A video short to featuring the simplistic charm and beauty of the waterfall, revealing the perfect ending of a perfect morning of hiking and waterfall exploring.
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The Monaro region, a plateau area lying about 1,000 metres above sea level, extends from the valley of the Murrumbidgee River in the north to the Errinundra Plateau in the south. It drops rather sharply to the coast on its eastern side. Much of the region is an ancient highland, but there is basaltic bedrock near Cooma and Nimmitabel that produce the only true chernozems in the whole continent, which are some of the best soils in Australia. Elsewhere the granitic soils are heavily leached and very infertile, supporting a dry forest vegetation before clearing for pastures. The Southern Tablelands Temperate Grassland is a vegetation community that lies in the region.
The Monaro region is characterised by rolling hills that rise to extremely rugged peaks in the Tinderry Mountains and to shallow valleys in the upper Murrumbidgee. The basaltic Monaro Range separates the Snowy and Murrumbidgee drainages. Because the climate in the basaltic areas is too cold for really reliable cropping (Nimmitabel has had frosts in January), the main industry is raising sheep and beef cattle.
Because it is located east of the Snowy Mountains, the rain-bearing westerly winds deposit rain and snow on the mountains leaving the Monaro region in a rain shadow (see southeast Australian foehn). Annual rainfall ranges from 430 millimetres (17 inches) around Dalgety to 700 millimetres (26 inches) at the eastern edge of the plateau, where occasional cyclonic storms can produce extremely heavy rainfall - in one day in June 1975 Nimmitabel received 256 millimetres (over 10 inches) of rain.
Temperatures in summer are warm to very warm, with average maxima ranging from 28 °C (82 °F) around Canberra and Queanbeyan to 22 °C (71 °F) on the highest parts of the plateau. Nights in summer can be cool, but in winter the region is the coldest part of mainland Australia outside the Alps, with July minima averaging -0.3 °C (31.5 °F) in Canberra and -1.5 °C (29.3 °F) in Bombala (Description courtesy of Wikipedia at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaro_(New_South_Wales).
Tags: themonaro monaro nsw monaronsw nimmitabel nimmitabelnsw cooma landscape high plain beef cattle sheep snowy snowymountainsnsw mountains plateau australia agriculture minimalism australiangeographic wildbeachaus
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With heartfelt and genuine thanks for your kind visit. Have a beautiful day, be well, keep your eyes open, appreciate the beauty surrounding you, enjoy creating, stay safe, and laugh often! ❤️❤️❤️
Tags: digital art #art #myart #visualart #abstractart #photomanipulationart #collageart #experimentalart #contemporaryart Art Challenge drawing PicMonkey light black background
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Die katholische Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt ist eine ursprünglich gotische, barockisierte Hallenkirche in Grassau im Landkreis Traunstein in Oberbayern
Tags: baroquechurch Barockkirche Bayern Bavaria baroque Barock Grassau Landkreis Traunstein Oberbayern Deutschland Deckenfresko Deckengemälde Germany Gewölbe Architektur Ausflugsziel Altarraum Kirche Kirchenschiff Kirchendecken Sakralbauten Sakralarchitektur Süddeutschland Innenansichten Kirchen Church Chorraum Motive
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