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Michael Figdor / 570 items

N 304 B 12.9K C 182 E Apr 21, 2016 F May 19, 2016
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Escher Rose Profile . Two Leaves / Wings
Mirror / Heaven • Simply Red

Setting saiLs .
Inside out -
Outside in .

..... But
you know ,

At least
we are exiled

When you open your eyes / heart to the world
you are on your own
for the first time

No one
is even interested in saving you

And the world
steps in

To test the calm fluidity of your body
from moment to moment

As if
it believed you could join
its vibrant dance

Of fire and calmness
final stillness.

As if
you were meant to be exactly
where you are

As if
like the dark branch of a desert river
you could flow on without a speck
of guilt and everything

would still be just as it should be.

As if
your place in the world

And the world
could neither speak nor hear
the fullness

Of its own
bitter and beautiful

the deep well
of your body

in the echo.

that it takes only
that one, terrible

to make the circle

must be terrible

you can never

Your voice

-- David Whyte


Dance of the wings of love . Roots of life
For the field record: www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/05/biologists-identify-backu...

Tags:   Path Layers of Bokeh Soul less is more

N 59 B 23.4K C 32 E Sep 2, 2012 F Sep 13, 2012
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Interior of the hand. Sole that has come to walk ~ {sie anfüllt mit Ankunft}
only feelings. That faces up ~ {wandert und ankommt in ihnen}
and in its mirror ~ {zur Landschaft macht}
receives heavenly roads, which travel ~ {die ihresgleichen}
anlong themselves ~ {Die auftritt in andren Händen}
That has learned to walk on water ~ {aller Wege Wandlerin}
when it scoops ~ {wenn sie erschöpft}
that walks upon wells ~ {Die gelernt hat, auf Wasser zu gehen}
transfiguring every path ~ {wandelnden}
That steps into other hands, ~ {himmlische Straßen empfängt, die selber}

changes those that are like it ~ {und im Spiegel}
into a landscape ~ {als auf Gefühl. Die sich nach oben hält}
wanders and arrives within them, ~ {Sohle, die nicht mehr geht}
fills them with arrival ~ {Innres der Hand}

All this stood upon her and was the world
and stood upon her with all its fear and grace
as trees stand, growing up, imageless
yet wholly image, like the Ark of God,
and solemn, as if imposed upon an entire race.

And she endured it all: bore up under
the swift-as-flight, the fleeting, the far-gone,
the inconceivably vast, the still-to-learn,
serenely as a woman carrying water
moves with a full jug.

Till the midst of play,
transfiguring and preparing for the future,
the first white veil descended, gliding softlyover opened face, almost opaque there,
never to be lifted off again, and somehow
giving to all her questions just one answer:

In You, who were a child once ~
In You.

- ISBN 0 - 679 - 60161 - 9 (From: The Modern Library of the World´s Best Books)

~ The Philosopher Schopenhauer once recorded a remarkable conversation between Goethe and himself concerning light. Schopenhauer suggested that light is a purely subjective, psychological phenomenon, and without sight, light could not be said to exist. Goethe responded vehemently, as Schopenhauer describes it: " ´

What,`he [Goethe] once said to me, staring at me with his Jupiter-like eyes. `Light should only exist in as much as it is seen? No! `You` would not exist if the light di not see you!` "

Goethe as botanist well knew the life-giving powers of light. In addition, he felt that light brought forth not only light but also could, through its ceaseless action, create the very organ suited to perceive it.

Evolution has occurred in the context of light, and over time body [and mind] responded with the organ of sight. Goethe phrased it this way:

"The eye owes its existence to the light. Out of indifferent animal organs the light produces an organ/mirror to correspond to itself; and so the eye is formed by the light for the light, so that the inner light may meet the outer."

Light, ever active, created the eye. It sculpted an organ suited to itself, like streaming water shaping the stones over and through which it flows. Had light not "seen" man, we should never have seen the light.

What Goethe pointed out to at the concrete level of human physiology is likewise true for more subtle organs of the soul. Cézanne´s looking and working and working, the Buddhist in his meditations,

Goethe through his ceaseless artistic and scientific undertakings, each of them aimed at the birthing of the "necessary organ, the inward instrument" needed to see more deeply into nature. And the opportunity for this practice is ever-present, for, as Goethe says, "Every object, well contemplated, opens up a new organ within us."

