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User / DarwinRobot / Sets / Tall Stories
Dale Robins / 20 items

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The Lilliputians have been busy in the 320-odd years since their chance encounter on the beach with Lemuel Gulliver, and their centuries-long project, ‘The Great Transition’, begun just after the end of that extraordinary experience, is now approaching its conclusion.

The ’Tower of Symphonic Cohesion’ has been completed and activated by dint of the correct orientation of the specified controls. In the vast parkland surrounding the tower, we can see countless millions of expectant Lilliputians, circling the base of their mighty edifice as they begin the final journey inward to illumination and transcendence. Note please the clockwise direction of travel of the swirling masses.

Look closer at the base of that mighty Doric column and you’ll notice that the participants have formed themselves into orderly ranks (mimicking the very flutes of their colossal monolith) before they complete the final part of their journey with a symbolic straight-line march from the edges of the ‘Grand Circus’ to the entrance halls of the magnificent ‘Palace of Comprehension’, wherein they begin their transfiguration.

Once inside, individuals are transformed by the perplexing multi-dimensional geometry found within the structure. Bodies and worldly goods are converted directly into the energy required to maintain the exotic topology, whilst the very essence of each mortal being is recast as pure mind. This naked mind then rises up the vast column in an anticlockwise direction until it enters the ‘Urn of Coalescence’, which sits atop a simple capital at the summit of the tower.

And there, finally, the singular minds of the entire race will coalesce into the luminous, group-consciousness that is the culmination of this stage of their evolution. Once whole, this flawless psyche will take its place amongst the pantheon of unfamiliar beings who inhabit the higher dimensional realities; leaving the Urn and the Tower mere shells, and the Giants to marvel at the power of Lilliput.

If you look carefully, at the back, near to the enclosing wall, you can see another visiting Giant, carefully picking its way along the narrow path around the edge of the parkland, intent on finding the best spot from which to view the impending climax.


I know, such silliness. Never mind. Usual caveats etc.

Twenty hand-held exposures representing 1 minute and 37 seconds of August 21st 2019. Taken in the English Poetry Garden at St. Mary’s House, Bramber, West Sussex.

Tags:   in the round St Mary's House Bramber West Sussex Silliness

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You can't go wrong with some sheet metal and a large quantity of rivets, and here we can see that they've both been put to good use in the construction of an aeroplane; a DC3 in fact.

What I find especially interesting though, is the cargo that this particular DC3 is carrying. Whilst a quick glance at the left-hand window suggests that the pilot is engaged in some sort of (possibly extra-curricular) parcel delivery service (I desparately want it to be for Amazon), the other two windows tell a remarkably different story: The aeroplane appears to be transporting a quantity of sky; and not just any old sky. No, that's premium quality, high altitude wild blue yonder.

Perhaps, during his deliveries, the pilot ventures into previously unexplored areas of the planet; places where things are not what they seem. Or perhaps the deliveries he undertakes are so far away, so off-the-beaten-track as-it-were, that he risks running out of sky and has to take some along as a safety measure just-in-case.

I can hear him now...

'Deploy the sky please Frank.'
'Aye Sir.'
There's the muted click of a switch, the whirring of an opening hatch, the hiss of gasses venting through hoses, and then...
'Sky deployed, Captain.'
'Marvellous, thank you Frank. Carry on.'


Usual caveats etc.

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Behind the ivy creeping tendrils and the shimmering silken veil, burnt by the rain, bitten by the frost, saddened by ages past and yet to come, encircled by the beckoning souls of the dearly departed, still she waits...


Usual caveats and all that.

Found in the graveyard, St. Mary's, Felpham.

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For the world has been invaded by froth and soon the sky too shall fall. Meet your future with stoicism and, putting aside the inevitable fate of mankind, focus on the sheer beauty of what is to come, as all life on the Earth, and indeed the Earth itself, is globulated.


Two inches of water and Fairy Liquid in a milk bottle.


Usual caveats etc.

N 27 B 815 C 9 E Aug 19, 2018 F Jan 29, 2022
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Check the gauge. Twist the stopcock. Ease the lever. Top-up the automatic lubricator. Check the gauge. Adjust the lever. Wipe the metal with the oily rag. Wipe the oily hands on the trouser. Check the fire. Check the gauge. Open the valve, just a little. Lift the peak of the cap. Mop the brow. Wipe the hands on the jacket. Appreciate the compact layout of the modern engine. Retrieve the lunch box. Enjoy the sandwich and the scotch egg. Hanker after a piece of chocolate. Check for tea. Finesse the lever. Check the gauge.

And don’t forget to clean out the boiler every fourteen days.
