempo reposa en botella hasta su salida al mercado.

Estos caldos, elaborados ahora por los hijos y nietos de su fundador que continúan una larga tradición familiar, muestran una extraordinaria constitución, amplio bouquet y textura, que sólo puede alcanzarse en estas instalaciones singulares.

This underground cave, whose oldest sections were carved into stone in the 16th century, is considered one of the cathedrals of wine. Located in Sotillo de la Ribera, Burgos, it is the cornerstone of Bodegas Ismael Arroyo whose most celebrated brand, Valsotillo, raises its wines in this historic place.

Around 1,200 square meters of underground galleries, with dry walls without moisture leaks, make it a unique winery in the world of wine, equipped with special characteristics for its maturation and conservation.

In 1992, an extension was made to complete the park of barrels and bottle racks that increased its beauty and connected it with the later buildings dedicated to the first phases of wine production. Their visit is a delight for those who come here, since they find themselves in front of facilities where grape juice has been raised for 400 years.

The wines of Ismael Arroyo, founder of the ValSotillo brand as well as the Ribera del Duero designation of origin in the last quarter of the last century, are aged in this historic winery in excellent conditions, naturally, at a constant temperature of 11-12ºC. throughout the year, together with the absence of vibrations, noise and light, which allow their wines to achieve excellent aging.

The aging process is carried out in American and French oak barrels with a capacity of 225 liters and the rest of the time it rests in the bottle until it is released to the market.

These wines, now made by the children and grandchildren of their founder who continue a long family tradition, show an extraordinary constitution, broad bouquet and texture, which can only be achieved in these unique facilities.


N 951 B 24.7K C 81 E Mar 23, 2024 F Apr 10, 2024
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Deep in a parcel of Weyerhaeuser land in southwest Washington is this thunderous waterfall. Getting here requires purchasing an overpriced permit and trudging 5 miles up a logging road, then scrambling down a steep slope. The trees have been preserved immediately around the creek bed; imagine what it must have been like to walk through miles of old growth to get here.

N 709 B 70.9K C 52 E Sep 9, 2022 F Apr 5, 2024
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The Rhodopes is a mountain in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece, part of the Rilo-Rhodope massif. It is the largest mountain in Bulgaria and occupies about one seventh of the Bulgarian territory. Its length is about 220-240 km, and its width up to 100 km.

Tags:   bulgaria explore amazing photography landscape photo hiking nature mountain stones water waterfall vertical

N 539 B 23.0K C 38 E Jul 9, 2023 F Apr 3, 2024
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Un paraíso llamado Bali, por mucho turismo que haya en algunos lugares, la esencia de este lugar, sigue ahí, intacta.

Canon 5d mark IV y 16-35mm f4

Tags:   waterfall bali green cascada indonesia paisaje landscape minimalism

N 717 B 19.2K C 76 E Apr 1, 2024 F Apr 1, 2024
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It was a cloudy day, but at the last moment the arch was finally painted to bright red by the gap light. It was amazing.


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