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User / like_shipwrecks / Sets / Monkey!
Nic Moon / 13 items

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2 boys, 1 girl.

More info later!

Tags:   puppies chihuahua Bambi babies cute newborn life

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Yeah. For the next few weeks there will be a flood of puppy pictures on my stream.

Prepare for cute overload.

I will have a video up of them ASAP!

Tags:   black and white chihuahua puppies puppy newborn chihuahua puppy

N 8 B 2.0K C 32 E Jul 2, 2008 F Jul 2, 2008
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I'm hiding in the bathroom so I can post this without my dad getting mad at me for not cleaning. Anyway it's not the greatest video but here they are!

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The puppies have gotten SO big. I feel bad that I haven't kept you guys updated about them and I regret not taking more pictures of them when they were littler. But I'm going to do better and flood my stream with happy puppy pictures to balance out the depressing self portraits I've been (and probably will continue) to post. They only opened their eyes a few days ago and today they've started attempting to walk instead of scooting around on their bellies. It's SO adorable, they try so hard to stand up and they wobble and fall over but they keep trying, they don't give up and in a way it's kind of inspiring. I need to get a video of it.

Anyway, I needed some cheering up after being sick and depressed and stressed out about various things so I decided to play with Bambi and the puppies. I'm still reading and catching up on this whole photo/drawing/copyright mess and I don't want to get into it here because I guess Flickr is going around deleting everyone's posts about it which kind of pisses me off, and I don't want this post to get deleted because of that. But I AM still working on it and getting back to emails and stuff, I just want to go back and re-read everything and makes sure I have all the facts and understand everything before I comment on it, and I hope you guys understand why it's taking me so long, I just want to reiterate that I'm not ignoring the situation, it has my full attention and it is being taken care of.

Moving on.

I haven't talked to my friends in such a long time. I miss them incredibly and I'm kind of afraid to call anyone now because it's been so long and I'm afraid that a certain few are mad/frustrated at me and don't want to talk to me or have given up on me and want nothing to do with me anymore. But I'm going to call them tomorrow anyway and explain things and hope for the best. I'm not saying they shouldn't be mad or frustrated at me, I just don't like it and I know it's my fault. I just hate messing things up and I seem to be pretty good at it.

Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, probably laundry because I have no clean clothes and just cleaning up around the house as well as catching up with friends and the internet. I really want to call my dad and ask him about our lawyer and if it would be okay if I contacted him but my dad's in Turkey and I feel bad bothering him about something like this while he's working. I know when he leaves the country especially that he works longer hours and gets less sleep and I'm sure he doesn't need to hear about my photography problems. It kind of makes me wish he wasnt staying there so long. Kind of.

Hopefully Friday me and mom are going to see Wall-E, which I am SO excited for. I wanted to see it the day it came out but unfortunately that didn't happen. But yay for Friday, I can't wait!

Tomorrow I'm going to try and see if my mom will take me out to get some lights from Lowes and to the fabric store for some backdrop material, so that will be exciting. She said she would let me have $60 to put one together. If anyone has reccomendations on what types of lights or fabric to get that would be awesome. Hint hint.

I have so much more to talk about but this is long enough and if I keep going it's likely to go on forever and bore you all to death.

So I'll leave it at this. Let the aww-ing commence!

Tags:   365 365days puppy chihuahua chihuahua puppy pink pink hair self portrait piercings lip ring nose ring septum piercing awww July 16 2008

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Tags:   puppy chihuahua chihuahua puppy pink pink hair self portrait lip ring awww
