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User / Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature / Sets / Woodlark
3 items

N 123 B 4.4K C 127 E Apr 17, 2019 F Apr 19, 2019
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Woodlark - Lullula arborea

The secretive Woodlark favours open, dry habitats with short grasses. It can be seen all year-round, but is most notable in February and March. Mostly, it is a resident bird, feeding on seeds and insects, but does move to farmland stubbles for the autumn and early winter. Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Scattered trees and woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Breeds in Eastern and Southern England, including in the New Forest and Breckland. Overwinters in the south and south west of the country.

Classified in the UK as Green under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015). Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.

Tags:   Woodlark Lark Larks Birds. Avian Animal Animals Wildlife. Wildbirds Woodlands Wildlife Photography Jeff Lack Photography Heathland Hedgerows Heathlands Heaths Moorland Moors Meadows Forest Forests Forestry Trees Song-Birds Countryside Nature NGC NPC

N 267 B 10.7K C 112 E Apr 17, 2019 F Apr 21, 2019
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Woodlark - Lullula arborea

The secretive Woodlark favours open, dry habitats with short grasses. It can be seen all year-round, but is most notable in February and March. Mostly, it is a resident bird, feeding on seeds and insects, but does move to farmland stubbles for the autumn and early winter. Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Scattered trees and woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Breeds in Eastern and Southern England, including in the New Forest and Breckland. Overwinters in the south and south west of the country.

Classified in the UK as Green under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015). Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.

Tags:   Woodlark Larks Lark Birds. Avian Animal Animals Wildlife. Wildbirds Woodlands Wildlife Photography Jeff Lack Photography Farmland Forest Forests Forestry Moorland Meadows Moors Heathland Heathlands Heaths Hedgerows Countryside Copse Glades Song-Birds Summer Migrant Nature NGC

N 141 B 3.5K C 85 E Apr 17, 2019 F Apr 27, 2019
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Woodlark - Lullula arborea

The secretive Woodlark favours open, dry habitats with short grasses. It can be seen all year-round, but is most notable in February and March. Mostly, it is a resident bird, feeding on seeds and insects, but does move to farmland stubbles for the autumn and early winter. Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Scattered trees and woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Breeds in Eastern and Southern England, including in the New Forest and Breckland. Overwinters in the south and south west of the country.

Classified in the UK as Green under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015). Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.

Tags:   Woodlark Lark Larks Song-Birds Summer Migrant Birds. Bird Avian Animal Animals Wildlife. Wildbirds Woodlands Wildlife Photography Jeff Lack Photography Woodland Heathland Heathlands Heaths Farmland Forest Forests Forestry Countryside Nature
