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User / HEN-Magonza / Sets / Paintings - Robert Campin
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Nachfolger von / Follower of Robert Campin
Madonna mit dem Kind und Heiligen im Hortus Conclusus - Madonna and Child with Saints in the Enclosed Garden (ca. 1440 - 60)
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

This large panel painting by a follower of Robert Campin combines the new interest in nature of the fifteenth-century Netherlandish artists with a long tradition of symbolic religious painting. There is a thoroughly believable quality about the heavy folds of drapery, the delicate leaves of the flowers, and the shallow space within the garden walls. Yet this world is invested with mystical overtones through the figures' quiet poses and the minutely observed details which are painted in glowing oil colors and displayed in a steady light.

John the Baptist holds a lamb, recalling his recognition of Christ as the "Lamb of God." Seated on the left is Catherine of Alexandria with her sword and wheel, the instruments of her martyrdom. Saint Barbara offers Jesus an apple or a quince, an age-old symbol of love. Her special attribute is the impregnable tower, a symbol of her chastity. Half-hidden by Saint Anthony's robe, a pig beside him symbolizes gluttony, recalling his triumph over temptation.

The walled garden refers to a passage from the Song of Solomon where a bridegroom speaks of his beloved as "a garden enclosed ... a fountain sealed." To early Christian and medieval theologians, Mary became associated with this bride, and the enclosed garden symbolized her virginity and also the lost Eden which is regained through Christ's birth. Even the doorway recalls Christ's saying, "I am the door. No man cometh unto the Father but by me."

Source: NGA

Tags:   National Gallery of Art Washington Nachfolger von Robert Campin Follower of Robert Campin Madonna mit dem Kind und Heiligen im Hortus Conclusus Madonna and Child with Saints in the Enclosed Garden

N 1 B 2.1K C 1 E Nov 27, 2015 F Nov 29, 2015
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Robert Campin, auch Meister von Flémalle genannt (Valenciennes 1378/79 - Tournai 1444/45) oder ein Nachfolger
Maria mit dem Kind am Kamin (ca. 1440)
National Gallery, London

The Virgin is seated on a wooden bench in front of a large wicker firescreen, the shape of which suggests a halo, and appears to have been nursing the infant Christ. She is shown as the Queen of Heaven in her palace. Her richly ornamented dress, precious book, the cushions and the inlaid floor are all evocative of extraordinary splendour. By contrast, her child is shown naked, as if to emphasise his humanity.

The painting underwent a major restoration in the 19th century. A broad strip on the right and a narrow strip at the top were added. The cupboard on the right, on which a chalice is placed, is unlikely to be an accurate reflection of the original composition.

The view through the window is a feature of early Netherlandish painting. All its realistic details are not easily visible to the naked eye. They include a row of shops, horsemen, and men with a ladder fighting a fire.
Source: National Gallery, London

Tags:   Robert Campin Meister von Flémalle Master of Flémalle Maria mit dem Kind am Kamin The Virgin and Child before a fire screen National Gallery London

N 1 B 1.9K C 0 E Nov 27, 2015 F Nov 29, 2015
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Robert Campin, auch Meister von Flémalle genannt (Valenciennes 1378/79 - Tournai 1444/45) oder ein Nachfolger
Maria mit dem Kind am Kamin (ca. 1440)
National Gallery, London

The Virgin is seated on a wooden bench in front of a large wicker firescreen, the shape of which suggests a halo, and appears to have been nursing the infant Christ. She is shown as the Queen of Heaven in her palace. Her richly ornamented dress, precious book, the cushions and the inlaid floor are all evocative of extraordinary splendour. By contrast, her child is shown naked, as if to emphasise his humanity.

The painting underwent a major restoration in the 19th century. A broad strip on the right and a narrow strip at the top were added. The cupboard on the right, on which a chalice is placed, is unlikely to be an accurate reflection of the original composition.

The view through the window is a feature of early Netherlandish painting. All its realistic details are not easily visible to the naked eye. They include a row of shops, horsemen, and men with a ladder fighting a fire.
Source: National Gallery, London

Tags:   Robert Campin Meister von Flémalle Master of Flémalle Maria mit dem Kind am Kamin The Virgin and Child before a fire screen National Gallery London

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Robert Campin, auch Meister von Flémalle genannt (Valenciennes 1378/79 - Tournai 1444/45)
Stillende Gottesmutter (um 138 - 30)

Die Tafeln Gnadenstuhl, stillende Gottesmutter und hl. Veronika zählen zu den bedeutendsten Werken der altniederländischen Malerei. Im 19. Jahrhundert wiederentdeckt, nannte man ihren Schöpfer nach dem vermeintlichen Herkunftsort seiner Hauptwerke „Meister von Flémalle“. Erst zu Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts gelang seine Identifizierung als Robert Campin, dem Lehrer Rogier van der Weydens.

Dieser schuf um 1430 einen doppelt wandelbaren Altar, der bis auf die Städel-Bilder verloren ist. Die Werktagsseite zeigte zwei Grisailledarstellungen, darunter den Gnadenstuhl. Die erste Wandlung präsentierte sonntags vier vollfarbige weibliche Heilige, darunter die beiden anderen Städel-Tafeln. Die zweite Wandlung, die den hohen Feiertagen vorbehalten war, stellte den Gläubigen im Schreinkasten vermutlich vollplastische, farbig gefasste Skulpturen vor Augen, auf den Flügelinnenseiten hingegen Flachreliefs mit Szenen aus der Heilsgeschichte. In der monumentalen Auffassung und intensiven psychologischen Durchdringung der dargestellten Figuren, in der überwältigenden detailrealitischen Wiedergabe der sichtbaren Welt und ihrer gleichzeitigen symbolischen Überhöhung stehen Robert Campins Tafeln gleichberechtigt neben dem berühmtesten Werk der Gebrüder van Eyck, dem Genter Altar.

Quelle: www.staedelmuseum.de/

Tags:   Frankfurt Städel Robert Campin Mister von Flémalle Schweißtuch der Veronika Veil of Veronica Jesus Hessen Hesse Deutschland Germany Frankfurt am Main

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Tags:   Frankfurt Städel Robert Campin Mister von Flémalle Stillende Gottesmutter Madonna Nursing Virgin Mary Jesuskind Infant Jesus Hessen Hesse Deutschland Germany Frankfurt am Main
