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User / diffendale / Sets / Locri Epizefiri / Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί
Dan Diffendale / 100 items

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Fragment of a recumbent male with vegetal crown, with traces of red paint on the face.
Classical period, mid 5th c. BCE
From bothros (votive pit) no. 8, in the courtyard of the U-shaped stoa in the sacred area of Centocamere, Epizephyrian Lokroi (on Pleiades; PECS-Perseus; Attalus; Wikipedia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Locri Epizefiri (ArcheoCalabriaVirtual, Locri Antica)
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria

Tags:   Epizephyrian Locris Locri Epizefiri Λοκροὶ Επιζεφύριοι Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί Locres Lokroi Epizephyrioi museum museo musée μουσείο archaeological archeologico artifact display exhibit arkeoloji müzesi Calabria Bruttium Kalabrien Καλαβρία Kalabrio Calabre Кала́брия Italy Italia Italien Ιταλία Italie Italië Италия Italio terracotta sculpture scultura statue Γλυπτική γλυπτό statuary estatua statua statuo Bildhauerei escultura skulptarto heykel άγαλμα 5th c. BCE Mid 5th c. BCE pleiades:findspot=452369 Greek greco Magna Grecia Western Greece Greater Greece colonial apoikia Classical

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Made from a reused transport amphora
4th c. BCE
One of six found in the Casa dei Leoni ("House of the Lions"), Epizephyrian Lokroi (on Pleiades; PECS-Perseus; Attalus; Wikipedia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Locri Epizefiri (ArcheoCalabriaVirtual, Locri Antica)
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria

Tags:   Epizephyrian Locris Locri Epizefiri Λοκροὶ Επιζεφύριοι Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί Locres Lokroi Epizephyrioi museum museo musée μουσείο archaeological archeologico artifact display exhibit arkeoloji müzesi Calabria Bruttium Kalabrien Καλαβρία Kalabrio Calabre Кала́брия Italy Italia Italien Ιταλία Italie Italië Италия Italio Adonis ceramics ceramica vessel vase clay κεραμική pottery pots αγγεία vasellame 4th c. BCE pleiades:findspot=452369 Greek greco Magna Grecia Western Greece Greater Greece colonial apoikia

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Identified as Cucumis melo flexuosus, the Armenian cucumber, a type of muskmelon (EDIS; Wikipedia).
From the sanctuary at Mannella, Epizephyrian Lokroi (on Pleiades; PECS-Perseus; Attalus; Wikipedia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Locri Epizefiri (ArcheoCalabriaVirtual, Locri Antica)
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria

Tags:   Epizephyrian Locris Locri Epizefiri Λοκροὶ Επιζεφύριοι Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί Locres Lokroi Epizephyrioi museum museo musée μουσείο archaeological archeologico artifact display exhibit arkeoloji müzesi Calabria Bruttium Kalabrien Καλαβρία Kalabrio Calabre Кала́брия Italy Italia Italien Ιταλία Italie Italië Италия Italio sanctuary santuario shrine cult-place sacred place luogo di culto area sacra ιερό ἱερόν hieron ex-voto offering votive pleiades:findspot=452369 Greek greco Magna Grecia Western Greece Greater Greece colonial apoikia

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With motifs recalling contemporary Attic and Corinthian productions.
Produced at Locri during the 2nd half of the 6th c. BCE (Archaic period)
From the sanctuary at Mannella, Epizephyrian Lokroi (on Pleiades; PECS-Perseus; Attalus; Wikipedia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Locri Epizefiri (ArcheoCalabriaVirtual, Locri Antica)
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria

Tags:   Epizephyrian Locris Locri Epizefiri Λοκροὶ Επιζεφύριοι Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί Locres Lokroi Epizephyrioi museum museo musée μουσείο archaeological archeologico artifact display exhibit arkeoloji müzesi Calabria Bruttium Kalabrien Καλαβρία Kalabrio Calabre Кала́брия ceramics ceramica vessel vase clay κεραμική pottery pots αγγεία vasellame Italy Italia Italien Ιταλία Italie Italië Италия Italio 6th c. BCE 2nd half 6th c. BCE mid 6th c. BCE late 6th c. BCE Black Figure pleiades:findspot=452369 Greek greco Magna Grecia Western Greece Greater Greece colonial apoikia Archaic arcaico

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Archaic period, 1st half of the 6th c. BCE
From the sanctuary at Mannella, Epizephyrian Lokroi (on Pleiades; PECS-Perseus; Attalus; Wikipedia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Locri Epizefiri (ArcheoCalabriaVirtual, Locri Antica)
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria

Tags:   Epizephyrian Locris Locri Epizefiri Λοκροὶ Επιζεφύριοι Επιζεφύριοι Λοκροί Locres Lokroi Epizephyrioi museum museo musée μουσείο archaeological archeologico artifact display exhibit arkeoloji müzesi Calabria Bruttium Kalabrien Καλαβρία Kalabrio Calabre Кала́брия ceramics ceramica vessel vase clay κεραμική pottery pots αγγεία vasellame Italy Italia Italien Ιταλία Italie Italië Италия Italio 6th c. BCE 1st half 6th c. BCE early 6th c. BCE mid 6th c. BCE pleiades:findspot=452369 Greek greco Magna Grecia Western Greece Greater Greece colonial apoikia Archaic arcaico