IF every culture and period have thought so variously about light, and if quantum theory has stripped light of its naively imagined attributes, then what of certainty is left to the nature of light at the end of this evolutionary drama?

Everything. The true artist, monk, and scientist are not searching to grasp knowledge as object, but rather as an Event. The moment of critical apercu, or insight.

For millenia one can see the sun rise and never notice the rotation of the earth. One can throw a thousand rocks and never see their parabolic flight. We can wake each morning for sixty years to the glow of the dawn and never see light. Why?

Because one rushes past the immediate offerings of the senses to what we suppose to be the hidden, enduring, primary objects of reality. The habits of our culture, the dogmas of our education constrain our sight. Atoms become immortal gods, photons their stern messagers.

Knowledge is not an object to be traded like chattel, but an epiphanous magic moment to be cherished in the here and now.

Too often we bypass epiphanies for a currency or fashion more ready to hand, for an abstract notion, an old insight in a new dress, an equation whose characters could reveal, but which, in fact, we allow to go unread.

These are the milestones of knowing instead of the bread, they are idols instead of gods. Epiphanous knowing presupposes organs for insight, inward instruments; and new knowing requires new instruments to be mirrored.

We each possess the rudiments of every organ, but we deny them nuture they need, we neglect the praxis in whose light/love they might grow and flourish.

The photon is not an object to be hefted in the hand like a clod of earth. Its elusiveness draws us to the essentials of knowing as seeing, to knowledge as an event.

Understood in this way, insights into light´s multifaceted nature are not the exclusive property of the twenty-first century physics. Our present insights do not exhaust the wealth of light, but complement the genuine insights of the past.

The future also has become clearer. The archetypal experiments of quantum optics and the meditations of the contemporary poet offer us equally the opportunity for fresh magic apercu in the here and now, but only if we have the patience to educate ourselves in light, to make ourselves concentric with its nature [life through a lens], as Cézanne and Buddha recommend.

OVER MILLENIA, CULTURES have embraced and discarded countless images of light. Within a single lifetime, likewise, we have lived within and shed successive understandings of light.

Through research, artistic praxis, and quiet contemplation, light´s elusive being constantly re-creates itself in our mind´s eye, offering fresh epiphanies of creativity to every new generation.

When seen with a thousand eyes, Light will finally rest within us, in the haven we have made [Derek Walcott: Love After Love].

Seeing light is a metaphor for seeing the invisible in the visible, for detecting the fragile imaginal garment that holds our planet and all existence together.

Once we have learned to see light, surely - everything else will follow.

Arthur Zajonc: Catching The Light ....

Tags:   RMR Colouring a silhouette rose bud Glow from within Contralux ~ There is no horizone/spoon ~ mirror-like improv crazy wisdom

N 56 B 2.5K C 44 E Aug 27, 2012 F Aug 28, 2012
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~~~ On How To Grow A New Non ~ Non ~ Existing Bodhi~ Tree In The Zen-Garden, ~ Being On The ] Other Side Of ~ The [ Non ~ Non ~ Exisiting Bridge **))


Tags:   MeaningOfRoots ShadowsUnveilingTrueColours TrueColoursOfIInnerLight~EverchangingReflectionsOnTheSurface&OuterWorldInTheStreamOfAuthenticLife EncodingTheOutlinsOfWhatIsReflectionOfTheMind&WhatTrueNo~Mind* (((;WhatIsTheColourOfWater/Mind/Light? InversedColours&VerticalMirrorImageOfPreviousUpload OutsideIn

N 252 B 8.3K C 96 E Aug 28, 2014 F Oct 14, 2014
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Musik, die einen atmen lässt beim verinnerLichten Betrachten eines impressionistischen Gemäldes ... Der Ton, der aus der Mitte kommt .

Dedicated , as ever , mit dem Ausdruck tiefer Dankbarkeit to M.J. für ein besonders gelungenes " Intermezzo" zwischen den "Spielräumen", von Ihrer Fan-Gemeinde ;-)


Measure. The minimum time it is necessary to spend frowning in deep concentration at each picture in an art gallery in order that everyone else doesn`t think you´re a complete moron.

- Douglas Adams & John Lloyd: The Meaning of Life. The Original Dictionary of things there should be words for. New & unimproved. 30th Anniversary Edition. Boxtree and Faber and Faber. 2013 & Prefaces therein .

Tags:   Everybody loves P!nk.

N 232 B 5.7K C 41 E Jan 15, 2014 F Jan 15, 2014
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