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Daniel Cheong / 50 items

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Leica M-P & Summilux-M 35mm

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my written permission.
© Toni_V. All rights reserved.

Tags:   M2404817 Rangefinder digital rangefinder Messsucher Leica-M Leica M-P typ 240 35LUX 35mm/f1.4asphFLE Hiking Wanderung randonnée escursione trail Wanderweg sentiero Chemin Val d'Ambra TESSIN TICINO Alps Alpen Landscape Landschaft Frühling spring Primavera ©Toni_V 2024 24-04-20

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Can a hyper-real painting movement born from photography make a U turn?
The debate being, can photorealism be turned back upon itself?

A friend of mine who scores for motion pictures informed me such is quite often the case in producing music for movies.
Inspiration is found in a piece of modern pop music which in turn was written with the help of classical music. Thus a root hundreds of years old loops around to present it's leaves on the big screen today.

Plus, Though having a camera with me I purposefully took this picture using my iPhone to extend the line of iPhones within the image outward. And if you are looking at this photo on your iPhone you further extend that line...........

And if someone takes a picture of you looking at this photo on your iPhone with their iPhone -on and on and on...

The success of this shot lies in that couch at the very edge of the foreground. It begins the cascade of layering .

Tags:   photorealism modernism cubism

N 12 B 37 C 2 E Apr 14, 2024 F Apr 25, 2024
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Tags:   scenery Vietnam Mountain-view Landscape skyline

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photo rights reserved by B℮n

The Siberian jay, also known as the Siberian tit, is found in the expansive coniferous forests and taiga regions of northern Finland. Finland provides a suitable habitat for Siberian jays due to the abundance of coniferous forests rich in food sources like seeds, berries, and insects essential for their survival. Siberian jays are comparable in size to a Eurasian nuthatch and have a distinctive appearance with a gray-brown body, light underparts, and rusty-red wing markings. Siberian jays are known for their bold and curious behavior around humans. Although I don't consider myself a bird photographer, a curious Siberian jay perched on a branch in front of me, allowing me to capture a good photograph with my zoom lens. They are opportunistic feeders and often visit campgrounds and human settlements in search of food. During the warmer months, Siberian jays gather a variety of food items including seeds, berries, nuts, insects, and small animals like mice. They bury or hide these food caches in various locations within their territory. In winter, they return to these stored food supplies to survive when natural food sources become scarce. They are highly skilled at relocating their hidden food, even under a layer of snow. This ability to store and retrieve food enables them to endure the harsh winter months when food resources are limited in the taiga. Siberian jays are social birds often seen in family groups or small flocks. They exhibit complex social behaviors including cooperative actions like mobbing predators and communicating with each other through distinctive calls and songs. My admiration for this small bird grew after encountering this curious Siberian jay.

Located in northern Finland, the Korouoma Nature Reserve is an impressive area known for its deep gorge, steep rock walls, and beautiful waterfalls. The reserve is a popular destination for nature lovers, hikers, climbers, and adventurers. The nature reserve also offers several hiking trails and viewpoints where visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding wilderness. There are several marked trails that vary in length and difficulty, catering to both novice and experienced hikers. The reserve is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, including rare plants, birds, and mammals. It is an excellent place for bird watchers, offering opportunities to see birds of prey, owls, and other species. During my visit, I encountered the Siberian jay, also known as the Siberian taiga or Siberian tit. These birds are integral to the taiga ecosystem, contributing to seed dispersal and pest control. Their adaptability to harsh winters and their curious interactions with humans make them a fascinating subject for ornithologists and nature enthusiasts. Korouoma Nature Reserve is a true treasure for nature lovers and a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to experience the breathtaking beauty of the Finnish wilderness.

De Siberische jay, ook bekend als de Siberische mees, komt voor in de uitgestrekte naaldbossen en taigagebieden in het noorden van Finland. Finland biedt een geschikt leefgebied voor Siberische jays vanwege de overvloed aan naaldbossen, die rijk zijn aan voedselbronnen zoals zaden, bessen en insecten die deze vogels nodig hebben om te overleven. Siberische jays zijn vergelijkbaar in grootte met een boomklever en hebben een kenmerkend uiterlijk met een grijsbruin lichaam, lichte onderkant en roestrode vleugelmarkeringen. Siberische jays staan bekend om hun brutale en nieuwsgierige gedrag rond mensen. Hoewel ik mezelf niet beschouw als een vogelfotograaf, ging deze nieuwsgierige Siberische jay op een takje voor mij zitten. Met mijn zoemlens kon ik hem vrij goed fotograferen. Ze zijn opportunistische eters en zullen vaak campings en menselijke nederzettingen bezoeken op zoek naar voedsel. Tijdens de warmere maanden verzamelen Siberische jays een verscheidenheid aan voedsel, waaronder zaden, bessen, noten, insecten en kleine dieren zoals muizen. Ze begraven of verbergen deze voedselvoorraden op verschillende locaties in hun territorium. In de winter keren ze terug naar deze opgeslagen voedselvoorraden om te overleven wanneer natuurlijke voedselbronnen schaars zijn. Ze zijn zeer bedreven in het terugvinden van hun verborgen voedsel, zelfs onder een laag sneeuw. Dit vermogen om voedsel op te slaan en later terug te vinden, stelt hen in staat om te overleven tijdens de strenge wintermaanden, wanneer voedselbronnen beperkt zijn in de taiga. Siberische jays zijn sociale vogels en worden vaak gezien in familiegroepen of kleine zwermen. Ze hebben complexe sociale structuren en vertonen samenwerkingsgedrag, zoals het belagen van roofdieren. Mijn respect voor dit kleine vogeltje is gegroeid door mijn ontmoeting met deze nieuwsgierige Siberische jay.
