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User / sarashevlinphotos / Favorites
Sara Shevlin / 78 items

N 28 B 1.6K C 4 E May 22, 2019 F May 22, 2019
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N 74 B 5.2K C 7 E Apr 26, 2019 F May 4, 2019
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''Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness. All other travel is mere dust and hotels and baggage and chatter.'' - John Muir

Tags:   monochrome Fujifilm Acros Darkness light contrast minimalism street f8

N 21 B 1.3K C 3 E Jun 11, 2018 F Jun 12, 2018
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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Close-up candid street photography from Glasgow, Scotland. She was so close that I couldn't get her fringe in focus but absolutely love this shot. I know her hair is the wrong colour but she reminds me of Leeloo from The Fifth Element movie. Multipass!

Tags:   portrait people urban street candid portraiture closeup street photography candid street photography candid portrait street portrait street life woman female girl pretty face eyes look mood makeup style stylish fashion yellow blonde beauty beautiful character individual enchanting eyeshadow piercing hair tone texture detail depth of field bokeh natural light indoor light shade city scene human life living humanity society culture lifestyle Canon Canon 5D 5D Mk III 70mm EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM color colour Glasgow Scotland UK Leanne Boulton

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© Leanne Boulton, All Rights Reserved

Baron, the Clydesdale often described as a 'gentleman', was the model for the 'heads up' sculpture of the two Kelpies by Andy Scott. Baron had spent some years in Pollok Country Park but, sadly, died last year after retiring to his new home in Oban at the age of 19.

I absolutely loved the curves and form that this angle gave to this magnificent and imposing sculpture. The clouds added some atmosphere that really sang out to me. I toyed with digitally removing the power lines but opted against it, to me they felt like a fence that this beautiful creature had broken free from. Enjoy!

Tags:   landscape park urban urban landscape canal waterway The Kelpies art sculpture metal shape form horse Clydesdale curve sky cloudy clouds dramatic drama head tone texture detail depth natural light outdoor light shade city scene human life humanity culture mythology magical mystical creature Canon Canon 5D 5D Mk III 35mm EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM black white black&white b&w mono black and white monochrome Falkirk Scotland UK Leanne Boulton
